Jul 7, 2015

Schlossberg and Schweyer Should Share Shame

Last evening, Michael Schlossberg and Peter Schweyer appeared on the WFMZ segment about Pawlowski. Both these state representatives agreed with Pawlowski suspending his senate campaign, to concentrate on being mayor. Up until this past weekend, both these boys were supporting Pawlowski's political agenda, including his recommendations about who should sit on the school board and on county board of commissioners. For years, both boys were yes Pawlowski bobbleheads on city council.  Only here, in the valley of political mediocrity, can they get away with such duplicity. School board candidate Charlie Thiel, last week part of Pawlowski's PAC, this week is sharing the scandal stories on his facebook page. These people think that if they change their shirt, they're absolved of any connection with the unfolding drama. With the local conventional media, they are correct about there being no political memory or consequence. However, there also exists an alternative source of scrutiny, thanks for reading molovinsky on allentown.


  1. Mike,

    Once one sells their soul to the devil it can not be purchased back. Everyone will know who sidled up to the Pawlowski Machine and hitched their political fortunes to his wagon. Charlie must have had a heads up, word was going around over a week ago that he didn't need to be on Ed's slate because he could raise enough cash on his own. Guess he was a fast learner.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. Mr. Thiel will be getting some shit on his sanctimonious shoes, make no mistake about it.
    Your two young heroes and the current crop of City Council rubber stamps will all be dealing with some very uncomfortable exposure as people all over town make deals to cover their own butts.
    This is just starting.

  3. Sam Bennett is suddenly back in town and making the rounds.
    She smells the blood in the water.
    What has Allentown done to deserve this kind of "leadership"?

  4. I seem to remember Mr. Thiel got the contract to install and maintain Mayor Pawloski's security camera system.I would seem logical to an outside viewer that these contracts could be under investigation along with all the contacts negociated by City.I would assume many people in City Hall will have made appointments with L.V. lawyers to avoid being taken down with Pawloski.

  5. @10:10, i suppose that these cameras may help solve shootings, but they sure don't seem to deter them

  6. @9:34 am: Allentown didn't vote, didn't clean up it's downtown, didn't improve schools, didn't care. Allentown being the biggest hole of indifference I have ever seen. Allentown isn't interested in leaders..Allentown attacks critics, discourages different points of view, doesn't want "big city" people moving in with their different ideas. There are people who are trying to make a life here, a day at a time. Some are poor and working. Some are disabled, some are raising kids by themselves. This is who lives here. What is NOT here are good jobs, no matter how many ugly glass buildings are thrown up.

  7. Within this, there are MANY potentially damaging tentacles belonging to lots of different people. I just noticed the termination letter to Mr. Nerl pictured in the Morning Call instructs him to return his keys to 840 Hamilton Street. Did Fleck maintain an office there, and what was the rent if he did?

    One aspect of these actions could well be additional concern from the IRS. Lots of things can be determined a gift, with required fair market value on the return and listed as income. I get the feeling this will take a long time to sort out.

    Fred Windish

  8. ......and the whole thing comes tumbling down!
    Who ever thought it would happen so soon and with such speed?
    There are a few heroes here, you MM are in that small gutsy group.

  9. I am sure it won't be long before the names of Mr.Fleck's clients are published.I assume some very interesting names will appear on that list.

  10. You can bet that everyone remotely involved in the NIZ and city contracts is discreetly retaining legal counsel. Grand juries don't handle civil matters.

  11. for a political blogger, this story has so many angles, that i'm already two days behind with other posts. i must mention daryl nerl. he was a very biased morning call reporter, who treated me unfairly on several issues over the years. several years ago, when i outed his lack of objectivity as a reporter, bill white defended him. today, we learn that as mike fleck's new hack, he was the last to know that his employer had fled the coop, despite other employees jumping ship last week. nerl actually had to get a snail letter before he understood that he no longer had a job. that's quite a nose for investigative journalism you have there daryl.

  12. The Moring Call could have ended Pawloski dictator-ship years ago.I looked up some N.I.Z. zones last week and discovered the Morning Call property was in the zone !!!

  13. I'm eagerly awaiting the WFMZ Alan Jennings interview. He's always prepared to enlighten his people.

  14. Mike,

    I am no fan of Nerl either for basically the same reasons you mentioned. Hard to feel any pity for him. On another point of interest, this affair could change the political dynamic in the city completely. I would point specifically to the city controllers race. The incumbent would seem to be very vulnerable as she, like her predecessors is nothing more than a facilitator of Pawlowski's shenanigans.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. Mike,

    I leave it to your discretion whether to approve.

    We will see over the next few days and weeks where this will go. I want to remind your readers how over the last 8 years we have lacked real oversight in our city. Most of our council members, and hope to be elected mayor's candidates for council and school board, are rubber stamps for the mayor, including Schlossberg and Schweyer. All, but, one or two, are not curious about the issues if it means going against the mayor and have gone against the will of the people of this city on every major issue - ANIZDA, the water lease, the trash incinerator, parking meter increases, and more. Our City Controller does not publish any audits. The Right-to-know process is used to hinder the free flow of information about our city. The mayor’s favored agencies, plans, and contracts that have the greatest impact on the people of this city are blindly endorsed regardless of the financial impact on our residents. Even his negligence is silently endorsed. In this year’s election voters need to reject the mayor’s candidates for city council, controller, school board, and county commissioner.

    Full disclosure: I am a candidate in the 2015 elections for City Controller.

  16. I salute you, Mr.Ramos,you didn't desert us like so much of the party.

  17. I agree with Mr.Ramos.If this Federal investigation was started to check if the City's contract system was questionable our City Controllers past and present must not have provided proper oversight.A fresh face looking at the City's fiscal policies might be the proper path to take

  18. Having attended city council meetings over the years and watched both these men do almost nothing to disagree with the mayor it's not surprising they would stand by him.

  19. Sam Bennett?

    Ha ha.

    Allentown IS a joke ... and a stale one at that.

    Let me guess --- Sam cares, right?

    Ha ha.

    Too bad no one has the balls to say what needs to be said, Comrade.

  20. Daryl Nerl is among the hords of 'journalists' who love to call communications professionals 'hacks' and 'flacks'. Yet, they are the first to grab those evil PR jobs when they arise, especially with liberal pols, once-evil public utilities, price-gouging hosptials and other business interests.
