Sep 6, 2019

Allentown Wants To Kill The Messenger

State Representative Peter Schweyer suggested that if Judge Anthony doesn't apologize for referring to a cesspool when sentencing a murderer, that he should resign. I think that Schweyer should resign for not facing facts. I would also recommend that Mike Schlossberg resign.

Mike Schlossberg said that Anthony's comment changes the narrative. Since when is the blunt truth a narrative? According to Schlossberg, the narrative is that 300 people marched against crime. Did that march chase crime away? Since the march, there have been both shootings and stabbings.

Schweyer called Judge Anthony's cesspool comment a cheap shot against Allentown.  I believe that Schweyer's comment was the cheap shot.  Schlossberg called Anthony's comment over the top.  I think that Schlossberg's comments are below par.  Worse for these state representatives, I think that they grossly miscalculate the voter's attitude about the violence.  Simply put, they are sick and tired of it, and the politicians who are in a state of denial and do nothing about it.


  1. But for many politicians, particularly those on the Left, the narrative IS the truth - facts be damned.

    As Joe Biden said recently, referring to the Democrat party, "We choose truth over facts".

    It actually explains a lot nationally, and why Schlossberg & Schweyer are so upset about Judge Anthony's remarks.

    Plus, by coming out against Judge Anthony's statement, and threatening his livelihood by asking him to resign, Schlossberg is sending a warning to anyone else in power who dares to speak up against the narrative.

    This is the way the tolerant Left works.

  2. Impugning those who dare to speak the truth in Allentown is standard practice. Judge Anthony can deal with political toadies like Schweyer and Schlossberg. I will note browne as not co-signed these comments.

  3. By the way, the Morning Call's Paul Muschick wrote an opinion piece that is more in line with the reality of Allentown than the rose colored pap they have published while Ed was mayor. One more thing, there are good things happening in Allentown, this weekend thr West Park Civic Association holds its annual house tour. For years this community has demonstrated that quality urban life is possible and we have done it while generally being royally ignored by the city leaders.

  4. Scott, Pat Browne did co-sign the letter against Judge Anthony in the Morning Call, and also made critical comments to WFMZ.

    Paul Muschick's piece, IMO, was better than usual MC NIZ promotion, but still greatly over exaggerated the reality of the NIZ. Of course people have to eat somewhere, so those eating their lunches outside on a warm day means little. He implied, but did not state, that the "shops" were also busy. This implication is because #1 there are very few shops, and #2, they are not busy.

  5. Mike, I missed the WFMZ report, did he join Shlossberg and Schweyer in asking Anthony to resign. This said, I am no fan of any elected representative, especially those serving in Harrisburg, some however are less bad than others.

  6. The Democratic Machine fired the Allentown police chief as a scapegoat for the shooting gallery Allentown has become.Now The Machine wants to fire a County Judge.A new chief should be appointed today.

  7. My opinion along with experiences with Pat Brown, Mike Shlossberg and Peter Schweyer are negative! It’s so coincidental that when sending certified return receipts letters to these particular people that only 1 office signed for the letter. When following up with calls to each office only 1 office verified verbally that they received the Letter and was going to hand deliver it to the Mayor. Which was Pat Browne. The other 2 offices said they never received it. And I never got the letters or the return receipt back from either office. What’s wrong with this picture?
