Oct 10, 2012

Democrats Default To Distortion

Although the Obama camp Big Bird campaign backfired somewhat, distortion seems to be their play for the remainder of the campaign. Leading the charge with misleading headlines is the Huffington Post. A resort owner's letter stating that if Obama wins, his tax policies will result in cutbacks and layoffs becomes Your Fired If Obama Wins. It pains me* to report that even a local college professor buys the distortion on his blog. College campuses have been the historical bastion of left wing politics, nothing new there. Yesterday, it was revealed that Obama workers were registering high school students in Florida, pretending to be from the county voter registration office. Actually, there was a tremendous lesson for the professors to use in last week's debate. When Obama, the first rate orator, was confronted by a well informed opponent, eloquent speaking and acting alone were not enough to carry the night.

* I consider him a sincere person and a friend.

UPDATE: As the Huffington Post article on the resort owner slipped further down their homepage, they changed their original provocative title. The college professor has made his blog private, at least for the moment. He had linked to a different version of the story on the resort owner.


  1. Mike,

    The old question of a tree falling in the woods does it make a sound if no one hears comes to mind in regard to the local blog.Otherwise, what is new under the sun with the Dems?

    Scott Armstrong

  2. scott, it will be heard now with inclusion on this blog. although comment moderation, and my refusal to print idle chatter or malice, reduce comment count, readership numbers here remain unaffected.

  3. As the election nears you and Scott sound more and more alike MM.

    Scary dude.

  4. The debate proves the saddest fact of modern politics today. To para-quote Bill Maher: debates on TV are "85% visual, 10% Tone, and 5% actual substance" when swaying the public at large. I am unfortunately cursed to actually understand what was being said and not worrying whether one candidate was taking notes, like a good high school debater would be doing, or whether another was "looking and sounding more presidential". Specifics? Flip-flops? Who cares? "My! Doesn't he stand straight and tall and look good in that suit!" The fact that people can be swayed so easily with such tripe says a lot about the sad state of our politics and screams ever more loudly for campaign reform so that our politicians can no longer be whored out to the highest bidder to achieve more TV time.

  5. @8:07, i believe that those debates are as substantive as the election gets, even if it's only 5%; much more so than stump speeches where nobody questions anything. i also find it ironic that bill maher and john steward, two professional comics, are now quoted for their political insight, now that's sad.

  6. 8:07 -

    You miss the point. The "flip-flops" and lack of "specifics" you cite deal with distortions and falsehoods from Obama.

    What you've heard from the President's mouth regarding Romney has been mostly lies with a slight amount of truth to make them believable.

    Obama can't run on his record or his ideas, so that's all he has left. Wake up!

  7. Neither Maher or Steward are as funny as Rush, or Scott Armstrong for that matter.

  8. "Bill Maher and John Steward, two professional comics, are now quoted for their political insight ...

    ... now that's sad."


    It's about time SOMEBODY had the guts to say it.

    This country sure has fallen to embarassingly low depths of disgrace under this current Obama Administration.

    Could the country REALLY handle another four more years of "the Transformation"?

    I think not.


  9. Notice the nice attempt to smear Scott Armstrong (and Molovinsky)

    I love it.

    I hope Obama wins again because I was really impressed with the way he promised to cut the national deficit in half but was still able to add $ 6.0 TRILLION dollars of NEW debt.


  10. I suppose as a Republican I should find heart in the enthusiastic support for Rommney expressed on this blog.
    I must confess I do not.
    I will go to the poll and vote for my parties candidate, with little or no joy. I do not find him a man of notable integrity or substance.
    He is at least not the other guy. This time that will have to be enough.

  11. @1:21, i strongly suspect that you have always been voting for your real party's candidate, Barak Obama. how cleaver and subversive you fashion yourself. such future comments will not appear.

  12. Michael'
    You won't find it difficult to believe, I don't believe, my circumstance. I'm a Democrat. Generally, that party represents my political views .
    I didn't support Oboma in the primaries last election. With some reservations I voted for him. That much less difficult because of the weak GOP ticket. ( I do occasionally vote Republican, locally & nationally. )
    I find Mitt Rommney quite unexceptable. So, with considerable distaste, I will hold my noise and vote against Romney. I cast my ballot for a man who I find wanting in many ways, still by my calculation, the lesser of two unappealable options.
    Many people are in my position.
    Do you find it so difficult to believe, after the nasty GOP primaries, that 1:21 is not in the same position?

  13. While you continue to talk about Obama's distortions, perhaps you can clarify candidate Romney's position on the issue of abortion.

    Ever since Mittens entertained the idea of presidency, he's taken the hard-line stance of pro-life (not withstanding his more liberal views when he was governor of Massachusetts).

    However, trailing with the women's vote, he was quoted when speaking with the Des Moines Register earlier this week that he would not pursue any abortion related legislation if he was elected.

    So what is it? It's whatever is convenient at the time.

    John Kerry was vilified for his "flip-flopping" ways 8 years ago yet Romney who has "evolved" on almost every issue gets a pass?

  14. And so, on the subject of pro-life---- yet another " mid- course " correction. I would like to believe him. Can I, a Christian with more than a little concern? Or must I stay home? Then again maybe people like me do not really exist and this is just a lie?

  15. @5:33&5:41, sorry to be so exclusionary, but i will also not host further comments on the pro life/choice issue.

  16. ok mm---just so i get your new rules down. no talk about religion, no matter how absolutely crazy a candidate's beliefs might be. ( exception made for issues of concerns or mport to jewish american voters.)
    no talk about pro- life/ pro-choice. ( may we address other issues of interest to the ladies who might check in here, however few?)
    no talk about voting for either candidate if we can't do it with a song on our lips and a smile in our heart. right?
    no talk about those wild and crazy mormons. period.
    i know I'm forgetting something.
    oh yes. no talk about how big box stores helped kill off small butchers, bakers,candlestick makers, etc. and no talk about the fact that big box pricing structure helped put the nail in the coffin for american made tools and other stuff.
    i am still missing a few things.
    help me out mike.

  17. @7:24, you pretty much covered your prejudice against mormons, and demonstrated your distain for contemporary retailing in america. i'll be glad to entertain comments about business, regulation, taxation, and housing , but we cannot put tooth paste back in a tube. the butcher and baker are from a different era, which isn't coming back. i'll be glad to entertain comments about foreign policy. as for the abortion issue, i find it too polarizing for a productive dialogue. but, i sense that disruption is actually your objective here.

  18. Mike,

    This morning I had far too little time to write. However, I feel compelled to expound just a bit on my earlier post.
    What Mike Donovan’s blog post demonstrates is hatred trumping intellect. Who can deny that the bile he wrote springs from deep animosity rather than what we all agree is a very fertile mind?
    While I disagree completely with the Left’s point of view, I don’t begrudge or impugn their motivations. I am a big critic of their voting patterns, their intentional ignorance of corruption within their own ranks, their defense of the otherwise indefensible, and their use of personal attacks and slanders to defeat political opponents. That said, I understand their motivation is a desire to affect positive change in America and the world. It is a shame the left will never acknowledge that this is a goal shared by both the Right and Left. Mike’s post is testament to that.

    Scott Armstrong

  19. After the attacks on democrats of all striipes on talk radio from Rush to Savich, Fox News, etc.
    Scott can see the excesses of only one side. The "birthers" and Scott's own red baiting, the lack of any honest accounting of the George W Bush administration.
    Only one side "defends the indefensible ".

    Absolutel astounding Scott. Remarkable.

  20. I happen to find President Obama completely unacceptable.

    Obama's long string of broken promises, such as his pledge to cut the national deficit in half, are unacceptable.

    Obama's policies such as giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to phony companies such as Solyndra are unacceptable.

    Obama's constant apologies are disgusting, to speak nothing of unacceptable.

    Obama turned out to be everything those who did the research before the 2008 election knew he would be, to be quite frank about the deplorable situation at hand in the White House.

  21. Mr. Donovan threw a tantrum.

    Right before his blog went private I posted a comment there calling out his view that evil people only exist on the right, citing the teacher in Philadelphia that verbally assaulted a 15yr old girl for wearing a Romney t-shirt. I followed that by saying that neither party has the moral high ground, and both have their share of idiots.

    Shortly after that, he disappeared.

    I'm sorry he's gone, as I do enjoy reading his blog even when we disagree.

    But the venom and hatred he showed, he needs to take a break.

  22. @3:52, we certainly are a polarized society. although i also took exception to donovan's post, i do not believe that it rose to the level of venom and hatred. why he made his blog private is speculation.
