Sep 5, 2019

A Cesspool Named Allentown

When Judge Anthony used the term cesspool the other day in regard to the shootings in Allentown,  I expected that there would be some push back. Although he was referring to the rash of shootings taking place in the former All American City, I expected to read about him accused of racism, or some other popular accusation of insensitivity, often used to suppress the forthright from speaking the plain truth.  Instead, he is being accused by  our elected leaders of a truly inexcusable insult against our so called award winning revitalizing city.

Judge Anthony is correct,  the city has become a cesspool, and the awards are bull. Furthermore, if our elected leaders are so complacent that they view this daily carnage as acceptable,  it is their leadership that may well be inexcusable.

These elected leaders cite articles praising all the new buildings, and claim that all cities this size have these urban crime issues.  Actually, Allentown is no larger than ever, and most of the new buildings are owned by one man, who was set up by these same elected leaders. Beyond some new offices and their workers poached from the local suburbs,  there is no more activity downtown....Revitalizing is more than some new bricks owned by one person.

If Judge Anthony erred about the shootings, it is that he forgot to mention the stabbings.  I hope that our elected leaders do not start accusing the messengers, and expect us to accept the current level of violence as normal.


  1. How dare the judge speak the truth, that has never been permitted in Allentown where all that is said and written must be rose colored. Of the quartet of politicians who signed on to the article only Pat Browne has actually done anything for the city and school district. The rest are just seat warmers for the local controlling party. They were partners in crime with Ed Pawlowski, the man who took the city to wear it is today, broken, dispirited, and financially ruined.

  2. scott@7:30, I fault them all, certainly including Pat Browne. They chastised Judge Anthony for criticizing violence, just to defend the economic viability of some new buildings? You can attempt to defend Browne, but I'm concerned with Allentown's quality of life, not his buddy J. B. Reilly's real estate portfolio.

  3. Talk about putting your head in the sand!

    Is the progress they cite the corruption in City Hall that culminated in the recent conviction of Allentown’s Mayor? Is it the record shootings and violence over the summer? Is it a school district that can’t even do basic math to balance its own budget?

    I realize that these politicians have to keep up the ILLUSION of progress for their donors and voters, but this city’s problems will never be solved if our leaders can’t even acknowledge that there is a problem.

    Instead of condemning him, I applaud Judge Anthony for telling it like it is. And if any of those politicians want to know what’s really going on in the city, they should skip a fundraiser or ribbon-cutting and sit in Judge Anthony’s courtroom for a day.

  4. From Pat Brown's article, here are the 'key' canned phrases used to masquerade poor results:

    partners / transformation / evolution / innovative strategies / accomplishments / strides / thriving urban environment.

    What was missing was the word vibrant. When you can't find anything positive to say, just say "it's vibrant."

  5. The obvious problem that isn't addressed is: How did Allentown get like this in the first place? It wasn't a cesspool in 1970. Completely ignores the causation.

  6. AMEN MICHAEL! , and Thank You!
    Now lets get to work in fixing the situation!! Just like several of us have been doing, since they convicted "Fast Eddie"
    But it takes all of our Allentown residents to "chip in", by starting in their own neighborhoods.
    I consider Jim Anthony, fellow Veteran, and retired U.S. Marine Corps Colonel a good friend. Also a very crucial part of our Court System, here in Lehigh County..

    "The Old Allentown Curmudgeon"......PJF

  7. Thank goodness we have officials that aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. When’s the last time anyone went shopping on Hamilton Street on a Thursday night? Or ANY night? The Morning Call is also complicit with putting lipstick on this pig.

  8. Mike, I am in full agreement that the Browne NIZ has benefited just a very few well connected people, that said, there is some hope it could pan out for good even though its inception may have been itself corruption masquerading as benefit. The other three are and have been just useful shills for corruption and party power.

  9. My interpretation was guns/killings/cesspool could be used interchangeably. I doubt he was making a giant sweep of everything Allentown related, including himself? Who would want to be a judge of a cesspool?

    1. The Judge is probably burned out - from all criminal trials caused by Allentown residents. You should thank him that he's willing to do it.

  10. Well I’m glad to hear that someone was able to speak the truth! But as a resident of Allentown, speaking the truth makes them dislike you. To the point that they harass that person. I guess Judge Anthony will be next on their list. Good Luck Judge. There is a group that stick together.
