Oct 11, 2011

Pawlowski Gets Foot Massage

Last night for half an hour, Tony No Shame Iannelli groveled at Ed Pawlowski's feet, while his producer, City Councilman Mike Schlossberg, shined Pawlowski's shoes. Before the first commercial, No Shame said that he's "really beating the Mayor up." By the second commercial, he admitted that the program was softball. Actually, the program was T-Ball. The closest Iannelli got to any evaluation of the Mayor's plans for Hamilton Street, was to call all critics "out of town nay-sayers." Considering that the plan displaces over 34 business owners, and tears the heart out of the historic shopping district, this was a staggering suck-up by the host of Business Matters, and Director of the Chamber of Commerce. They concluded the pathetic program by announcing that Pawlowski has named Iannelli, and Pawlowski's campaign manager, Mal Gross, as Chairmen of Allentown's 250th Anniversary Celebration.


  1. This is not surprising. At some point one needs to accept ones limitations and sit back and enjoy the show.

    In this case it is the destruction of Allentown at the hands of His Honor and his court of jesters.

    These are not nice people. Some say follow the yellow brick road but really follow the money trail. You will end up at the hive located on the SE corner of 9th & Hamilton.


  2. dear arena troll, although i agree that the project is misguided, i do not agree that the intent was nefarious or blatant greed.

  3. "out of town nay-sayers." ??
    more lies.
    We in-town nay-sayers are angry, disgusted, and fed up with this administrations lies and strong armed tactics.The cone of silence employed by these people is simply wrong and an abuse to all of us living in Allentown.
    Do Ianelli or Gross even live in the city?
    Why are these fine gentlefolks intent upon driving the city of Allentown into the ground?
    This behavior being exhibited by our elected officials is reminiscent of corrupt governments throughout the third world.

  4. If not nefarious intent or blatant greed, then what?

  5. i do not believe that the arena plan was hatched to destroy allentown, just so some pawlowski connected associates could profit, although that may well be the result. i believe it resulted from typical elected arrogance and a false sense of mandate, and a cookie cutter formula for 2010 urban renewal. he (pawlowski) was no doubt encouraged by a kitchen cabinet with no regard for historic allentown or current population, and by a rubber stamp city council. pawlowski, the ever sharp pol, labels this transformational, and any analysis as naysaying. for this transformation to be allowed with no public input is amazing, for a city of 108,000 people. allentown city council does not understand it's purpose.

  6. Urban renewal destroyed the Union Street neighborhood. Now a huge vacant White Elephant sits in a spot once called home.

  7. These are trying times and I see this move to develop the arena as an act of desperation.

    The best of intentions is not an excuse for poor decision making.

    Especially that which will have a profound negative impact on the lives of so many.

    Really, nefarious and blatant are mute points in consideration of the damage that very well may be done.


  8. Out of town naysayers? Who do they expect to go to these hockey games?? Good luck with getting Center City's residents to attend the games!

  9. Actually, Allentown has over 118,000 people now.

  10. Isn't Lower macungie resident Tony Ianelli an "out of towner" himself? I hope he divulged that he donates to Pawlowski's campaign. Funny how its OK for 85%of Pawlowski's campaign to be funded by "out-of-towners", but in general "out-of-towners" can't criticize his dumb ideas.

  11. The newest 20,000 being largely hispanic with little use for a hokey arena.

  12. I'll admit that I am confused on the arena issue.On one hand i have always agreed with you that Allentown was a poverty magnet and that our cutural icons in the city such as art museun,symphony,theater,special events would be negatively impacted due to lack of participation.10:05 is probably right,its all about disposable income,Coca cola park,Dorney park and the allentown Fair are the lucky few institutions that are exceptions to the rule.On the other hand,To build the arena and relocate the buisnesses to the 7th street corridor is very risky and if i recall much the same talk preceded the coca cola park proposal.I see pros and cons on both sides of issue and have yet to draw conclusion.
