Aug 28, 2015

Bill White's Confusion

I had to shake my head reading Bill White's column yesterday. While I often criticize Bill for wasting his bully pulpit on grammar and his reoccurring themes, it's actually better than the revisionism he bestowed upon the Morning Call yesterday.  He wrote, "The Morning Call has focused attention over the years on practices that hinted at pay to play, but those revelations never generated enough heat to trigger legislation or internal reforms." That's news to me Bill, although I realize that the paper has now ended it's eight year  honeymoon with Pawlowski, that only occurred after the recent FBI raid.  By my scorecard, you would have to cite examples of these revelations about pay to play you claim the paper made. Up to recent events, the paper took everything from the Pawlowski Administration at face value.  In reality, the paper, and pardon me for saying, you in particular, were cheerleaders, especially for the NIZ.  You even called me misguided for suggesting that the NIZ was a plan based on layers of inequity; Inequitable to most of the existing businesses in the valley, and segregating against the residents of center city. Although you now write that "Time is running out for politics as usual,"  most of the few local political mavericks have ended up in your Hall Of Shame.  If your memory lapses continue,  you might want to see your physician.


  1. White is an absolute fraud. Him and his former cohort Carpenter are just some of the reasons the Morning Call
    Is unreadable. For decades LV readers have been subject to their biased columns - they supported both Afflerbach
    and Pawlowski. It's time for White to retire.

  2. Mike,

    Bill White should nominate himself for his own Hall of Shame for ignoring the obvious for so many years. His attempt to rewrite history only adds bonus points to his score as best candidate for inclusion.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. Concerned AllentonianAugust 28, 2015 at 7:35 AM

    Bill White, along with the rest of the Progressive bunch, are running scared considering their futures will likely have a sudden change in fortune on election day, 2016.

  4. Bill White's paycheck comes from the Chicago Tribune. 'Nuff said.

    Fred Windish

  5. I was under the impression The Morning Call Property is located in the N.I.Z

  6. Absolutely pathetic. The unreadable begets the inexplicable.

  7. Bill White's propaganda is utterly despicable but, hey, whatever.

    It's the City Without Limits, remember?

  8. Bill White: a poster child for "Golly-Gee Journalism".

    Kittens..crappy fair food...and now, a sudden surge of political conscience?

    The Morning-Know-It-All has always been an embarrassment. Bill is just one of it's little drummer boys. Including him and his 5th grade level column here is actually adding legitimacy to the pablum the passes for his content.

  9. I myself have appreciated private conversations I have had with him in the past several years where he was very candid about his concern about pay to play. He has I believe been more careful in his column but he has addressed the question generally.
    I agree that time is now running out. Day after day compounds the mess we're in and the clock ran out July 1. The mayor is shameless and the unhappy task of belling the cat before he does more mischief falls on a city council who prefer to surround themselves in muck rather than act boldly and courageously.

  10. robert@1:43, i wrote this post with more than a little pause. white is a decent person; for example, he had the courage to write about the predator bill villa, and his harassment of michael donovan. we who have spoken out against villa's aggression receive only more of it, for our good deed. although white may have mentioned his concerns about pay to play to you privately, i have no recollection of reading about such in his column.

  11. So.....Bill knew, but failed to address the issue in a forthright fashion?

  12. comment @4:07 is most likely from bill villa. in addition to direct juvenile insults, he often sends these types of distorting slurs. after enduring villa's slurs for years, district attorney jim martin has filed a libel/slander lawsuit against him.

  13. Dangerous seeds Mike.

  14. @11:27, thanks for another anonymous veiled threat. eventually, the legal system will hold you accountable for them.

  15. You will be held accountable for your threats and provocations Mike. Consequences. Long overdue.

  16. anonymous@12:59, you sound a lot like bill villa. he trashes people continuously on his blog and facebook page, brags about harassing people, but considers any mention of it a provocation. in addition to being sued, hopefully, someday he will be arrested.
