Jan 3, 2018

O'Connell's Bad Bet

Ray O'Connell made a bet last fall that seems to have turned out bad for both him and the city.  As a highly promoted write-in candidate in the mayoral election,  he effectively blocked Nat Hyman from being elected mayor.   Pawlowski's win insured that Allentown will essentially be rudderless at least  well into 2018.  While O'Connell didn't believe that he would win the election,  he did think that Pawlowski would likely resign in a plea deal,  rather than face trial.  It appears as if Mayor Ed is willing to take his chances in the courtroom.  Furthermore, O'Connell believed that if Pawlowski went to court,  when convicted the then acting mayor, Daryl Hendricks,  would step aside after 30 days and that council would appoint him (O'Connell) mayor.

Last night it was Hendricks who stepped aside,  allowing Roger MacLean to become council president and mayor,  if Pawlowski happens to be convicted.  I do not believe that Pawlowski's conviction is a certainty. In many ways Allentown has already lost.  Pawlowski has formed a political block from a segment of the minority population, that proved this past November that it doesn't consider ethics a priority.

ADDENDUM: If MacLean happens to become mayor,  either by Pawlowski's resignation or conviction,  he is well qualified to lead Allentown out from under the cloud of Pawlowski's indictment.


  1. Well, the O'Connell/Hendricks plan has seemed to sink; just like the Titanic. Knowing both MacLean and Hendricks, I'm not surprised by the turning of events. It seems to me Hendricks, all talk and no guts, caved into his former Chief. MacLean does have superior leadership ability and is a way better choice for acting Mayor. He knows the political games played by the "rotund one" and I am sure he'll find a more suitable candidate for interim mayor.

    It is a shame that the stupid and ludicrous write-in candidacy of O'Connell, highly supported by Hendricks, was the prime impetus for getting an indicted mayor reelected.

    Both of them new this could come to complete failure and for personal gain allowed this to happen. Now this plan has unraveled and it seems both will lose! While MacLean is in Florida vacationing, he might convince retired Chief of Police Gerald M. Monahan Jr. to move back, become interim mayor, and clean up this city. Wouldn't that be refreshing!

  2. What leads You to believe Mr.Hendricks would have steeped aside for Mr.O'Connell to become Mayor

  3. william@4:55, there was an understanding between them. hendricks' support for O'Connell during the election is a matter of public record.

  4. Mr. Molovinsky, What is an understanding ? Can understandings be legally enforced ? The City is faced with the possibility of paying out police pensions and also paying out a full time salary. There is precedence for this.

  5. william@6:14, not sure what your inquiry is really asking. to my knowledge a former policeman is entitled to his earned pension, even if he assumes or is elected to a new position in another branch of city government.

    allow me to generally outline my blog policy; my posts are factual, even if i decline to cite sources. i clarify when i'm expressing an opinion. I prefer to let my post speak for itself, and NOT to host and answer questions in the comment section. I also prefer the readers to use the comment section to express their opinion, but not challenge and chat with other readers.
