Dec 4, 2018

Bill White And Donald Trump

Like blogger Bernie O'Hare,  I wanted to post about Bill White's departure yesterday.  However,  it is my format to place one post a day, and last night there was a city budget hearing.  As a supporter of the traditional park system,  I felt compelled to advocate, in a timely fashion, for a particular item in the park budget. Although, I also had prepared a post about Bill White,  I abandon it now, to instead address a line in O'Hare's post....Some of you, especially those among you who are Trump supporters, will trash White because he detested the guy...

I think that O'Hare and many others are so polarized about Trump, that they assume the same level of emotional intensity must reside in everybody.  On facebook people write that if you don't despise Trump,  unfriend me...  You're either with me on this or against me. I'm actually surprised that both O'Hare and White, as political pundits, are so animated about Trump. Many of us, while not supporters, are much more dispassionate about him. When I playfully posted a picture of myself in front of a Trump poster and wrote,  Make Allentown Great Again,  although it wasn't meant as an endorsement of Trump, but of Allentown,  I lost some readers.

The Trump divide has been very detrimental to both journalism and personal relationships. Donald Trump probably will be president for at least two more years.  After his term, the country goes on, and  hopefully some objectivity and civility will be restored.


  1. yesterday, on bernie's post, he called me a purveyor of hate in his comment section, because i criticized a public official who happens to be black. he went on to write that my criticism provedit. his comment was hostile and intelligently dishonest.

  2. Keep dreaming Mike, the Democrats/media hate all Republican leaders unless they like Jeff Flake and John McCain attack their own party. They hate, unfriend, ridicule, and scorn rank and file Republican who dare to be open about their partisan beliefs.

    I don't like this reality, but as with so many things in this world, reality is what we have to deal with and a good way to do that is recognize it.

    Let us recognize that the left indulges and is indulge in their hatred of us by their party leaders, the media and and their elected officials.We may reach out a hand to them but the hand will be left untaken. As an example I was invited to participate in a bi-partisan discussion group that was put together to attempt to bridge the divide, after one or two meeting of tense but civil debates over policy I suggested a fresh approach, instead of debating differences, can we agree on what I think we can all agree on, that both parties want to the same ends, the betterment of society the nation and all its people but we merely disagree on the means. None of the Democrats would agree on even this statement. They don't believe we hold our views for the same reasons they hold theirs. Needless to say further discussion was pointless.

    Now why would Democrats believe we Republican don't believe what we believe for they same reason they believe what they believe? Because to go full circle, that's what they are constantly told. Doubt me watch the news.

  3. Objectivity and Civility???

    Now that the Democrat Party has set such a wonderful example for everyone else to follow, how can I be certain that losers in future elections will not be wont to accept election results exactly the same way that those who did not support Donald Trump accepted the results from the memorable 2016 Presidential Election?

    With that said, I sure hope the Mueller Witch Hunt, um, er, ah, Investigation, actually comes up with something --- ANYTHING --- one of these decades. The Lame Stream Media are simply so desperate, I am actually starting to feel bad for those propagandists, who clearly aren't anywhere near as good at pushing their blatant lies as they think they are. And I just want all the wonderful Lame Stream Media people to be able to enjoy this holiday season as best it can, that's all.

    PS - Maybe someday, Bernie O'Hare will fall off his high horse and apologize to the Secret Service for having wasted that government agency's valuable time and resources once upon a time.



  4. We have all been slandered by Bernie. It's part for the course.

  5. I'm really glad a person like Trump was elected. I would have never known how much people with a different political view hate us. I didn't hate them for their opinions, but apparently they hated me.

    The Dem's / Prog's / Socialist have one thing in common: control. They have a very strong desire to 'plan' and 'control' our lives through onerous taxes and laws. This why global warming, now climate change is so important. This gives them carte blanche to exert a plethora of new rules / behaviors / taxes - in the name of saving the planet.

    Then there is the entitlement / illegal / migrant, issue. Clearly these people are a huge burden on our society (at least a burden on us who are paying for it). However the Left sees this as a big opportunity to 'purchase' all these people's votes by giving them more of the taxpayers money.

    People who are dependent on the government can be easily controlled. While the rest of us - not so much. The Left's desire for control is greater than their care about the United State's borders / language / culture.

    I believe indoctrination in the public schools, and liberal arts colleges have fueled this Leftist movement.

  6. Lets not fool ourselves.Political civility is gone ,never to return.The drive for power will get nastier as the years go on .

  7. the following comment was deleted by bernie o'hare on his blog this morning.

    bernie, to call me a purveyor of hate because i criticized a public official who happens to be black is intelligently dishonest. to say that my criticism proves it, is intelligently dishonest. fyi, it was the former president of the black officers association in fort worth who said that he was unqualified.
