Sep 22, 2015

Scott Armstrong, Magnet For Controversy

Of all the candidates running for Allentown school board in November, and there was perhaps the largest primary field in Allentown's history last May, none is more controversial than Scott Armstrong. The irony is that none of the candidates are more plain spoken and straight forward than Scott. In a city dominated by liberal Democrats, a conservative Republican becomes a lightening rod. Armstrong actually criticizes the teacher's union for their contract demands, and defends the superintendent. Here's a sample of the current frenzy worked up about Armstrong.
I think that fellow incumbent Scott Armstrong is a right-wing extremist who is not only racially divisive but an obstructionist to getting anything done by the rest of the board. He creates such a toxic environment at school board meetings that I cringe just being in the same room with him. He is not only not a part of the solution, but also he is a big part of the problem on the ASD Board, and he has to go.
The above slur appeared on facebook. For two terms now, defeating Armstrong has actually been a campaign theme for some candidates. As an writer on Allentown, and politically independent, I could endorse no better candidate than Armstrong. He's a home owner near Allen high, sent his kids there, and has been involved in every aspect of Allentown School District for the last decade.

It's going to be a knock down race this November. Ce-Ce Gerlach has developed nothing less than a grass roots machine. Charlie Thiel, first part of the Pawlowski chosen slate, has been positioning himself for the post Pawlowski period in the local Democratic machine.  But only Armstrong, truly represents the taxpayer with no ambition beyond the school board.

Readers of this blog know that in addition to addendum's and updates, I also do unannounced rewrites. Consequently, the post you read at 7:30 AM, may be quite different than the version at 5:30PM. This post may well become part of that category.


  1. Mike,

    The person who wrote the slander is Ed White. He lives in Allentown and amongst other things refers to himself as "an education advocate". Name calling must therefore be the duty of those who advocate for education.
    By the way, this "advocate for education" is supporting the "Walkout" scheduled for next week.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. scott @7:29, i saw the video of the rapper type guy, getting out of a limo in front of allen high, advocating for a "walkout" in his hip-hop version of english. i heard him complain that allen has the third worst academic record in the state. he fails to mention that allentown is also the third largest urban district in the state. i'm familiar with philadelphia, and have seen the endless changes to curriculum and personnel there, to the same result. i reject his accusations of institutional racism, and his call for the superintendent's resignation. he's correct that something should be done; he should be lecturing the students for their attitude, which is the real handicap, and which he ironically represents.

  3. " racially divisive but an obstructionist"

    Standard accusation by Democrats against someone they disagree with.

  4. anon@8:18, although that appears to be the case against armstrong here in allentown, i will not be hosting more partisan generalities. school boards should be non-partisan, and candidates are allowed to cross-register, for that reason.

  5. Just who is this little Ed White fellow?

    After reading a few of his nearly meaningless leftist platitudes some months ago, I asked him just what a self described "education advocate" does -- and to whom he does it. Then ensued a somewhat incoherent hissy fit from him followed by his banning me on Facebook (why would he want to hide his comments?).

    I hadn't heard anything of the guy until his recent unsubstantiated rant (he kind of reminds you of the loathsome Ed "Lagata8484" DeGrace, doesn't he?), so does anyone know what his game is? Are there any concrete, positive contributions he can point to, or is he just a crank?

    Jeffrey Anthony

  6. Jeffrey,

    Mr. White thinks the world of Ed White, and who can blame him once you read all the nice things he says about himself on his Facebook page.

    Scott Armstrong

  7. I for one believe it is important to hear all sides when coming up with solutions. Therefore I think it is important to have Scott as a member of the board.

  8. It is very fortunate the School Board has Mr. Armstrong to provde some voice for the taxpayers of Allentown.We have all seen the damage Pawloski's Machine has done to Allentown with reckless spending and a total lack of oversite of Government.

  9. @Scott Armstrong

    Geez, you're right. Nauseating.

    I've noticed in the past that he's awfully obsequious whenever the subject of forced-membership unions comes up. Is he a lobbyist for any of the public sector labor rackets?

    Jeffrey Anthony

  10. Charlie is only slumming at the ASD board.
    He's gonna be mayor, what with his talent and vision.

  11. scott@10:06 and jeffery@10:30, i would like to remind everyone that i prefer NOT to host chat between readers. furthermore, i purposefully didn't identify the writer of the armstrong comment in the post, because, although the comment represented other attacks against armstrong, the particular writer is of no interest to me; mr. white can be discussed elsewhere. thank you

  12. anon@10:42, charlie thiel demonstrated poor judgement with his involvement with the pawlowski/fleck PAC. furthermore, by my standards, some disclosure concerning the city camera contract is overdue.

  13. While Scott Armstrong is just a humble house painter, he reminds me a lot of Donald Trump in that he is labeled controversial simply for advocating positions that most Allentown property owners agree with but are unwilling to advocate publicly themselves.

    So while most people just put a for sale sign in their yard and move to Parkland, Armstrong gets involved advocating positions that most Allentown property owners agree with. For that he is labeled controversial, far right-wing, extremist and some have even labeled him racist. I emphasize property owners, because these are the ones paying the tax bills and they are the ones Armstrong is advocating on behalf of. The ones labeling Armstrong, for the most part aren't necessarily property owners (some are) but people invested politically or financially in a policy agenda that is detrimental to property owners.

  14. anon@2:59, your comment is left handed, perhaps intentionally, toward armstrong. armstrong's positions have been pro education, pro student and not racist, in any manner. but, because he dared suggest that the teachers and their union should share in the budget pain, he has become a whipping boy for those more interested in disruption, than school progress.

    those interested in political gain encourage a walkout, protesting against injustices that don't exist. instead, they should advocate for a "go early and stay late to school" campaign.

  15. @3:38

    "go early and stay late" campaign. Perfectly put.

    Jeffrey Anthony

  16. Some years back CeCe appeared before a South Side Allentown Meet the Candidates Night. She promised so much to help transform the schools. It's disappointing to see her silence on a number of important school issues including why she didn't explain the sale of the South Side library to the school district.

  17. @6:55

    It's also disappointing the Ce-Ce refuses to do or say anything that could possibly displease the Commissars of the forced-membership NEA. I was banned from her campaign page simply for asking -- in an entirely polite fashion -- where she stood on elements of school choice such as vouchers and charter schools.

    Members of and candidates for school board seem far too obsequious when it comes to pubic sector labor racketeers.

    And that's why so many of them are so opposed to Scott Armstrong.

    Jeffrey Anthony

  18. 6:55

    The South Side Library branch has been closed for years. Long before my time on the board and before the current superintendent. It sat idle for years due to typical renovation problems. If memory serves me correct monies were found to remediate the building and it is currently being converted into the school district's information technology center.

    Scott Armstrong

  19. I think we need more people like Scott on the school boards fighting against the bottomless budget pit. A lot of people have lost employment and have cut expenses to get by. I don't see why the schools cannot do the same.

  20. @1:44, this comment may well be from a well known antagonist, whose long enemy list includes both armstrong and myself. he submits "soft" insults, hoping that they get printed, and damage someone. armstrong doesn't think that the schools are a private business, and puts the students and education first. he has however, resisted creating temporary positions and programs which cannot be sustained.

  21. Mike,

    Even if 1:44's question is not sincere it is a question residents ask me constantly in light of their annually escalating school tax bill. The truth is the district has cut the teaching staff by approximately 20% and administrative staff by around 25%. Even with these cuts the average tax bill for Allentown residents has risen $500.00 in the last few years. The teachers' union thinks that's not enough and would have preferred the entire burden of annually increasing PSER payments be put on the back of tax payers. Of course they tell anyone who will listen that they take this stand because they care so much about the quality of education and the children. At the same time they (the most powerful political lobby in the state) are in Harrisburg blocking any and all attempts to reform the badly broken and deeply in debt public pension system. It is all very selfish.

    Scott Armstrong

  22. I'm searching my memory, and I don't recall any school board member or candidate citing hard, verified budget numbers when speaking to taxpayers. No one except Scott Armstrong. Nor do I remember anyone standing-up to entrenched special interests such as the forced-membership NEA. No one except Scott Armstrong.

    It's good to have someone with real business experience and a head for numbers on school board.

    Let's keep Scott Armstrong on the school board. We need him.

    Jeffrey Anthony
