Sep 14, 2014

A Candidate Of Historical Record

Wehr's Dam is the featured special in today's Morning Call. From my perspective, the story concentrates too much on dam removal science. Worse, that science is not site specific. But, what's worse than the article making that mistake, is the State of Pennsylvania making it. I understand why the Wildlands Conservancy cherry picks the science, they garner grants and administrative fees from removing dams. The Director of the Fish and Boat Commission recently told an associate that he feels that all dams should be removed, that's why Pennsylvania leads the nation in dam removal. That dubious distinction has resulted in some historical dams being removed which did not adversely affect fish or water quality; One size does not fit all.

I'm proud of my record advocating for the WPA sites in the Allentown Park System, and my attempted defense of the Robin Hood Dam there last year.  I'm proud that I was able to save the Reading Road Stone Arch Bridge. When asked to support saving the dam, incumbent State Representative Julie Harhart declined. As a citizen or as a Representative, my advocacy for our traditions and history will continue.

1 comment:

  1. The Wildlands Conservancy has wildly confused it's stated mission with it's intended actions to tear the dam down.

    Parks are not wild places...parks are public recreational spaces. The engineering reports continue to be positive about the state of the dam- the designation being "low threat". No harm nor loss of property is projected if this dam fails, and it is far from failing. It's spill-path will not threaten homes, nor people, nor livestock. The dam has stood with zero repair or maintenance for eleven decades: it is an engineering marvel in fact.

    There is no need to destroy such a structure, when it is providing at zero cost to taxpayers and to the many visitors numerous benefits: fishing, picnicking, attraction of waterfowl, and the activity of the falling water keeps mosquito larvae from being hatched. All of those benefits go away-permanently- once the dam is knocked down.

    More to the point, the tax paying citizens of South Whitehall Township do not wish the dam removed- the opposite-we have petitioned, signed our names and addresses to a public document stating so. The very idea of tearing down the dam should not have-and wasn't-on the table UNTIL there was a big fat grant attached to it. The motivation behind the WC is so clear it is almost comic.
