Nov 4, 2013

The Morning Yawn

The Morning Call is always sparse on Monday. They compose Saturday, Sunday and Monday on Friday, so besides the Allentown police blotter, there's no local news. The limited space is filled with stories with no time line, like today, on Martin Guitar. Half of this limited local space today is filled with the voter checklist for tomorrow's election. If Monday's papers aren't worth the price, today's deserves a total refund. The voter checklist, all two and half pages, or half the local section, is from last May's primary. Wonder if it will matter?


  1. What's the difference ! The Voters know who they are voting for.

  2. What an outrageous error. Absolutely astonishing.

  3. First-time commenter here.
    Just wanted to thank you for presenting other facts regarding the Muller and Ott race. I often read O'Hare's blog, but as of late I've noticed a very concentrated effort by him in throwing mud. So much so, it made me actually look for more information (admittedly, I haven't been following some contests that closely). Bernie, who I once thought of as trying to be even-handed on most subjects has, lately, become a mudslinger. I've also noticed that rational disagreement with him results in the commenter usually being insulted, accused of being a communist, or having no empathy (the latter being his new favorite accusation).

    All I really wanted to say was, thank you for a different point of view.

    As one comment on your blogs said, you should expand a bit and try to cover NorCo. We could use some fresh perspective in blogging.

  4. @6:59, the campaign by muller has been as negative as i have ever seen. bernie also has been over the top in that regard. below is part of a post by wayne woodman on facebook.

    Scott Ott has run a campaign that is consistent with returning government to governing. His campaign for Executive has been a positive one without a single negative mailer or communication. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see.” This is in stark contrast to Mr. Ott’s opponent. The Democrat campaign for Executive has been an entirely negative one. Our opponent for County Executive has sent mailers, aired radio ads, and blasted emails out based upon the politics of fear.

    His campaign has maligned Scott with false facts and out of context statements. His is the kind of campaign which appeals to the lowest form of human nature. It is not indicative of leadership but rather it is a demonstration of pandering and cynicism....

  5. I was wondering why people were shaking my hand and saying they were going to vote for me... LOL!

    Alfonso Todd

  6. I looked for a correction to yesterdays Morning Call blunder, but can't find one. Hmmmm....

  7. @4:50, there were corrections in both the hard and soft copy of the paper
