Oct 12, 2017

Moral Turpitude Deep At Cedar Beach

According to The Morning Call, Mayor Pawlowski is upset that Public Works revealed to City Council last night that the new swimming pool has a leak.  He thinks that the pool is under the purview of the Park Department, and any such announcement should have come through them.  Actually, the announcement should have come from Pawlowski, and it should have been made last week.  Pawlowski should have announced that he was sorry to report that the new pool has a leaking pipe, and that it won't be open this season after all.  Instead, he directed the Park Department to engage in an expensive, elaborate charade, so he could stage an election stunt.

After I reported on this blog last week that the pool was leaking,  I was confronted on Facebook by a media person in Pawlowski's employ, who criticized me for my negativity.  Replacing thousands of gallons of leaking water every day isn't a matter of positive or negative attitude,  it was simply a fact.  Pawlowski and his park director, instead of announcing the leak,  sodded the grass just for the weekend. (Instead of just allowing the grass seed to grow as previously planned). They paid the park staff overtime for the weekend to stage Pawlowski's pre-election meet and greet, all the while adding water to the leaking pool.

It seems so indicative of Pawlowski's character that he is upset that the truth came out, rather than the fact that the pool is leaking.

Pawlowski's hoax took a lot of extra water.


  1. Cedar Beach used to be a pool. Now it's a water park aimed primarily at children. Glad the YMCA still has an actual pool where one can swim.

    As far as the leak goes, it's an election year and Pawlowski has been promising the pool would be open every month since June. And come hell or high water, the pool was going to open and that's the way it was going to be.

    Apparently it was more like hell or low water, which also put a hole in the S S Pawlowski's campaign ship. But no matter, he'll still get his supporters, who don't swim at Cedar Beach anyway.

  2. This pool is all political had to make it look good for Ed. Well this pool should of been tighter than a seals butt.

  3. Yes, I agree Mike. It should have come from the Parks Director. But because she is a member of the Pawlowski Non-Transparency Team she did not. What she did was lie to the taxpayers who have funded that pool. Trust me when I tell you accountability for people like her will start Vert soon. You can count on that!!!

  4. MM, has the city engineering department signed a waver as to the damage done to the structure of the pool itself because of this stunt. Or will it now cost the tax payers another Emil in the future because of the subtetainian cavitation void now near and or under the structure itself.
    I see another change order bill or some sort of engineering study

  5. Did we notice the local media covered the pool opening(in mid October) as a newsworthy event and with the usual smiling faces. All good here was the report(as usual). Do any of them ever have a critical thought in their heads or is that part of their brain disabled in Journalism school.

  6. So now we have a new pool that leaks and new buildings that are empty.

  7. This is another piece of Pawlowski's non-transparency in action. He did not want this can of worms to open until after the election. The public works' department, who'll be tasked with trying to fix this, rightly announced that their is a significant leak. Of course, and in-line with the Pawlowski/Blagojevich doctrine, either me or my minions will announce any problem on our time-line; no matter what the the taxpayer's right to know is. The grand deceiver mayor opened this pool as a political stunt at great costs. It is council's fiduciary responsibility to investigate this outlandish costly waste of taxpayer's money, however, the mostly clueless council seems they don't care; just produce a change order and we'll approve it. It is time to put and end to this deceit in city hall and fire this corrupt man they call mayor!

  8. There should not be another penny spent on this pool.! It's time to start holding the contractor responsible for the inefficient building of the pool. If I hire a roofer to put a roof on my house and it's leaks when he's done, I don't pay him more money to fix it plain and simple! A lot of people have gotten rich off of this pool. It needs to stop and stop now!!! No more money. Period!

  9. So the Mayor is upset that Public Works Director Craig Messinger told City Council the pool is leaking. He was asked a direct question and answered it. Mr. Messinger is a man of integrity and will not lie for the incompetent temporary occupant of City Hall's 5th floor.

  10. I'm an engineer. It is SOP to pressure test piping - at least twice the working pressure. I would think that there would be enough 'hot air' to have sufficiently tested them.

  11. Ray O'Connell said that the Department Heads are forbidden by Pawlowski from talking to City Council. That is not normal.

  12. Charlie @5:00 PM
    I have been told the same by every member of City Council for the past year. Dictator Pawloski wants all inquiries to go through him, not directly to the Department Directors. He even wants City Council to complete Right To Know paperwork for information they have the obligation to see and verify. I cannot agree with his attempts to hide information. City Council members are our elected officials to legislate and be part of a check and balances on the City Executive. HE has shown complete disrespect and disregard to our tax paying citizens and the City Charter.

  13. Department Directors are only allowed to tell City Council what dictator Pawloski allows them to. As the Department budget meetings start, several of the Department Directors may be put on the spot by being asked direct questions, as occurred last night. They have to answer to maintain any credibility with City Council and the citizens they serve

  14. MM,
    as still circus stand in mayor, has he and his parks appointee announced a boil water advisory report to the same public it pandarz?

  15. OK, so it's now clear that his majesty would not allow anyone who worked for the city to make any public statements unless they were cleared by him. Isn't it interesting that the candidate who claims to be just the "man to clean up city hall" never had a problem with this policy while he was on city council?

    Now magically he is transformed into the Reformer King! Yeah sure.....

  16. Pawlowski was exposed back when he tried to build an incinerator in Allentown. He hid the fact that only a few of his "friends" would actually benefit from the Delta Thermo Energy incinerator/trash deal. The majority of City Council didn't listen then.

    Who really benefitted from the LCA Water/Sewer Lease deal? Only one City Council member voted against this deal.

    Several contractors profited from the sloppy pool upgrade/repair for $3+ million. We taxpayers paid for it all.
