Oct 2, 2018

The Allentown Peanut Gallery

You cannot underestimate the comprehension of readers on social media. My post yesterday on this phenomenon yielded even crasser comments than before. One reader wrote I can't wait until this generation dies off, They've left us with nothing but financial debt and inherent fears. I can only assume that many of the responders never actually read the post, but were responding only to the picture of me with the Trump poster. Apparently, they are so used to memes, a link might be too much commitment for them. Facebook is full of people posting memes all day, and people commenting on them all day. Few understood that my title, Make Allentown Great Again, was a play or pun on the Trump image. A serial insulter wrote, Wow... the guy whose scared of minorities is a Trump supporter. This really is "informed commentary.

In a facebook entry yesterday, Allentown event promoter Alfonso Todd referred to those inappropriately  speculating on the tragic car explosion as the peanut gallery.  The peanut gallery is a good metaphor for many who comment on Facebook. The term originally referred to children who comprised the live audience for the Howdy Doody Show.


  1. I blame the demise of the Allentown School District for much of the responses you received yesterday. The level of knowledge of those in the city seems to be far less than what it was when I was a student at William Allen.

    That, of course, is reflected in the voting patterns of current Allentown residents. Most of those who actually received a good education now live outside of the city. In our case, it's so our daughter can have a similar education experience and also receive a similar level of education today at Upper Perk that we did at William Allen when we went.

    What you received in your responses yesterday, Mr Molovinski was from the "Peanut Gallery" in Allentown. Unfortunately those aren't the six-year=old children you saw on Howdy Doody in the 1950s. It was from the adults who live in Allentown today, well at least adults in chronological terms, not intelligence.

    That's why Pawlowski was re-elected last year while under scores of indictments. And also why, when we had a choice, didn't move back to the West End. And also why my mom lives with us safely away from Linden street where the gang members walk on each day when they are dismissed from school

  2. "Wow... the guy whose scared of minorities is a Trump supporter."

    This is a common way the left uses to twist reality, and to avoid the truth. Further it is their implication that you are fearful. It is their assumption that MAGA is a statement against minorities, when the MAGA movement has never belittled minorities.

    What does MAGA mean to me? It means that everyone should be a contributor, stay in school, get a job, get married, then have children, stay married and raise the children properly. Is this racist / anti-minority?

    MAGA people aren't fearful, we're weary. Weary of working paying all sorts of taxes and fees for people who can just 'show up' and expect for all their needs to be taken care of by the state. They have rights, however a 'right' is not something that someone else pays for.

    A prime example is Allentown. After 40 years of Allentown being flooded with low socio-economic people, has drastically changed the town for the worst. It can't be argued - it's a fact.

  3. The current "Peanut Gallery" mentioned by Ms. Kelton, along with the requirements of my job, and the general state of the city of Allentown, are the reasons why my wife and I do not own property there nor live there. It's a very sad thing, and major change has to come to the city before it will become attractive to those who make, rather than those who take.

  4. As an addendum to my comment-I grew up in Allentown (born 1962), graduated from Allen High in 1981, moved out in 1983. The current city is so different from the city I left. It's very sad.

  5. What does MAGA mean to me? It means everyone should take government subsidies, commit tax fraud, get numerous (illegal) bailouts from Daddy, and then call themselves "self-made".

    It means all unflattering facts are untrue. Truth is not truth!

    Us MAGA people are sick of paying taxes to support lazy minorities, but happy to pay them for billionaire fraudsters.


  6. A 'thing' about the left is that they could contribute something of value to the conversation, perhaps their logical point of view. But alas we get this shining example of twisted logic and TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  7. Doug, facts are important things. Here's one: I voted for every Republican candidate for president until Trump. That includes Dole, W twice, McCain, and Romney.

    You've just proven the lack of regard for truth that underlies Trumpism.

  8. Well I'm glad we didn't get Jeb Bush for POTUS, nor Pawenty, nor McCain - all RINOS. George Bush was terrible his second term.

    The verdict is out on Trump. So far he's delivered on his promises. How would anyone do with the Deep State and the press relentlessly trying to undermine / impeach / wreck their administration from day one?

    Give the guy a break, get off his back, let him do the job he promised.
