Jan 31, 2019

Sanders, God and Trump

Readers of this blog know that among those that regularly comment here,  there is a wide range of opinion. A liberal leaning commenter justified CNN not covering the White House briefing, because Sanders told a Christian Broadcaster that she believed that God wanted Trump to be president. In other words, in his mind she admitted that she is crazy.

She didn't make that statement in a White House briefing as new government policy... It was rather a personal opinion, to another person of faith. While I do not share her opinion about Trump and God, I do believe that White House briefings need to be covered, if CNN wants to serve its public. Their editorial opinion of Trump's policies is irrelevant, regarding their responsibility to present news. If they editorially believe that the briefings more resemble propaganda than facts, that too is irrelevant. They seem to be on a moral high horse, commingling their opinion with what constitutes news.

I can appreciate that Trump and his administration present a challenge to the media. I cringe when Trump publicly disputes our own intelligence agencies. I'm not oblivious to his inappropriate and misinformed statements. However, he is the current president, and his office's news briefings are news. Time has shown us that every statement out of the White House has not always proved historically accurate. Roosevelt may not have been as surprised by the Pearl Harbor bombings as he proclaimed afterward, on the famous radio broadcast. We're in a different media age. Information is now transmitted instantly, from around the world. Informed citizens have a lot to absorb. I prefer my media sources to separate out their attitude, from the information they present as news.


  1. Don't know about anybody else's God, but my God thinks Israel is especially happy that crooked & corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win the historical 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, mostly because Trump killed that horrible Iran Nuclear Deal.

    My God also thinks that the Democrat Party has been overrun with people who really have no problem accepting support from and hanging out with known anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan.

    My God definitely has a problem with the media's obvious hostility towards not only Sarah Sanders, but anything and everything remotely connected to President Donald Trump.

    Oh, and my God thinks U.S. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries should take his recent Grand Wizard comment and stick it where the sun don't shine.


  2. To be fair, CNN did have reporters asking question in the press briefing, and they did run a live update feed dedicated to the press briefing on their website. They did cover the press briefing, live...it just wasn't on their main channel.

    Regardless of the media outlet or channel, all decisions about what to air/publish and what to "report" have always been about money. This is true since the beginning of time with journalism. At the end of the day, CNN must have decided that White House press briefings do not bring in enough viewers. I'd say this is more a reflection of the people who watch CNN, rather than the editorial boards at CNN. In short, the press briefings do not sell.

    Personally, I do not see the point of watching Sanders' live presentation of the propaganda of the White House. I'd rather read the highlights of what was covered later. I feel there is no news coming out of a press briefing, just commentary and attitude. It's certainly biased, and it has been proven to be factually incorrect countless times. Perhaps I am not alone in my assessment of the value of these briefings, which is why they are no longer a draw for viewers who seek what they perceive to be valuable news.

  3. Is CNN even considered a news source anymore when it comes to reporting on America? It has devolved into purely hateful, partisan propaganda. It's seems that it's raison d'etre is to pass on the same level of hate they have for the president with their viewers.

  4. CNN---Who cares---nobody watches their crap except a few anti-Trumpers and the airport passengers who don't have tv remotes with them.

  5. I watch most every news conference and most every speech by Trump, I work at home and the TV is always on, I have watched for 3 years while CNN and MSNBc have conveniently added or subtracted a word to change the intent of the message conveyed. One early example was to delete the word illegal from Trumps initial announcement. Then charged him with racism and anti-immigrant. MSNBC intentionally altered the Zimmerman 911 tape, this was done to support Obama's campaign of race. Now they have just taken the next step, they will not show any conferences live, they will tell you what was said or their impression of what was said. They will air the clips that they want and ignore the others. We no longer have an objective press. Fox, One america news and c-span still cover these things live.

  6. Fox has become state media...just like Pravda ("Truth") was in Russia.

    Conservatives believe that liberals are angry and disrespect them. They confuse the liberal belief that everyone has the right to BELIEVE and SAY what they wish.....with the false idea that means one has to RESPECT those ideas.

    So, while I defend, for example, Sanders' right to believe and opine that God wanted Trump to be President, I don't have to respect that viewpoint. For starters, as a Jeffersonian Democrat, I agree with the viewpoint of our founding fathers, which was to categorically DENY the divine right of rulers. Likewise, I don't believe God wanted Hitler to be Chancellor of Germany or Stalin General Secretary of the Communist Party or Nancy Pelosi to be House Majority Leader.

    My beef with the current brand of conservatives supporting Trump is that they confuse BS rhetoric with reality. No, Trump didn't win the war on terror or end the threat of nuclear North Korea or even kill the Iran Nuclear Deal. The sanctions he imposed on Iran, like the tariffs he has imposed on China, simply create a loss for American markets. The rest of the world ignores Trump and rushes in to seize the American vacuum. Even our own intelligence community agrees with the rest of the world that Iran is complying with the deal. For Mexico, China & Russia, Trump's trade policies have been the gift that keeps giving. But, in the conservative bubble, the word is we are WINNING. SAD.
