Jan 7, 2025

Tuerk Pitches Tuerk

On Saturday the Morning Call gave Matt Tuerk a platform to promote himself for a second term.

Among the gems he tried to sell is that our city has grown by over 17% since 2000, and we’ve seen over $1 billion of investment in the past 10 years. He omits the fact that the $Billion is our states taxes being used to build one man an empire. Besides that NIZ nonsense, there has been very little investment in center city until the recent PPL residential conversions.

Another delusion peddled by Tuerk is that crime is going down to record lows. Credit great ER work at the hospitals and poor aim, because there has been no shortage of shootings. Perhaps some non-profit can build a shooting range, marksmanship shouldn't be a privilege limited to the middle class.

In fairness to Tuerk there was no reason, especially during an election year, that he shouldn't take advantage of the paper's offer for a column. Likewise, there's no reason that a local blogger shouldn't chime in with a review of it.


  1. Yes, there probably is a billion pumped into the NIZ which looks new, but mostly devoid of people.

    How much money has been "invested" in the rest of Allentown outside of the NIZ, which is teeming with people ?

    1. I have driven Downtown on Hamilton St. several times during the Christmas season. There have been more people standing in line at the Allentown Post Office then walking on the sidewalks of the Downtown.
      My count starts at 11th and ends at 5th. I feel for the few merchants that remain.

  2. The crime numbers are always fudged. There is a huge drug problem in the city. Overdoses are sky high, but the way they are recorded doesn't reflect that.
    Don't get me started on the NIZ and Reilly. The mayor and him are in cohoots. The people in city hall are really upset that the council members named in the recent discrimination lawsuit flipped and voted down Scott Curtis Investigation. It's so corrupt this city. Sorry article shouldn't be Tuerk pitches Tuerk, should be Tuerk only cares about Tuerk. Since I work in city hall I cannot reveal my true name because I will surely be retaliated against. Such a same people are governed or controlled by pompous arrogant leaders that do not have the respect of their workers.

    1. The Reality Show Mayor does what he’s told.

  3. I would like to see a breakdown of said 'investments.' Do investments include spending thousands of dollars to open a restaurant that closes a year or two later?

  4. One thing you can be sure of. He can't be accused of being bipartisan. He does not represent all of Allentown. You are so right 827. Talk about collusion between Council and the Mayor. WOW!

  5. Why didn't the mayor talk about how he acted like a child when Trump came to town? Or how he had the police Chief move the barriers so he could get his protestors closer to Trump supporters and put both police and people their in possible danger. Or how he could care less about an H.R
    Department in the city because quite frankly it's the look at me Tuerk show.. There is no reason an incumbent mayor should lose an election, however this guy is proving it can be done by his poor leadership.

    1. Years ago, after I graduated from school and I had to get a job, one of the things you learn is to dress for success. That means wearing a suit and tie, shine shoes, taking care of your fingernails so they aren't dirty and also having a decent haircut.

      The mayor of Allentown needs to stop looking like a clown and dress and act professionally.

      But then he is a democrat, and a woke one also.

  6. Matt is emblematic of Allentown's failure the produce people who are up to the job of running the city.

  7. Allentown won’t hit bottom in the lifetime of anyone viewing this post.

  8. I read his piece. He pitched Allentown, as he should. If the mayor doesn't portray his city in a positive light, what hope and faith is there for the city to improve. Instead of disagreeing with the facts he shared about crime and downtown development, you as a blogger could focus on finding some common ground with the other aspects he identified, such as the health initiatives and the focus on parks. Except you can't get past being snubbed on the parknership.

  9. As a blogger my job isn't to focus of common ground, he has plenty of sycophants for that mission, yourself included. The Parknership appears to be another missed opportunity for the city, instead concentrating on inclusion. Disappointing that the Trexler Trust would squander money on a political dog and pony show, but it's not the first time.

    1. The "parknership" (always a catchy name) sounds like a political dog and pony show that "sounds" good, saying now we have a "consensus" on how we should be good "stewards" and all the other governmental rubbish talk. When in reality, it's the same old same old that was before, except now there is political cover for the neglect.

  10. 9:19 - What exactly do you see as Tuerk’s “focus on the parks”? I visit the parks (many of them) often, and they are worse than ever.

    You mention the Parknership but what has that accomplished? As mayor, Tuerk already has total authority over the parks and shouldn’t need another board to tell him how to maintain the parks properly.

    You mention crime statistics. Tuerk Is hardly the first mayor to tell us that crime is down. I’d ask why people don’t feel safe, or why the understaffed APD won’t even RESPOND to crimes the Mayor and police chief don’t deem as serious enough.

    I’m also getting pretty tired of hearing how some shootings are nothing to worry about because they were targeting certain (usually drug-dealing) people. Tell those living or walking in the areas of the shooting that they don’t have to worry about being hit with an off-target bullet.

    The Mayor and police chief know where the problem neighborhoods are, yet won’t focus on them for fear of appearing “racist”. That’s obviously dangerous and also sad, as it assumes that minority neighborhoods and the people living there don’t deserve the same level of safety and service as those living in the West End.

    As far as downtown development, I’ve been hearing the same $1 billion line for over a decade. The development there is actually the result of a state municipal welfare program, and if you’re not named Reilly or Jaindl, how has your life as a city resident improved? It hasn’t, unless you want to go to an occasional hockey game. And when you factor in the enormous taxpayer subsidy, that’s a pretty pricy ticket.

  11. A positive light? Anon.9:19 read anon.11:57 !!! He's anything but a positive portrayal for this city. Take off the blinders.
