Sep 11, 2018

As Allentown Turns On Tuesdays

Probably the most wholesome news in a long time was Elton starting off his farewell tour in Allentown.  The concert sold out immediately and set a record for attendance.

The warming station for the homeless found funding this year with help from a Bill White column and a very generous anonymous donor  Just a few years ago Lisa Pawlowski was in charge of Allentown's homeless initiatives.  Ironically, she is now soliciting funds for her husband's legal expenses.

Another police confrontation controversy is brewing, this time in Allentown.  Seems as if another person thinks that he can get in a cops' face with no consequence.  He claims that he didn't like the way the police were talking near children, so he decided to challenge one officer to a fist fight.  Although he only got pushed to the ground for his aggressive challenge,  a protest rally is being organized for tomorrow's council meeting.  These groups, rather than worry about racism and brutality, would serve their public better by teaching civility.  

 Shown above in the postcard was the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station, which was built over the Jordan Creek.  The remaining former train station, on lower Hamilton Street, belonged to The New Jersey Central Railroad.


  1. Will they be firing this racist pig cop???

  2. Only pushed to the ground? That was some selective viewing there. Points of perception I guess. How do you know he wasn't civil when he asked the cops to stop cussing?
    Informed commentary? Such sounds more like opinionated commentary.

  3. I didn't see the video until after reading the blog post.

    At first, I thought that MM was joking about the defendant challenging the officer to a fist fight. But after reading the article that contained the video, the defendant actually admits to challenging the officer to a fist fight. He also admits to making a comment for the officer to put his gun aside.

    A few points:

    1) On what planet is it a wise move to challenge an on-duty police officer to a fist fight? With about seven other officers standing around? That's an exercise in stupidity.

    2) Similarly, if you want to escalate an incident with an officer, make a comment that shows your aware of his firearm. If I'm the officer, I'm now thinking the defendant might try to disarm me and use my firearm against me or a fellow officer. That calls for immediate and decisive action to make sure that doesn't happen.

    3) What kind of groups would protest an incident where someone is arrested under these circumstances? Doing so further lowers the credibility of the people trying to make excuses for the actions of the defendant.

    If these groups actually want people to listen to them in the future, they should come out and support the actions of the police in this case. By crying excessive force in frivolous instances like this, it makes it more likely that nobody listens to them in the future, when they might actually have a legitimate point.

  4. Valerie Chambers said:

    "How do you know he wasn't civil when he asked the cops to stop cussing?"

    Valerie, I would say that if Mr. Perez had any civility in this incident it certainly ended when he challenged the officer to a fist fight.

    There's no excuse for that, and will get anyone (black, brown, white, etc.) the same treatment that Mr. Perez got in this case.

    If there was truly a problem with the officer's language, the proper course of action is to follow up with the police chain of command the next day. Not to try to escalate the incident into a physical altercation.

    I would hope that you already know that, and that you'd help spread that message to those who somehow might not.

    It's really not rocket science. In fact, it's just common sense.

  5. While we're discussing Allentown, I went to the post office earlier today and found it appalling that the flag at City Hall wasn't lowered to half staff.

    The post office, county courthouse, and school district building all got it right, and all are visible from City Hall. City Hall did manage to fly the flag at half staff last month after John McCain - a senator from ARIZONA - died. But somehow 9/11 isn't important enough? That's inexcusable!

    I guess honoring those who died on 9/11 - including the police and other first responders - doesn't play well to the base that City Hall caters to.

  6. Isn't is curious that anyone in Allentown would be offended by cursing? That seems to be the vernacular here in the city. Very often spoken to very young children by their mothers and yelled across streets and from porches at all hours.
