Jan 30, 2019

Morning Call Joins News Ban

Last night on the Call website, in the top roll of articles was a commentary piece from the Washington Post.  The column, written by Erik Wemple,  justifies CNN not covering the recent press briefing by Sarah Sanders,  because of White House lies. He also cites frequent distortions and falsehoods.  If these are not justifications enough, he adds their bogus pronouncements and concludes that CNN's audience appreciates discretion in what news is presented.

Now, I understand that there is a history of tension between CNN and the Trump administration. However, with CNN's dominant position in media,  democracy would be better served by allowing the public to hear the briefings.  Instead, we have a major cable and internet provider deciding what is news worthy for us, with a major paper justifying the censorship. Then, that attitude is passed on to  minor markets,  like Allentown.

If Trump felt as if he was mistreated by the press in 2016,  he hasn't seen anything yet,  if he runs again in 2020.


  1. Mike,

    The press is no longer the press, they have become a pack of viciously partisan wolves. So is Hollywood and most of the mainstream media. Sadly so have rank and file Democratic voters who have lost all sense of proportion and truth because every day is Hate Donald Trump Day on their media sources and their entertainment.

    Interesting how they so easily acclimated to all hate all the time.

  2. Anybody got any actual evidence of President Trunp's alleged Russian Collusion yet or what?

    Happy Hate Donald Trump Day all the same, nevertheless!

  3. Coming of age years ago, the News was the News. It did'nt matter where you got the News it was the News.
    Since the Viet Nam war, News has changed to OUR NEWS and THEIR NEWS.
    It is really a lot of work now to understand the News. It really depends on the source. And to get to the Real News one has to listen to or read the various Newses and try to find the REAL NEWS.
    "Federal taxes collected are down after Trump's tax cuts" vs "Federal taxes collected are up due to the booming economy". Now it's on me to decipher and understand what is true. Too damned much work. Bring back REAL NEWS.
    And today I'm freezing my but off and poor Chicago is setting record colds. Funny, I just read winter's aren't what they used to be since global warming. Kiss my Grits.

  4. A few weeks ago The Democrats were saying Jim Acosta had to be at the press briefings.Yesterday He didn't show. I wish The Democrat Party media would get it straight

  5. The news media has always had a slant to it, but now, it's so far off center that you don't know what, if any, stories to believe any more.

  6. Huckeldumbee Sanders's "press briefings" have become such a joke, like KellyAnne Conway's "briefings" that it simply insults anyone's intelligence. It's like Bagdad Bob was during the Iraq invasion or Ron Ziegler's were during Watergate. Everything was a lie, and anything said was refuted a week later. Sanders doesn't announce any news; just Trump's nonsense, which is demonstrably false. So, when Sanders says we "won" the war against terror in Syria, or that North Korea has disarmed it's nuclear weapons, or that no one from the Trump campaign had any contact with the Russians, or that Trump "won" the Shutdown, well, day after day over after months of similar patent nonsense....often even refuted by others in the Administration, the press is finally saying enough of wasting everybody's time with such crap. Furthermore, she frequently doesn't even take questions, just reads Trump's BS of the day, and holds very infrequent press conference anyway.

    No loss since she never has any real news to brief anyway. To be fair, since her boss is ignorant and mercurial, and changes his mind & positions on a dime, and from day to day to boot, she probably has an impossible job to remain creditable to anyone but Trumpkins. SAD!

  7. Trent, try to do better, I know you can.

  8. Don, let's not get too nostalgic over the good old days of news coverage. Remember, it was the major news outlets, including the NY Times, CBS and others who insisted that there were no communists in our government (the Venona papers and the Rosenbergs prove otherwise), that Castro was an agrarian reformer, that cutting taxes will hurt the economy, that oral sex wasn't really sex, that Obamacare would lower medical costs.........

  9. Sara Huckelbe Sanders "news" of the day..."God wanted Trump to be President."

    If you can call that real "news" worthy of respect, then you can understand why anyone with an above room temperature IQ finds her completely non credible and a joke, not worth anyone's time to listen to. Only readers/viewers of "credible non liberal news sources" could take her seriously.
