Jul 6, 2015

Morning Call Puppies Waking Up

Readers of this blog know how exasperated I've been by The Morning Call. Although their columnists and reporters had the bully pulpit, they instead wrote one puff piece after another about Allentown's Renaissance. When I complained about the inequities of the NIZ, Bill White actually referred to me as misguided. Today, fellow blogger Bernie O'Hare wrote a laundry list against Allentown mayor Ed Pawlowski. Although O'Hare and I differ on our approach, he targets who he perceives as the perpetrator, I attack the flawed policies, many of his examples today linked back to my blog. Today, the Morning Call is finally forced to wake up. Media sources in Philadelphia are reporting the growing scandal which occurred in the Morning Call's back yard, while they reported on puppies and dining choices. This week I will reprint some posts on abuses which should have been noted by the local media.


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  3. At the end of the day, no one cares about the marginalized blog mentor, who has been reduced to posting anonymously bc if he identified himself, he'd be even more marginalized.

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  5. Are the Morning Crony's puppies really waking up, or still working on the cover up?

    The latest "report" is merely a recap of Pawlowski's latest press release. Both seem to be trying to portray Pawlowski as heroically giving up his Senate run to focus on Allentown.

    Will they ask why he thought he could run for Senate on the taxpayers' dime in the first place? Or for Governor? Or whether his hiring of a managing director early in his administration (to do the Mayor's job) was really for the purpose of allowing Pawlowski to play politics on the taxpayer dime?

    When Pawlowski states that the problems go back before his election, will the "professional press" remind their audience that Pawlowski just happened to be a key player in the Administration that preceded him?

    They might be doing the bare minimum to cover a story they can't really ignore in their own back yard, but I'm still waiting to see anything that resembles honest, objective journalism.

  6. Let's not forget Allentown City Council and their pathetic passive role in this rotting edifice.

  7. as a victim of constant cyberstalking, i occasionally succumb to the temptation of printing one of his insults. i have deleted his comment and my reply. realize that any politician/candidate remotely associated with him is beyond flawed.

  8. What's so comical about Pawlowski's spin on all of this is the way he, with Morning Call's help, portrays himself as a working partner in cleaning up this situation. To paraphrase his response, as written by a paid image hack, it reads . . .

    "It's been brought to my attention there could have been unethical, even illegal, methods used in conducting your city's business. This occurred over a long time, beginning about the time I happened to elected Mayor. I am surprised as anyone to find these practices so common they attracted the attention of federal officials and the FBI. It's time now, for me to get to the bottom of all this. That's what a good Mayor does."

    The poor chap must have been so busy with other matters he wasn't able to sense anything like this was happening in his fair city. He's been victimized.

    Fred Windish
