Dec 5, 2018

Blogging And Friendship

I set off Bernie O'Hare's hostility on Monday by stating that all too often your loyalty to your "friends" guides your pen. Although, it is apparent to his readers how he fawns over some politicians, he prefers to think that he's fooling people.  He lashed out by writing that my criticism of a black official proves that I operate a hate blog. When I pointed out that someone should be able to criticize a black public official without being labeled a racist, he deleted my comment, and stated that he is not going to host a defense of my racism. Accusations of racism seems to be his latest weapon of choice against  his critics. This skirmish took place on O'Hare's post about Bill White retiring, and there is a tie-in...In his hostile reply comment, Bernie wrote that he and Bill White were not friends. That may not tell the whole story. In a column in February of 2008, Bill White described himself as a fan of Bernie's blog. Also on Monday, Bernie called White a bastard for including him in his Hall Of Fame. Again, in both cases, I happen to know that Bernie appreciated that the exposure increased his readership.

The Bill White column from 2008 was about Bernie starting to notice Pawlowski's abuses of power. When White asked Pawlowski for a reply...

The mayor noted that O'Hare has become friendly with Michael Molovinsky, a former mayoral candidate and persistently outspoken critic of the administration. Molovinsky's own blog is virulently anti-Pawlowski.

Actually, White's take on my blog is aligned with O'Hare's apparent philosophy...friendship or enemy first, then the story. Maybe that's why they're friends, despite their disclaimers.

I didn't dislike Pawlowski, just some aspects of his governing. This blog isn't based on people's personality or friendships. Likewise, this blog isn't influenced by political correctness, or political party.  All I ever want is the best possible government for Allentown.


  1. Question For Mr. Molovinsky : Is that what we currently have here in the one-party circus, um, er, ah, city known as Allentown, "the best possible government"?

    Question For Superstar Paid Propagandist Bill White : former Mayor Ed Pawlowski (D) ultimately was convicted in Federal Court of some 48-odd counts of felony corruption and is now billeted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons ... so just exactly what is so unseemly about being or having ever been considered to be 'virulently anti-corruption, um, er, ah, Pawlowski' by some local Lame Stream Media hack with an obvious agenda to hustle?



  2. Think of the good news. Bill White can now register as a real Democrat. He no longer needs the disingenuous 'I'm a registered Republican' nonsense.
