Nov 30, 2012

A Shovel At The Trough

The citizen's event on Wednesday didn't receive the fanfare of yesterday's hockey arena groundbreaking. Over at the big hole yesterday were the big people, who are going to benefit on the public's dime. Although I wasn't there, I'm sure I'll be able to see pictures and video galore. They have a ticket to ride for the next decade. Jennifer Mann thanked everyone who stuck their necks out, I think they stuck their hands out. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the citizen's petition against privatizing their water was submitted to the Administration. Although Mayor Pawlowski had repeatedly told the public, and City Council, that a 35% tax increase would be necessary without the water lease, on Wednesday, he told the press that the increase would be 100% or more. The numbers didn't really change, it's that his respect for the little people got lower; He doesn't believe that they deserve a serious dialogue on the issue, and except for Jeanette Eichenwald, neither does City Council.

photocredit: Denise Sanchez / The Morning Call / Nov. 29, 2012


  1. The State-sponsored Lehigh Valley Phantoms do not deserve one penny of this hockey fan's money.

    Unless, of course, the State can come up with a plan to get somebody else to pay for my tickets to the record-smashing Pawlowski Palace of Sport.

    Because fair IS fair.

    The Brooks Brothers will have a new hockey arena that they did not pay for --- so, I really just do NOT see why I should be expected to pay for my own stuff, either.

    At least the AAA Lehigh Valley IronPigs had a considerable amount of THEIR OWN MONEY - UP FRONT - in the deal to build Coca-Cola Park, for those who know the correct history of how all that went down ...

  2. That's weird. I work in the NIZ, and I didn't know a thing about this ground breaking ceremony. Neither did my boss or coworkers. And we're downtown every single day.

  3. Mike,

    On so many levels, these same elected officials are leading the city of Allentown in the wrong direction. And yet they have been empowered to do so by the voters. This seems worthy of an Aesop's Fable.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. Did or proud public servants hold the groundbreaking for the 15th St. bridge yet or did I miss that one?

  5. Mr.Molovinsky, I have always believed this Arena was a bad idea.That being said what guarantee do the tax-payers have with the owners to stay in the City.Can't the owners flip the team if they want to leave.

  6. The whole idea of a minor league hockey team "saving" a city is a nonsensicle idea from the start. Has never happened and never will. If a minor league team could save a city, Coca Cola park would be there. Even major sports areanas, ballparks, and football fields are built on the outskirts, not center city.

  7. Pawlowski and friends should have visited Newark. The arena there is a gorgeous venue - absolutely state of the art and wonderful. The surrounding community, however, remains a complete and total $hithole.

  8. I'm picturing this same crew gleefully shoveling dirt at your gravesite, Mike. Now that would be "moving forward together" mit ott 1 dour naysayer once.

  9. i'm picturing bill villa eventually being arrested for cyberstalking and veiled threats.

  10. Well, MM, I WAS there and the sad part is while it was packed with season ticket holders and dignitaries, many of us who actually live in the immediate vicinity had no clue about the event. Many barely knew about the Tree Lighting ceremony. I guess we are good enough to collect taxes from and jail, but not good enough to actually fully inform about items which will actually effect our day to day livelihood. But in 2013, I plan to change all that. It's time to INFORM and EMPOWER, because when you KNOW better, you DO better....

    Alfonso Todd
