Jun 28, 2019

Mota's Version Of Confrontation

Cynthia Mota lodged a public complaint with the Parking Authority on Wednesday.  In her description the officer talked down to her because of her race, and imagine, asked to see her driver's license.  Joining her in the complaint was Hasshan Batts,  that would be Dr. Hasshan Batts to us.

While the Morning Call article on the complaint creates credibility for Mota and Batts,  I'm more convinced than ever that these two don't bode well for Allentown's future.  Let us not forget that Mota voted eleven times for Batts to be appointed mayor, without divulging that she worked for him.

In Batts' tape, Mota is heard saying that the incident shows why more people of color are needed to work for the city. Batts demanded to know where the officer lives.

I was at the city council meeting when Mota keep nominating Batts for mayor. Neither one of them acknowledged their arrangement.  While Mota and Batts want to see reform within the Parking Authority,  I believe that a greater concern is Mota and Batts' propensity for cronyism.


  1. I agree Mike, the Morning Call continues to be the problem by covering up for those who are actually the problem in the city.

  2. Their behavior was abhorrent. That The Morning Call gave them this platform speaks volumes about The Morning Call. I've yet to see an apology from these two.

  3. Let Me start by saying residents have been at war with The Parking Authority since day one.Follow the money between Batts and Dr.Mota.Councilperson Mota has been identifying as Dr. for some time

  4. Why Dr. Batts is even in the position of director of Promise Neighborhoods when he was convicted of multiple drug related felonies is worth an investigation. This organization serves children. Cynthia Mota is a disgrace to Allentown City Council. Besides her trying to get Dr. Batts appointed Mayor when state law would have prevented it, she has made many sly racists statements in Council meetings. Her actions in this event should be investigated by City Council and she should be censored. We will see if Do Nothing MacLean has the balls to correct her behavior.
