Jan 7, 2016

Fighting The Political Machine

As an advocate, blogger and now candidate, I can tell you that it's not easy fighting against the political machine. Last time out, I ran as an independent, in a state that hasn't elected one since the 1930's. This time I'm running as a Republican, but now against established insider connections. Although change is always an election buzzword, neither the party or voters seem to really put value on it. Quite the contrary, with representatives usually serving for ten and more terms. They talk about property tax reform, pension reform and any kind of reform popular at the time. Truth is nothing changes, neither the representatives, term after term, or the policies in Harrisburg.

The Morning Call's political correspondent in Harrisburg finally acknowledged that I'm running, but referred to me as an independent. With your help  I'll correct him, when I'm sworn in as the first real outsider representative. I need help gathering the signatures during the last week in January and first week in February, in order to be on the ballot. Those who circulate the petition must be registered Republicans. I can be reached at 610 395-1815 or mmolovinsky@aol.com

UPDATE: Steve Esack made corrections to his Capital Ideas.  As a long time advocate and critic, even  occasionally of the newspaper,  I appreciate the fairness.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/shulas-steakhouse-looses-its-sizzle/37324172

    Off topic but symptomatic of corruption and greed.

