Sep 21, 2015

Allentown's Deluded Of The Month

I'm not sure who's more deluded this month, Mayor Ed Pawlowski, or Morning Call columnist Bill White. Since Pawlowski got visited by the FBI, he can't get enough of the little people. He's been attending little hispanic churches and posing with center city children. Two months ago, he was dining in NYC, and bending arms for campaign contributions. Ed's fall came from simple greed. Years ago he spend over a $million in taxpayer money to make City Hall user friendly. This year, he and his campaign manager instead conspired to sell access to him and city hall, quite a difference. Truth be told, Pawlowski and Fleck had nothing to do with the arena and that NIZ $billion of taxpayer money, so they went for their own little taste.

Bill White is offended because the blogs have reported that both he and his paper have been lite on scrutiny of the mayor and Allentown's Revitalization. Although he wrote an article detailing his and the paper's articles, he didn't mention these blogs by name. When I filled in the names of those blogs, he deleted the comment. Another truth be told, there has been nothing written or revealed of substance about the NIZ, which did not appear first on this blog, including information provided by others in my comment section. The paper was even officially comprised by having their building included in the NIZ, when it was the only property on north side of Linden Street included. Now, that would be something for Bill to write about.

ADDENDUM: Bill White states by email that he did not delete my comment on mcall.   He states that there is an automatic program, which deletes comments which contain offensive words. There were no such words in my comment, and it was deleted, within 24 hours.

screen grab from Pawlowski's facebook page, which is now a study in humility. 


  1. The paper was even officially comprised by having their building included in the NIZ, when it was the only property on north side of Linden Street included. Now, that would be something for Bill to write about.

    Wonder how many people know this fact.

  2. Disappointed in Mr. While,
    Quite unfortunate,

  3. I suppose the traditional Allentown "Downtown" ran from 12th to 4th, from Linden on the north to Walnut on the south.

    Sure seems that the NIZ was gerrymandered, especially including the area on 5th between Gordon and Chew, and the entire Leigh River frontage from the old A&B meats up to Lehigh Steel. That's the first ward, not the downtown the NIZ was supposed to "revitalize".

  4. @8:00 am, bill has been touting the company line in his column for a long time now. for instance, this winter about wehr's dam, he wrote that he takes his dog there all the time, but would never allow his dog to swim in the foul water. but, he forgot to mention why he goes there all the time. maybe for the beauty bill. although, bill teaches journalism at lehigh, he should be taking the molovinsky on allentown course in ethics

  5. jamie@8:12, outside the box from 10th to 5th and the south side of linden to the north side of walnut, only the morning call building is outside. but, that alone is enough to indicate the lack of integrity built into the whole NIZ concept. i believe that in the future, the NIZ will be studied as a case in corruption, between a city and state. despite this, i had no problem with sacred heart being included, for the greater good they provide allentown. as for the river front, just another opportunity for a few more connected people to hit the biggest state jackpot in history. the city even compromised their own brand new zoning, for a cigarette warehouse. allentown planning and zoning are a joke, as is the coverage of the NIZ by the morning call. white's defense is sad. not allowing my comment, was even more telling.

  6. @6:31 Excellent point! That's what's so exciting about what bloggers line Messrs Molovinsky, O'Hare, et. al. are doing. Citizen-journalists just like Ben Franklin hoped for...

    Jeffrey Anthony

  7. Thank goodness for Michael and Bernie to embarrass the Morning Call into reporting Pawloski news !

  8. I enjoyed WFMZ's interview with Ed. He only granted the Interview on the condition that they ask him no questions concerning the FBI case. Tonight I read an article containing an interview with the Mayor of Charleston South Carolina, who is retiring after serving forty years. He credited the city of Charleston's rebirth with the policy of making the inner city an attractive place to live for ALL residents. He said if there are still areas that live in fear, you fail, you have to make everyone feel safe. I see much good in Allentown, but I also see free fire zones at the periphery, especially the old Fairgrounds district. Ed is still trying to fool people, but I think the jig is just about up.
