Aug 27, 2015

A-Treat Rules In A-Town

Early last night, outside of Allentown City Hall, I watched activist Robert Trotner plea for Bill 39, the legislation against Pay To Play. Now, if he had been praising one of the reintroduced A-Treat flavors, the public would be interested, but political ethics, not so much. The local media did give coverage to Mr. Trotner and his band of eternal optimists, but compared to A-Treat, it's nothing that the public cares to digest. Here in Allentown, there are priorities and values, and things worth waiting for, like the soda flavors of their youth. Now, eventually the ethics ordinance will pass, and the current administration will be replaced by a cast of new characters. But, what the public really cares about are the important things, like watching the monster trucks in the new arena, while drinking a giant-sized A-Treat.


  1. Say what you want, those Monsters Trucks the city in their wisdom ran in and out of the Lehigh Parkway all winter had a very real impact on that parks infrastructure.
    Will the city be represented in the Jennings Monster Truck Hoe Down?
    One would think so.

  2. Don't you wonder if A-Treat made guns or cigarettes, would it be covered as much by the local media?

    I don't think the Jaindl family purchased A-Treat for the soda. I think they are going to make A-Treat flavored ice cream. Premium, regionally marketed ice cream is a much hotter market than soda.


  3. Soda pop, greasy cheese steaks, second-rate hockey, beer and monster trucks (which can be seen at bigger fairs, no arena necessary).

    That's an Allentown menu if I ever saw one.

  4. Not since Billy Joel penned his unfortunately negative little song and dance number has Allentown received so much national coverage.
    In the spotlight again, the butt of a thousand jokes, The City Without Limits.

  5. @Anonymous 9:21 ~ Allentown is the butt of a thousand jokes because at least a thousand *asses* currently occupy city government positions.


  6. There is no question that Allentown (as well as other towns and cities) has its problems. The increase the firefighters received may be perceived as excessive in some respects, however these preform needed life-threatening duties to taxpayers. It is the salaries of the bureaucrats who only risk only the ink dribble on their newly pressed shirts who should be held to the constant standard of responsibility. Many responses to your daily articles involve "yes, it is" and "sarcasm", however it is positive answers to your blog entries which are needed. Its not enough to say, "yeah, you are right, Mike". Offer an alternative, start a letter writing campaign, start grassroots activism on the subject, or volunteer. Thanks for the identification of the problem, now readers, offer help to the person writing the blog.

  7. @11:28, let me clarify a couple of things. most of the short support comments, such as yeah, you are right, Mike i don't bother to print. now, as to helping me; most of the causes i write about i do so as a writer of sorts*, not as a participant. although i commend robert trotner's demonstration yesterday, i did not join it, nor did i attend the council meeting. over the years i have been involved in numerous causes, but with few exceptions,** i now limit myself to this blog.

    * i don't purport to be a reporter, present both sides, or attempt to be objective

    ** i still lend my energy to advocating for the historical park system, including the WPA, and defending our beauty and history, such as wehr's dam.

  8. A quarter century of active involvement in this town has left me burned out and yes, somewhat resentful.
    Citizen participation is neither valued or encouraged---quite the contrary.
    The civic collapse mirrors the political collapse.
    Many of the best people have moved on, in one fashion or another.

  9. ".....start a letter writing campaign."
    Are you kidding, sir/madam, or are you not paying attention to everything that is going on around you?

  10. Michael,

    A colleague of mine made me aware of your blog. So for the past hour or so I have been reading through your posts. I will state this to begin with. It is obvious that you have concern towards the city of Allentown and that is admirable. But on the other hand is there anything positive that you can say? Your posts are essentially, the city is 'Damned if you do, damned if you don't'. Is there anything that you can say that is positive?

  11. @2:31 AM, i suggest that when it's the middle of the night, and you're reduced to reading this blog for an hour, come daylight, walk east on the sunnyside of the street while whistling. if you're still less than 100% positive, buy a puppy.

    for me, yesterday for the first time ever on the computer i wrote that somebody is a piece of shit. i think that might help me, let me try again on you, you're a piece of shit
    yes by damn, i feel better.

  12. I work second shift, I come home and read your blog on the suggestion of a colleague and you call me a piece of shit? You have a lot of problems, first being able to accept criticism! Fuck you! You old curmudgeon! And after looking into your past, the term fits you perfectly!

  13. @8:52, rather than give you the long background of the comment i made, if i mistook you for a known predator, allow me to apologize. i certainly consider my historical posts, and those advocating the parks, wpa, etc, to be very positive. if my advise on lehigh parkway had been taken by city hall, that iconic park would now not be virtually inaccessible.

  14. Hey you know what?

    If anonymous @ 231 AM got offended..too bad.
    If he/she/they wanted to have his/her/their criticism taken at face value..should have properly identified himself/herself/themselves.

    Aside..this PC way of writing gender identity grammar is unbelievably clumsy. Then again..IDENTIFY YOURSELF if you are going to be picky about what is said about you in return. Otherwise..nobody knows who you you really cant lose face by insult, dont really need nor deserve an apology.

  15. Any guesses on how soon this will be section 8 housing?
