Apr 6, 2013

The Price of Criticism

Being a watchman is not without cost. I would have little motivation to labour with this blog, six and seven days a week, if I had to consider local government and the press off limits. I had requested pre-event publicity about the Parkway WPA Tour from The Morning Call. I sent the request to five staff members, covering all pay grades of decision. Although I received no replies, the paper demonstrated that they had both the resources and space for coverage, if they so desired. On Thursday, they dispatched a photographer to the park. Friday's paper contained about a half page spread, with two large photographs of a women and her dogs. A large vertical caption elaborated about huskies and next week's weather. This is National History Month, as another feature in the paper pointed out. Allentown's new generation, and it's new residents, know little to nothing about the stone structures which are the signatures of our park system. Roosevelt, the depression, the New Deal, and the WPA might have some relevance during History Month. Today's WPA Tour didn't suffer from the paper's boycott of me, about 30 people attended. I suspect the paper will catch up on our WPA treasures, albeit minus myself. Allentown has just appointed a new park director. Let us hope he develops an interest in the treasures of Allentown.
UPDATE: I would like to express my gratitude to everybody who came out yesterday, to both support and learn about the WPA structures. I know that because of the nice weather and fishing season, parking was a challenge. I would also like to express my gratitude to Friends Of Allentown Parks, for adopting the WPA cause. I look forward in the future to conducting another such Discovery Walk. This coming fall we will conduct another Allentown WPA Association meeting, to which I hope to attract more converts. Again, thank you.


  1. MM, did you notice the king had one of his chief firefighters posing as an interested party, yet none of his police officers was there to taze any truly interested parties¿ WFMZ/gag has a home rule gag order placed upon them for reporting on the criminals that have been coludeing with the local political party before you or I were able to understand english¿

  2. @5:36, one gentleman there was a former high ranking firefigher, who retired a number of years ago. he and I graduated allen together. i believe he came to show support for the historical park system. actually, there was a police officer there, but not in any official capacity. as to criminal intent, i had received, but not printed, numerous anonymous threats, which i contribute to bill villa, on every single post about the walk in the park. his intent, beyond threatening me, was to discourage attendance. eventually, laws will catch up with his sort of cyberstalking.

  3. Mike: Thanks for sharing your knowledge and time today. I enjoyed the tour and it was nice meeting you. Chris

  4. PresentAllentownParkAttendeeApril 6, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    Mea culpa for my absence today. I just wanna walk the park you & me, one day real soon.

  5. park attendee, your continuous threats are the stuff of a junior high school bully. sorry bill, i do not want to have a physical altercation with anybody.

  6. Mike you yourself planted the seeds of physical altercation. So now they're growing. Oopsie.

  7. concerning the comment of @8:17. for those uniformed, bill villa states on his blog that i gave him permission to "fist fight" with me, because the term seeds of physical injury was contained on my blog, in a comment written by someone else. despite me clearly stating, numerous times, that those words are not mine, he continues his daily threats. of course he made daily threats before then also. there are numerous other people on his long neurotic enemy list who would accommodate his juvenile compulsions, but they are taller and younger than me. (5'6'', 66) in addition to rejecting most of his comments, i also reject the numerous comments about him, none of which are flattering.
    i already alloted villa too many comments and attention. hopefully he'll get some from the authorities, which is long overdue.

  8. Molovinski, I for one hope Mr Villa files a criminal complaint against you for harassment and threatened aggravated assault.

  9. @ 12:02, i'll give you credit for getting another comment on my blog, and drawing another reply from me. you truly are a despicable person. the bible speaks about such distortion, accusing people of doing to you, what you are actually doing to them;
    who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

  10. Mike,

    I want to commend you for your excellence contributions to the city through both outstanding discourse and actual civic involvement.

    Scott Armstrong

  11. Who is the new park director? Not surprised that the Call snubbed your caring event. Sometimes garbage on a Sunday morning lingers around their downtown property's sidewalks streets and gutters. What a photo could do for that story?

  12. @1:19, the morning call had an announcement that the position was filled, with his name and previous position. about 8 years ago allentown combined the park and recreation depts. the last director's background was in recreation, hopefully, the new director has more park experience. silly me was hoping that he would join our walk yesterday.

  13. Who is the new park director?

    From Allentown's Website..
    Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski today announced the nomination of John P. Mikowychok to become the city’s next Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation

    For the past 11 years, he was the Director of Chester County (PA) Department of Parks and Recreation.

  14. LVCI said...

    Who is the new park director?

    From Allentown's Website..
    Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski today announced the nomination of John P. Mikowychok to become the city’s next Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation

    For the past 11 years, he was the Director of Chester County (PA) Department of Parks and Recreation.

    April 7, 2013 at 1:46 PM

    Thank You.
