Jan 12, 2012

Alan Jennings:The epitome of Self-Righteousness

Alan Jennings, like all the self-righteous, feels he's entitled to adapt truth for his purposes, which are greater than ours. Karen Beck Pooley wrote a letter to the editor, praising the zoning decision against Rite-Aid's suburban store design for 7th Street. She noted that although the Administration and The Community Action Committee supported Rite-Aid, the zoners rejected the request for a variance. Jennings has responded on his blog with a rather far fetched defense of his position, and a distortion of Ms. Pooley's points. Jennings chides Pooley for not appreciating the accomplishments of the 7th Street Main Street Program, operated by one his divisions. On the contrary, Pooley actually praised the program's success, and wants Rite-Aid to fit in with all the other facade accomplishments. Jenning's distortion of Pooley's position is only the beginning of his fabrication. He ties the approval of Rite-Aid not only to thousands of jobs, but the actual "Salvation" of Allentown. I seriously doubt if more than a couple dozen people will work at the arena. The arena project is totally separate from other projects in the NIZ, such as the J.B. Reilly office building. Jennings cannot tolerate anything short of praise. He and his organization has been immune from criticism because of political correctness. When you work professedly to reduce poverty and with other sacred cows, I suppose it's easy to become sanctimonious.


  1. what??
    "$600 million development downtown"
    where do these numbers come from?

  2. Grace. Mrs. Beck Pooley, having been ungraciously asked to leave a very important city post, still uses her intellect and care for this city to support an important zoning decision.

  3. What is the status of Rite-Aid now? What will their next step be?

  4. monkey momma, according to alan jennings, they're going to file suit against allentown, and end western civilization as we know it. i believe that they will instead build an urban designed building on their 7th street parcel.

  5. MM -

    I read Beck-Pooley's letter and found it laughable. In her letter, she pointed out how in Allentown we're starting to realize that our historic architecture is a key asset.

    I guess she didn't drive a little further south to Seventh and Hamilton to see the demolition of an entire block of historic buildings for the hockey arena. Or maybe I just missed her letter protesting the city's actions there.

  6. Shouldnt be such a big deal.To peters credit his opposition to the rite-aid was only about the design.Developers/stores have at their disposal multiple designs to fit locations.The box type being the most used in open areas.If you drive down 100 past pottstown at Eagle Pa. youll see CVS and other retailers that cluster in a village design non shopping center.Respectfully Allan should keep his nose out of this,Peter is doing his job.Let Alan address the bigger reason retailers wont locate in downtowns,High shrink/theft.

  7. guy, although i addressed jennings' distortion of karen's letter, i avoided one of the real gorilla's, that you just mentioned. jenning's own man, pete lewnes, had previously spoke against the rite-aid suburban plan. jennings conveniently overlooks that sore spot in his blog.

  8. Interesting how Alan Jennings speaks loudly about his passion of helping people in poverty. The question should be how many employees has he terminated and placed in poverty! Shame on you Alan Jennings I believe you glorify yourself too much and have people believe fairy tales rather facts!
