This Christmas wasn't so good for the Parkway's Santa, Michael Adams. Adams was evicted from the Log and Stone House in Lehigh Parkway. He had an understanding with Pawlowski that in exchange for upgrading and maintaining the structure, he could live there rent free. This fall, out of nowhere, Pawlowski's henchmen appeared with an eviction notice for back payment of rent. Although their arrangement was never put into writing, facts on the ground support Adam's case. He lived there for ten years without paying rent. Among many improvements to the property, he installed a new roof, a new heating system, and new electrical wiring.
While visitors drove past the house this Christmas, lit up as part of Lights In The Parkway, little did they know the true scrooge story behind this year's display. Hopefully, there will be some justice for the Parkway's Santa.
Hopefully there will be justice for him. The facts of his case seem to reflect a good claim for unchallenged adverse possession of the property on our "Santa's" part since the city didn't challenge his possession for ten years and they would also be unjustly enriched by his improvements. I have a JD but am not a admitted attorney...yet... (but I hope to be after attempt #2 at the Pennsylvania Bar Exam at the end of February.)