Oct 22, 2014

Political Gate-keeping At Luther Crest

Although the residents of South Whitehall's Luther Crest are politically sophisticated, this year is particularly confusing. After having been part of the 134th state house district for over 20 years, this year for the first time residents will be voting for the 183rd representative, although they're still currently represented by Ryan MacKenzie of the 134th. Ryan, being a good Republican, had Julie Harhart, the 183rd incumbent, at Luther Crest's Senior Expo last month. Needless to say, both Republicans knew that they were attempting to pass the mantle with soft campaigning. As the independent candidate I have been unsuccessfully trying to gain access to the Luther Crest community room since early Monday morning. I believe that the residents of this exclusive community would not be happy to know that information about all their upcoming voting options is being stopped at the door by management.

UPDATE: Under IRS rules pertaining to non-profits and political candidates, because Julie Harhart appeared there in September, and she's not the state representative for Luther Crest, but an active candidate to be the state representative for Luther Crest,  I must now also be permitted equal access.


  1. Mike,

    My experience is that these places want no politicking done on there campuses, anywhere, anytime.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. scott, that may be so, but under IRS rules pertaining to non profits and political candidates, since harthart was there in september, and she's not their state rep., but a candidate to be their state rep., i must now be permitted access.

  3. Mike,

    I do not know the circumstances but would guess Julie went there as a state rep. You are trying to gain access as a candidate. Not saying this is right, but been there done there myself.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. scott, ryan mackenzie is and was their state rep last month. julie harhart at this point is a candidate in south whitehall's 5th district (location of luther crest) not their state representative. harhart had her own senior expo in her district. she cannot be state rep in two districts at once. she was a candidate at luther crest. under the non-profit guidelines, i'm now also entitled access, as is ms. powells, if she so chose.

  5. Julie Harhart did her little mini Senior Expo at LutherCrest not 60 days prior to the election date. Nobody is fooled by this appearance- it was a campaign opportunity plain and simple. It is "bad optics" for the administration to censor the access to information to residents at LutherCrest. At minimum, it is patronizing and at worst it is getting in the way of basic rights to information relative to voting.

  6. I think that you are likely misinterpreting the "non-profit guidelines". As I believe Mr. Armstrong is trying to point out, much will depend on the facts of Harhart's prior visit.

    Did Harhart give a campaign speech or pass out campaign literature (like "Vote for Julie Harhart")? If so, you might have a point. If not, there's likely no violation.

    I don't think her mere presence at what could (depending on the facts) be described as a non-candidate event opens the door to campaigning.

  7. P.S. - You're getting very close to Election Day. Don't get distracted or lose time with things that you can't control. Is there another way that you can reach that same group of voters?

  8. @11:09, the only way i could reach the same group of voters would be if luther crest allows me into their community room, that's my point.

  9. One must ask exactly why harhart was at the luther crest senior expo? she conducted her own senior expo in northampton on sept. 18th, for the 183rd district. it's obvious that her appearance there was campaigning for nov. 4th, when she would appear on the ballot to the residents of luther crest, because of the redistricting. it was her decision to attend, and now it is my right under the code to have equal access.
