Dec 7, 2010

A Man for the Times

Recently, a king maker in New Hampshire looked over Rick Santorum, and said that he had the right look to run for President. Nobody is saying that about John Bolton, but he has the right stuff. Bolton, in addition to being a former United Nations Ambassador, was involved in national security positions with both Bush Administrations. He may well be the most informed candidate, on national security issues, the Republicans could hope to find. He believes that Obama's foreign policy emboldens our enemies, and the recent North Korean aggression seems to bear that out. Domestically, he favors repealing old laws, not passing new ones. Although Bolton feels that Obama has put world interests ahead of that of United States, he realizes that after three and half years in office, Obama will be very articulate about world affairs. Nobody would have more international expertise, to go toe to toe with the smooth talking Obama, than John Bolton.


  1. MM: I like John Bolton in spite of his creepy mustache. He is an informed and articulate spokesperson on foreign policy for the far right.

    Are you not concerned that he seems to favor pre-emptive strikes against North Korea, Iran, Yemen and probably some other countries or targets? He wants a greater military footprint in Afghanistan and Iraq. He even seem to favor pushing hard against Pakistan at the risk of creating another fundamentalist Islamic state there.

    Will the world be safer under President Bolton? Will fewer American soldiers come home in body bags under President Bolton? Will there be fewer terrorists in the world that will want to release biological, chemical or small nuclear bombs in our subways and malls?

  2. gary, your comment is very well crafted as a liberal smear against a conservative, including the "body bag" reference. Bolton does believe a nuclear Iran will make the middle east too dangerous, but otherwise, you subscribe much more aggressive action to him, than he recommends.

  3. MM:

    What do I suscribe to Bolton that is not fair? I listen to his appearances on Fox and I hear he wants to use American military might to solve or minimize threats to the US. As to the "body bags" issue, I did not attend to use a liberal smear. If it came off that way I am sorry. You have a son. Are not you concerned that under this "liberal" commander in chief that we have too many young men coming home in bags? I do not want my son, nor yours, coming home that way. Liberals brought us the Viet Nam debacle. They have no high ground when it comes to war.

  4. gary, actually now you have enlarged and personalized the body bag image. as you know, thousands of americans died on this day, years ago, because we chose to ignore warnings. if our enemies are encouraged by perceived weakness, does that serve us better?

  5. This is probably a useless debate but I will try one last time. Al Qaeda attacks us through terrorism because we are strong and materialistic. They don't attack Switzerland nor Mexico. The more we saber rattle and send troops, bombs and drones, the more they want to attack us. Bombing children by using drones only improves recruitment of Al Qaeda and makes us more vulnerable. Have you had your "junk" felt before you got on a plane lately?

  6. I prefer a President who is perceived as capable of using military force to one who is not. That was part of Reagan's charm and why he was so successful on many foreign policy initiatives.

    But I'd have to know a lot more about Bolton's views on domestic matters.

  7. gary, considering that all the airplane terrorists have been Muslim, why are they feeling your "junk" ? because they don't want be accused of "profiling", making us fools of the world

  8. gary, i failed to address your primary question. if we are to be attacked by some quarters, regardless if the administration is perceived as hawk or dove, then i believe we would be better served as hawkish.

  9. "in spite of his creepy mustache"


    The Politics of Personal Destruction, right out of the gate, then.

    Shocking, that.

  10. Why is it that the Main Stream Media, who went out of their way to make sure Bush's body bags were photographed, filmed and plastered everywhere...

    ...never shows any of Obama's body bags?

    Interesting that, since Obama took office, Afghanistan has been deadlier than ever for U.S. troops.

    Guess all the courageous restraint is not working out so well after all.

    Interesting that, with all the stuff that has emerged as a result of the "Wiki Leaks" --- absolutely no documents to certify that Progressive Liberals' precious theory that Bush and Cheney intentionally lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction have emerged.
