Oct 14, 2019

Reactions To My Trump Divorce

The push back against my divorce from Donald Trump was adamant. To a Republican friend, it was only a matter of time before I would be advocating  redistribution of wealth. When I republished the post on a conservative social media track, the nicest comment was calling me a traitor.

Because the straw that broke my support was the green light given Erdogan, I felt compelled to find informed analysis contrary to mine.  I say informed, because many Trump supporters don't seem heavy on that trait.  I did find some analysts who felt the Turks were coming anyway, and Trump either had to reposition our forces, or fight another ally, Turkey...  They discounted being able to dissuade Erdogan from crossing the border.  However, that viewpoint makes one doubt that Trump can now get Erdogan to slow down his attack,  despite threats of economic sanctions.

Getting back to this question of how informed Trump supporters actually are, I watched a segment of Trump's rally on Friday night in Minneapolis.  Many of those present were wearing red shirts and being delighted by Trump saying that "Biden kissed Obama's ass."  While some newscasters complained about how unpresidential that comment was,  all I could think of was the Jerry Springer show.

While it is apparent that those willing to dress in a red tee-shirt won't change their support of Trump over the plight of the Kurds,  how many are like me remains to be seen. .  My support for Trump didn't flip just because of the Kurds, but rather a build up of winces...you can only wince so many times.


  1. Well Mike, if you've divorced Trump, which Democrat are you going to support?
    Joe Biden? who shakes down foreign leaders to enrich himself and his children

    Elizabeth Warren? who can't keep all of her lies straight, and i'm sure there is more to come

    Bernie Sanders? who wants to reincarnate the Soviet Union in Washington?

    Or Hillary Clinton? She is going to step in the race, after all, she feels entitled to be President.

    Personally, I have a feeling Trump will come out smelling like a rose on this one. Keeping us out of another never-ending quagmire in the Middle East

  2. Mike, the truth is most Trump supporters are far more informed than your average educated liberal. Conservatives/Trump supporters live in a liberal universe, it permeates our existence in films, entertainment, the news, culture. Hence, we know how they think and what they know about politics.

    Three years ago I agreed with you about Trump. I was very anti-Trump in the R primaries. I only voted for him because Hillary was worse, far worse. I suspect you won't have to like Trump to vote for him next year, you will do it because he will be by far the least bad choice.

  3. Scott, I believe that the 2020 election will be essentially just a referendum on Trump, for or against. It was my hunch in 2016 that Trump would grow into the job, I don't believe that he has. The conservatives, who are now in a forced married with Trump, are spinning what's going on in Syria as fulfilling a campaign promise. I believe that it is more likely that he simply was outmaneuvered by Erdogan.

    I believe that who ever the Democratic candidate turns out to be, he/she will not be able to implement a radical left agenda. I will keep you informed on my thinking as the campaign season progresses.

    1. Really? You don't think? Who in Germany believed what was going to happen would? Is is worth hoping something doesn't happen? Let's face it, you have very few policy differences with Trump, it's more a question of style.

  4. One more thing, is Trump any worse than the Democrats have been for years. Why are we not appalled by the use of the F bombs and other crass langue of Democratic candidates and leaders? Why are we not recoiling recoiling from their constant use of ugly, accusatory rhetoric that often has the effect of inciting real violence. Why do we not demand the Democrats condemn and separate themselves for the extremists who use both physical and rhetorical violence as a political weapon?

    In short, we can blame the Democrats for Trump, for well over two decades they have embraced, welcomed, and exploited the degrading of our culture and civility. Now they have the temerity to complain about Trump's tone?

    By the way, if Obama had done exactly what Trump did in Syria the Democrats, everyone of them would have endorsed the move. You will notice it is the Republicans who actually have diverse opinions and and state them openly. Elected Republicans, and conservative writers feel no need to pull their punches with any Republican president and are given air and print space to do it, even on FOX and in conservative publications. For this reason alone, one should support the Right in America over the Left. The Right follows the Enlightenment principles of liberty, capitalism, individualism, free expression,and tolerance. The left follows the philosophy of Marx, Engles, Lenin, Moa... and worse, the belief that the state is the only vehicle that can improve the human condition. This thinking had led to the death of 100 million souls in the twentieth century. This is the thinking embraced by every Democratic candidate running for president.

    In light of this, one foreign policy choice seems rather insignificant.

  5. As a resident of Minneapolis, Trump hit the refugee problem right on the head. Back in 2010 Obama 'dumped' 43,000 Somali refugees in Minneapolis. These third world people didn't speak English, had no marketable skills, little or no education. Chain migration swelled the Somali population to 80,000.

    Us taxpayers had to foot the bill for complete support and entitlements to these people. They wreaked havoc in the school system. It was a complete abuse of power - us citizens had no say in this refugee program - it was more like an invasion. I would have rather given my tax dollars to American citizens who are needy.

    I don't hate Somali people, I do hate what our government did to us.

    As far as Syria, I agree with Trump: People in the Middle East have been fighting for centuries. We're not going to fix it, and all we do is waste money and American lives. These folks will have to work it out themselves.

  6. To party pros of both sides, the calculus for 2020 is quite simple:

    Dems: The hope is that college educated Republicans will stay home rather than perpetuating this putrid circus any further.

    Repubs: The hope is that white, especially rural, non college folks will turn out in greater numbers than ever before to save the nation from unions, socialization, and one world government globalization.

  7. Trent, race has nothing to do with one's desire for limited government or socialism. That fact you think it does may cause one to view your beliefs and thinking as suspect.

  8. Go ahead - Vote Democrat and enjoy yourself doing it, too.

  9. Anyone who thinks anything BUT RACE can explain the hypocrisy of evilangelicals voting for Trump is smoking some powerful stuff. They and farmers are like turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.

  10. So can you explain why Evangelicals, or anyone, should support the Party that defended:
    A black faced governor of Virginia, who compounded his fiasco by almost moon walking at a press conference?
    Anti-semitic Congressional representatives?
    A sexual abuser that represented Minnesota in the Senate?
    Numerous sexual scandals surrounding a recent President, a Senator in Massachusetts and, until inconvenient, numerous bundlers and financial backers like Epstein and Weinstein?
    A New Jersey Senator indicted for bribery, who managed to escape punishment due to a hung jury and a Democratic prosecutor?
    The recent local mayor who is now in prison?
    Or the Presidential candidates who want to strip religious organizations and believers of all Constitutional protections afforded their faith?

    But their views are just about race... What a neat summary.

    I'm not an Evangelical and I disagree with many of their concepts, but I do know how to spell their name and they have a right to their views. If you could articulate a viewpoint that didn't descend into demagoguery (not to mention atrocious spelling and grammar), I'd respect your views too.
