Oct 16, 2012

News From The Parkway

With the departure of former park director Greg Weitzel, responsibility for repairing the WPA entrance wall into Lehigh Parkway has been transfered to the City's Department of Engineering and it's street division. The one way traffic barricades are scheduled to be removed. Richard Young, department head, indicates that a hybrid wall of cement with a stone facade will probably be utilized. As the founder of the only group in Allentown concerned with the WPA, I can accept that remedy. Two years ago, rather than repair the stone steps on Jerome Street by Irving Park, the Park Department had them removed. The constructions at Irving Park were not WPA, but of that era and style. Elsewhere along the Little Lehigh, things are not too encouraging. Schreibers Bridge was probably recently hit by a tractor trailer. The 15th Street Bridge closure is resulting in a tremendous amount of traffic over the little stone arch, built in 1828. Although posted with a weight restriction, it is being used by both trucks and buses. The 15th Street replacement is scheduled for 15 months; Let us hope that our historic Schreibers Bridge survives that long.

The photograph above shows a freight run on the former Quarry Barber Branch Line, just west of Schreibers Bridge. Although the track has been removed, the trestle still stands.

Photograph taken in 1976 by Dave Latshaw, The Mark Rabenold Collection


  1. Wait a minute. You mean after almost a year of orange barracdades and a
    promise of wall repairs, it's a lie?
    you mean the city is now going to tear down this antique wall and replace it with facade!

  2. @6:21, the barricade was for naught. the engineering department will start over on their analysis. they do not believe that vehicles on the road are exerting additional pressure on the wall, and will remove the barriers. although weitzel announced a time frame for the project, it appears to have been smoke.

  3. Weren't grants and some city dollars allocated for this project? Where are they?

  4. Smoke you say. Nothing to do with the upcoming Lights event?

  5. Can't believe this story. City workers would speak of this project's progress. It was all a joke?

  6. after weitzel resigned, responsibility for the project was given to engineering and streets, that's a FACT. i ASSUME that actual analysis and contracts for repair by weitzel were smoke, because nothing was ever done. i don't see much benefit now speculating about the weitzel era. i believe that this blog helped reign his ambitions in, and that cedar park is less cluttered with his planned amusements because of it.

  7. This sounds like a Hollywood script.
    Criticism comes from a loyal
    city blogger and consequently city hall says "We gota do something, but what?" Solution: Orange barricades show up and park goers believe something's being done even though for months it looks like nothing is being done. Fool the folks most of the time, success.

  8. And the news just in time for the anual lights extravaganza.

    The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.
    Good Lord what fools are in charge here?

  9. Did,or did not Weitzel,pay an outside engineering firm for an assessment of the structural integrity of that wall? How much was sent on that contract? Did City Council approve this contract?

    Did we,the public, not read in the Morning Call that the wall was in very poor even dangerous condishion? And work would begin immeadetly,and be completed in 90 days?

    To the News Room at the MC, did you not report this last Spring? Do you as journalists have any responseability for a follow? This involves road closeings and chances in traffic patterns that effect your readers. Have you no professional obligation here?

    Is there ANY accountability in Allentown? Does this blog represent the whole system of civic and political checks and balances?

    Something is very wrong here!

  10. If you haven't see LIGHTS IN THE PARKWAY make sure you pack the loved ones into the family sedan and catch it.
    Prepare to be underwhelmed!
    I mean seriously underwhelmed.

  11. The city workers started to install the stunning and world acclaimed Lights In The Parkway yesterday, Monday, Oct. 15th.
    This is how a decimated parks staff is used.
    Meanwhile, the iconic Covered Bridge falls into decline.

  12. Hey cut them a break. They got a lot to focus on down at the NIZ ya know.
    Can't expect them to get to everything.

  13. yo mm
    im in the parkway every thurs fri sat and sun. i mean every one. it was traffic mayhem this summer bro. cars going with the new one way- cars going against it. inadequate signage, a freakin dangerous mess. the worst part was the danger pedestrians were in at the pinch point by the orange safety barriers. very dangerous all the way around. if the engineering dept was in charge of this cluster funk, then i lost a lot of respect for rich and his guys.
    i am telling you it was a mess bro.

  14. Too bad that lovely blog Remember Allentown is inactive.
    The young man who wrote that ( if you missed it too bad, it was top flight ) must be going absolutely bonkers what with all that's been going on around here.
    Any idea what's going on with him or his blog?

  15. @9:05, it is my understanding that the one way orange barricades were installed by the park dept, but will now be removed because engineering is taking over the project and considers them not necessary.

    @9:47, andrew has restarted his blog

  16. Parkway Road was a real hazard all season long with cars going every which way on the new one way.
    Speeding was outrageous, but that's not new.
    Now it was all a big mistake? Somebody should lose their job over this. Isnt anyone in charge?

  17. @8:22, the post is clear that the decision to make the road one way was weitzel's, and that he is now gone.

  18. Please answer me this -MM - anyone, please.

    Who is in charge of speeding thru the Parkway?

    Why are there not enough SPEED LIMIT signs -- no SPEEF BUMPS--- no Stop Sign where the Parkway Rd meets Vultee st.


    Someone please help fix this dangerous situation.


  19. @11:42
    Yes, someone will be killed or maimed by a speeding car in the Little Lehigh Parkway.
    At least now it's on record at this site that this ongoing problem is widely known, yet left unaddressed by Allentown City officials.
    I hope the attorneys for the victim really hammers the city.

  20. as stated before, this blog will print no more comments concerning weitzel's plans, or lack of them, for the wall and road. it's too difficult to change the past.
