Mar 19, 2008

Rev. Wright not Wrong

I'm not bothered by Rev. Wright's sermons. As Obama explained, he's from a previous generation who experienced much more overt racism. He is a black preacher, preaching to a black congregation in a black church. I feel they are entitled to console and bond in any manner which provides comfort. To my knowledge his preaching has not incited racial violence. I think in respecting various ethnicities we must realize our perspectives are not homogenized and pasteurized like a quart of milk. Jews speak of "never again," that is not exactly the concept of forgiveness taught by Jesus, but their collective memory is understandable. Obama need not explain his church affiliation to me. (just most of his other policies)

I first expressed the above opinion on a comment section of LVPoliblog

The photograph is of Jewish heavyweight Abe Simon knocking out Al Hart in 1938. Simon would wear the Star of David on his boxing trunks when fighting in NYC, it wasn't racist, it was target select promotion and ethnic pride.


  1. i recall in the 1968 olympics, the american public was outraged when a few black track and field winners gave the black power salute, but loved George Forman for waving a small American flag when he won the gold.

  2. We also forget how outraged we were when Cassius Clay decided to become Ali. He was a little too uppity for us.

  3. Amazingly, it was Howard Cosell, a Jewish sportscaster, who came to Ali's defense, and who later had to step down after calling a black athlete a "monkey." I honestly never believed he intended to use that word in a negative or racial way.

  4. I agree also. However, a presidential campain speech is very different than a sports story. Will Obama give that same Phili speech in perhaps Nebraska?....No Way. All we can do is judge him by what he has done, not what he may say as it can change at a moments notice or from location to location. Thanks River

  5. Michael and Bernie, I think you two have drank the coolaid. The Black Liberation Theology, which is professed by Obama and Wright is quite simply one of the more dangerous philosophies in religious thought. I wish you would google it. In the mean time, bottoms up!

  6. bob, i will not google it, i'm not a researcher. i hear and understand the outrage on conservative outlets, and i don't think wrights message is constructive or positive for his congregates; but i feel that's their choice.

  7. Sorry Michael it is a philosophy. The reason I said Google it is so that you are aware of the position on Jews. Let us never forget that a certain individual in Germany started out with a philosophy.

  8. Bob, i'm familiar with the position on jews, and also israel and the palestinian issue. likewise, i'm also familiar with the hagee-mccain connection. if obama were to win the nomination, it should be a dilemma for the american jews, who are traditionally democratic, as i'm sure you know. i suspect many would still vote for obama. i supported the right of meir kahane to make his position, although many thought that extremeness. likewise i tolerate wrights' right to preach what he wants, in his church.

  9. MM said.." likewise i tolerate wrights' right to preach what he wants, in his church." Yes, he can preach what he wants. However, Obama worshiped this guy for 20 years. Do you think Barack ever got up and walked out on all this hate talk? Wright claims the "white folk" invented the AIDS virus to eliminate the black race. I live in Easton, If I said the black gangs are destroying this town, I would be called a racist, would I not ? I am voting for the President of the United States of America. Wright said what he said, and I think Barack's speech in philli was just damage control. Barack keeps speaking that America can change...he still hasn't said change to what? Thanks RIVER

  10. MM, I agree with you and I commented at Poliblog too. Religion is personal and I usally don't like to comment on it, but here it goes. The media is making way too much about this and it's really unfair. I think Obama explained that he did not agree with the divisive, hateful things his pastor said. We are not voting for his pastor. This pastor is now retired.

    I was brought up Catholic. I know when I go to a Catholic service I might not agree with everything the priest says. In fact I question most things. I have chosen not to participate anymore, but that's a personal decision. I'm sure there are many people who disagree with some of the church's teachings but still attend mass.

    Considering their history, blacks have every right to be angry, and they have the right to express that when they congregate as a group. Like MM said, it hasn't incited violence. I don't think I should judge their "ways" because I could never understand their unique perspective.

    I think that even though most whites are not overtly racist there is still a xenophobic reaction to blacks that exists today, and that's not going to change overnight. Should we pretend it doesn't exist? Obama spoke about his own white grandmother making racist remarks. Members of my own family make racist remarks. It is disturbing, but I'm not going to disown my family because of that, although I can think for myself and choose not to follow them. When my friend was dating a woman with dark skin, his parents refused to even meet her. The only reason being because in the Bible the animals went "two by two" on to Noah's Ark. So, we should only pair with people who look like we do. Isn't that a "dangerous philosophy?"

  11. Dotie said "I think that even though most whites are not overtly racist there is still a xenophobic reaction to blacks that exists today, and that's not going to change overnight." This new feeling has nothing to do with slavery, jim crow, civil war, etc. It is now all about gang killings, drug turf, Cripts, Bloods, Latin Kings ,crime and violence. And guess what... it is mostly black on black or latino on latino that are killing each other. They are killing each other and for what? gang turf and drug turf. What part of that don't you understand? Don't blame slavery on me. It ended 90 years before I was even born. Just wait till summertime is here. There will be shootings all the time at night, and if you happen to be in the way of a stray shot, well thats your tough crap. This is why people are afraid and opinionated about the black man and the latino. I have known and worked with both. most are wonderful. However I still would not walk the streets of some parts of Easton, Allentown, and Bethlehem at night time. I also think that the gangs and drug wars will get worse instead of better.

  12. RE:"They are killing each other and for what? gang turf and drug turf. What part of that don't you understand? Don't blame slavery on me."

    I think you are missing my point, Anon,or is it River?. And white people commit crimes too. What I am referring to is what Obama himself talked about on Larry King the other night. He gave the example of a white woman walking down the street, and as a black man approaches from the other direction she might cross the street to avoid the black man, assuming becuse he's black he might be a criminal.

  13. Dottie.. on your own blog a few days ago you were talking about crime in Atown and why wasn't it front page news instead of a small article in the paper. People fear going out at night...Bottom line. Also who cares what Obama says. He is not the one who will walk down the street with you is he.
