Oct 15, 2019

Looking For A New Political Tribe

Swimming upstream is nothing new to me, I have never been in calm waters. Recently when I decided that I must cut bait with Donald Trump, I assumed that there would be plenty of tents available to me. I have always considered myself a conservative independent. What I'm finding out is that the country has become so polarized, that there only remains for or against Trump, nothing else.

Even such prestigious sites as AmericanThinker have a distinct slant, now pro Trump. While there are Independents Against Trump, there are no Independents for being independent. when I refer to independent, I don't mean that you won't vote for either party, but that your vote isn't based on party.

In addition to writing molovinsky on allentown since 2007, I have another blog titled Rainy Morning Chronicle. On that venue I place posts that are not Allentown centric, such as this one. If that's not enough of me, there are also two facebook pages...  Allentown Chronicles majors in Allentown history and minors in local politics. The facebook page Rainy Morning Chronicle mirrors the blog of the same name. If there are any other people out there who are not polarized,  perhaps you can direct me to your tent?


  1. Try the Power Line blog: https://www.powerlineblog.com/

  2. For heaven's sake Mike, what in the world is wrong with being Pro-Trump when one considers the options here? When one side is mounting a campaign of totalitarianism, violence, extremism,and intolerance does America have the luxury of voting for anything but the lesser evil? There will be two ways to vote next year; for a radical makeover of America by the left or for the maintenance of the values we used to take for granted in America.

    The Democrats and the media need to make the election all about Trump to distract from their radical agenda. You seem to have fallen for it.

  3. Can't wait to start investigating whomever replaces Trump because, hey, it's a whole new world now, isn't it? Impeachment behind closed doors looks like so much fun! I hope Fusion GPS & Christopher Steele are still in business because, hey, turnabout IS fair play.

  4. Think any Republican besides Trump has the guts to do that? There a few, but very few. The rest are cowards and hand wringers. That said, clearly Mike is presently more outraged and concerned by Trumps'"betrayal" of the Kurds' than he is with the clear corruption of the intelligence services by Democrats for partisan purposes.

  5. When we allowed our good manufacturing jobs to go overseas, when we couldn’t compete with European and Japanese car manufacturers on quality (QED) and price (their cars didn’t reflect the cost of employer-provided health insurance), when we eliminated broadcasting’s Fairness Doctrine and allowed media conglomerates to form held by three or four PEOPLE, (I could go on): that’s when we pretty much lost the ability to have a variety of contingencies with diverse interests.

  6. And who pushed to destroy the power of unions, to take jobs overseas, to cram religion (only theirs) down our throats, to make into law "Money is Speech" and "Corporations are People." Yeah, you got it. Sorry, Trumpkins, the before all that was America, not the crapshow we have seen since 2016.

  7. Earth to Trent,

    How many union jobs went to Mexico? Answer; plenty! Who did that? And sorry but money is speech, as a free person I can donate as much money as I want to who I want. How dare the government tell me any different. But this is the difference between the right and the left, I/conservatives believe in liberty, you/the left believe in government control.

  8. BIG CORP. moved the jobs, not the unions. Of course people can contribute, the issue is CORPORATIONS contributing, CORPORATIONS discriminating by imposing their "religious beliefs" on employees. I get that Molovinsky's NRA & KKK bloggers are upset about his divorce from Trump, but, this has nothing to do with "government control."

  9. "Molovinsky's KKK bloggers?"

    Yeah, okay, sure. Whatever Trent Hall says. Whatever helps Trent and his unhinged Democrat Party colleagues cope.

  10. Trent, actually it was Bill Clinton. But I will agree that corporations are soulless and will purchase politicians no matter what the party. Both parties are beholden to them and many other interest groups.

    Your resort to name calling and slander is as boring as it is predictable. This is all the left has, constantly screaming insults instead of speaking and thinking rationally.That was on full display last night.

    By the way, if Mike wants to vote for a Democrat or independent that is his choice, the fact that he posts his thoughts on a blog is an indication he desires a conversation. For this I give him credit. He welcomes disagreement and never insults those who offer a disagreement. Frankly there are way too few Molovinsky's and way too many Trents these days.
