Sep 12, 2018

Allentown Is Circling The Drain

When the Allentown Police responded to a report of domestic disturbance this past weekend, no one in the neighborhood would cooperate.  Instead, as they were preparing to leave the area, they were confronted by someone who challenged an officer to a fist fight.  When the aggressor wouldn't stand down, the officer pushed him.

This evening Make The Road Pennsylvania,  a Reading based Latino advocacy group,  will be protesting at the city council meeting.  They claim that "We need to show solidarity in support of ending police brutality.”

Everyone would be better off if the Latino group, instead of wallowing in a victim mentality, concerned themselves with the lack of cooperation and respect for law enforcement,    One of their victim's excuses was that the police were parking on a member of his family's private property.  In more civilized neighborhoods, police responding to a problem would be appreciated.  When a group defends inappropriate behavior,  they only encourage more of it.

Apparently, Allentown is quickly degrading to the point where whole neighborhoods don't respect law and order.  Although this has happen in many large urban areas, at least they have some architectural history,  culture and other redeeming qualities, few of which are present in Allentown.

Hopefully, our elected leadership will not cave in, and not endorse our city's own demise.

ADDENDUM: Although last evening was not a regular council meeting, the Reading group was never the less allowed ten minutes complaint time, and invited to return to a regular meeting. News reports indicate that they tried to connect the arrest to a pattern linked to the tragic shooting at Dorney Park. The public alley was again referred to as private property, somehow trying to justify encountering the police.

Broad Street mural shows just a few of the policemen killed in Philadelphia


  1. Is there a council meeting tonight?

    I thought this was an off week for them.

  2. MM -

    Your post is right on.

    In a sane world, residents of that neighborhood would show up tonight and tell the Reading group to go home. But we no longer live in a sane world.

    For now I'm going to hope that our City Council, which currently has three former police officers as members, will issue a strong rebuke to any protestors that show up in Council chambers tonight.

    There is no excuse for a resident to EVER challenge an on-duty officer to a physical confrontation. All seven council members should be strongly supporting the Allentown Police Department on this incident, and should let people know that the behavior of the RESIDENT was unacceptable.

    Tonight is an opportunity for Council to educate and LEAD, instead of their usual pandering.

  3. And while we're at it, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed that Ray O'Connell hasn't issued a statement supporting the police on this incident yet.

    Again, it's an opportunity to educate the public about what is (and isn't) acceptable behavior.

    Sadly, I see very little leadership from the Mayor's Office on anything.

  4. The cop should have tazered the guy, then he would remember the experience before trying it again

  5. It is truly sad how we have become so divided here in the city and in the nation along tribal lines. It is without a doubt a result of the identity politics of the left that sorts people by race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference... into subgroups. This poisonous thinking/strategy then seeks to blame and victimize entire groups along these very same lines. Then these same people invent the word "unconscious racism" to explain how people who have never demonstrated any racism clearly are anyway. End results are what they are, sad, ugly, and dangerous.

    Folks this is exactly the America the left/Democrats/media have created. This is mainstream thought amongst college and university professors. It is forced down the throats of gullible students in public schools by a system largely controlled by left wing interest groups/teachers' that they to may be taught anger, resentment, and guilt.

    And finally, remember, according to those sowing these seeds of division, this all is the fault of the Republicans and whomever their leader/leaders happens to be at any moment in any locality.

  6. So, a group from on certified S-hole city is coming to help make Allentown in the same mold. Sad.

  7. They always have 'rights', what about responsibilities?

  8. Michael, you could easily move. Reading your biased so called opinions is like going down the drain.
    You wont acknowledge or enlighten yourself about sestemic racism but you'll still fuel the fire.
    I love how you are ONLY reporting this cops side of this. Especially when there is video that shows mob mentality by the police themselves.
    Now y'all chime in and circle jerk with Michael

  9. Notice how Valerie moves from argument to insult. Insult is as they have always said, the last resort when reason fails. It's play a central role in the Left's rhetorical repertoire. Insult isn't smart, the left's insults are even witty, they are just ugly and angry.

  10. Poorly written, noticed mistakes as soon as I hit the post button. Meant to write, "the left's posts aren't even witty".

  11. Valerie -

    There is no dispute that Mr. Perez challenged the police officer to a fistfight. Mr. Perez admitted to the Morning Call that he did so. That isn't the cops side, it's a fact. So accept that.

    Mr. Perez also admitted to mentioning the officer's service pistol, which (as close as he was standing to the officer) makes him a potential threat for trying to take the officer's weapon.

    There is NO excuse for challenging an officer to a fistfight, and I can guarantee you anyone (black, white or brown) who is stupid enough to make such a comment would have received the same treatment. By his own admission, Mr. Perez had become a threat to the police, and they treat such stupidity on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe otherwise, YOU have a problem.

    I would also tell you that the only "circle jerk" that happens will be among the low-information idiots who show up at City Council chambers to try to justify Mr. Perez's stupidity.

    Finally, if you wish to use big words and make serious charges like "sestemic" racism, at least learn how to spell it.

  12. Wow. The board member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People who comments here today is in fine form today. Particularly in regards to spelling. No wonder the Left is so eager to promote free college tuition for everybody at each and every opportunity this campaign season. Meanwhile, the rest of the local NAACP board members must be so proud of their clearly antagonistic constituent.

  13. Don't know where you got yiu addendum info. I was there. More inmportant than MTR was Miguel Revera who video it actually was. He was very eloquent and city council listened to his every word.
    You Michael are leaving out the truth for what?? Oh, I know..fuel the fire.

  14. valerie, your first comment of 12:44 is crude, and both your comments are rude and insulting. if anybody is trying to fuel a fire it is the groups which protest, not me writing about it. the local media covers your protests, not my blog. my blog posts reach a relatively small audience.

  15. Yet now real truth in te actual council meeting. The 3 police officers on council listened to Mr. Revera with real concern. I was impressed by both.
    You blog is nothing but a story. Your anonymous commenters don't havr the guts to use a real name.
    This is a HUMAN RIGHT'S issue. Not left nor right no matter how you spin it.
    Even the man with the broken nose was not at all rude like most of you. 7-8 cops punched and kicked this man. When you are paying for the lawsuits maybe you think about police accountability. But I doubt you will.

  16. Valerie my dad (once trained as a state cop) always told me don't argue with cops. You argue before a judge. He knew (maybe like you're suggesting) many of them may be a-holes. If so, then why on earth would you go out and confront them !!

    "This is a HUMAN RIGHT'S issue. Not left nor right no matter how you spin it."
    Cops are not out on the street to coddle to peoples social shortcomings. Their job is to respond to a 911 call no one else can or is willing to deal with. Next time maybe neighbors ought to call the clergy if they don't want cops around.

    Look--I know cops aren't angels, but neither are the people whom they are called to deal with. The guy (once he got knocked on his ass) should have just stayed there to address his concerns instead of getting up to further antagonize the boys in blue.

    Even if one is as bad as the other...if I were to see a bunch of cops out front I'm not going to go out and get in their face. It's common sense if you poke the bear it isn't going to turn out well.

    Valerie your viewpoint is cops should be forever patient. Why not apply that same standard to those who challenge them? Yours seem like a one sided argument.

  17. chambers @1:51, what "real truth" is remains to be learned. Is your victim known to the police, or is he a boy scout leader? I would think that you have to be one or the other to get in the face of a cop responding to a disturbance report. btw, that mural shown on the photo is just half the cops killed in that station, the other side of the building has another mural with the other officers.
