May 16, 2018

Lehigh Valley Election Expectation

Recently, I referred to the Morning Call/Muhlenberg Poll as a broken clock.  I have been making the same accusation since 2005,  when Muhlenberg had the mayoral election wrong by 26 points.  Although they have been wrong ever since,  and were wrong again last night about Susan Wild and John Morganelli, this morning the paper still quotes their pollster as if he is a genuine authority. It's amazing to me that The Morning Call keeps going to the same sources.....I suppose that they value loyalty over accuracy.

Talking about loyalty, yesterday I referred to the machinations of Bernie O'Hare,  in his campaigning for John Morganelli.  Although he started out polite enough toward Susan Wild,  he became a virtual hit man as the campaign progressed.  He excused his metamorphosis on Wild breaking a promise to Morganelli.  He seems to value loyalty over decency.

For the fall campaign expect the Morning Call/Muhlenberg Poll to continue being a broken clock.  Expect Bernie O'Hare to continue bashing Susan Wild, but now acclaim himself as a non-partisan.  Expect molovinsky on allentown, when necessary, to point out local nonsense.


  1. Outside money won this. Expect the same in the general. The year of the woman also helped. And most of all, the apathy of the LV voters is sickening. Free handouts, at the expense of the taxpayers, will drown her candidacy, if the R's play their cards right. Also, her connections to the pyramid builder Ed Pawlowski, [mayor for life], should be identified more clearly with distinct lines to his regime and collective agreement between them.

    Chris Borick, Mr. Wrong, and his wayward polling should be shut down by Muhlenburg College and his totally wrong published guesses should be disavowed by the college; otherwise, it will show how inferior it really is.

  2. fire@7:15, there was outside money on both sides, but at the end of the evening it requires local voters.

  3. 'I could have known, I should have known but I did not know and, as a high ranking official in the national government, I must both acknowledge and accept my share of responsibility of collective guilt.'

    Don't know about Albert Speer, but word on the street in my neighborhood is that both the former Mayor of Allentown, now awaiting sentencing for his conviction this past winter on forty-some odd counts of corruption, and his charming wife, who allegedly was the Mayor's former political campaign manager, are extremely happy to hear that the now disgraced Mayor's carefully chosen City Solicitor will now get the valuable opportunity to go to Washington and vote for the impeachment of the dastardly, to speak nothing of evil, Donald Trump.

    Yup, looks like it really could be a wonderful world after all --- mostly thanks to Muhlenberg College professor Chris Borick and his ilk, of course.

  4. One things for sure with all the outside money and endorsements coming in to the valley the bang for the buck went to Wild. Marty barely beat Dean and Edwards came in third. This fall will be the most expensive race in LV history.The politics will play out on both sides and appear as a trend on national news networks. Be ready for a spotlight on the area and all its political characters. Then theres color commentary by our own Charlie Dent. All in all a reality show if there ever was one.

  5. I'm still trying to figure out which of any of the Lehigh Valley politicians ever questioned or investigated the dealings of former mayor Pawlowski.

    The FBI needed to come to the Lehigh Valley to expose Pawlowski. The trial only involved a few of the "deals" that Pawlowski made. Only the FBI investigated Pawlowski's corruption.

    Who will question or investigate all of the other projects that Pawlowski corrupted? Is there someone I am missing?

  6. Aside from watching Ray O'Connell - the former Chief Bobblehead for how many years on the now convicted and disgraced former Mayor's loyal and most trustworthy All-Star Council of Rubberstamp Apparatchiks - become the new chief executive here in the City of Allentown. As well as observing Susan Wild - the reigning City Solicitor for how many years during what is easily the most embarrassing era in City Hall's entire history - secure the Democrat Party's widely sought nomination for the upcoming United States Congressional election, of course. What other notable aspects of and/or lessons from the Depawlowskification Process will future scholars be able to study?


  7. Seriously Rolf. She was solicitor for 6 MONTHS!
    She was created with BRINGING PAWLOWSKI DOWN.
    Michael, why don't you correct people when they write false claims?

  8. How many lawyers on President Nixon's team went on to elected office? Only in the corrupt Democrat Party can they even put someone like Wild through.

  9. valerie@7:17, my comment policy is rather unique in the local blogosphere. by not allowing anonymous comments, although i sacrifice a large volume of comments, it provides accountability and puts the dialogue on a different level. it's generally my preference to express myself in the post, and allow my readers to do so here in the comment section. also please remember that i did not promote, criticize or defend any candidate in this race for the 7th district.

  10. I believe any claim that Susan Wild was "created (as City Solicitor) with bringing Pawlowski down" every bit as much as I believe any claim that Albert Speer had no idea what was really going on either.


  11. valorie and rolf, i suspect as the campaign progresses, wild's position as solicitor in pawlowski's administration will not be a value added experience. however, discussions of such will have to take place elsewhere. as an observer of city hall it is my current opinion that she was a victim of bad timing. i assign her no blame or credit in the whole affair.

  12. The way things are shaping up, the election for Congress is going to be more about where the candidates stand vis a vis Trump's positions on immigration/healthcare/Planned Parenthood/God/Gays/Gun control, yadda yadda. Their previous jobs/record will be far back in the voters' mindset as the onslaught of advertising will focus on where they stand NOW on the aforementioned issues.
    Northstein has to walk the tightrope of holding as much of Trump's base as he can while not going so far in the dump that he scares middle of the roaders. Wild has to walk the tightrope of appearing common sense enough to not be tarred as a latent Berniemanic or owned by femiNazis types. As always, the energy & turnout will decide. Calling himself a Dent clone should be enough for Northstein to prevail, but, the continuing nonstop sh-tstorm from the do nothing Republican Congress & Trump scandals could create a firestorm by October that buries him. If he is not up in the polls by November 1 by 4 points, he will lose. Likewise, if she is not within 3 points by November 1, she will lose. Should she win, you can expect the Democrats have flipped the 23 seats they need to take the House.

  13. Cool. Maybe the 23 freshmen Democrats can finally explain to We The American People whatever happened to all those 'shovel-ready jobs' the last guy yacked on endlessly about. And maybe also shed some revealing light on why not everybody who liked their doctor was, indeed, actually able to keep their doctor as they had been promised in advance. 'Allowing' hard-working Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money via some more tax cuts would be nice, too.

    Thanks so much in advance, soon to be freshmen U.S. Congressional Democrats.


  14. Candidates running in November don't have to explain "what happened" to promises of past administrations; they just have to point out what has happened to peoples' lives since January, 2017. Most working class folks, if they had meaningful healthcare before (not junk policies), never had much of a "choice" of their doctor anyway. Rather, their plans are all "in network" policies, because closed network plans are cheaper for employers to install. Many because of Obamacare & medicaid got healthcare for the first time.
    Now they see that Republican policy is to sabotage & defund access to healthcare, food stamps, Planned Parenthood, raises to minimum wages and other network support vital to help keep them above water. The tax cut amounted to bupkis for most people; they are not 1 per-centers. Rising costs of gas, grocery produce because of the immigration raids resulting in labor shortages for hand required processing of fruits & slaughter of meat, and rising energy costs mean people perceive themselves as having less disposable income than ever.
    Hard core partisans of either party may determine primaries, but, in the general election, it is those who are up for grabs that determine the result. Large segments of voters who voted for Obama decided to give Trump & Republicans a chance in 2016. At least to date, the early indicators are that many of them are having second thoughts. This is why Democrats will be running against Trump in November, while Republicans will be running against Nancy Pelosi, Obama & Hillary. The latter are more and more each day just a memory to those who are not hard core partisans; whereas Trump is a daily twitter.
    The Democrats are not trying to paint Trump supporters as Albert Speers; rather, as Bagdad Bobs. "Guiliani, from America's Mayor to Trump's Chump."
