Jan 30, 2025

The Day Non-Profits Stood Still

The local non-profits were wringing their hands over Trump's grant fund disruption. Needless to say also the local elected Democrats were expressing their disapproval over such an insensitive measure. Bethlehem mayor Reynolds whined that the Trump funding freeze is ‘an existential threat’ to city’s 78,000 residents.

The dilemma even challenged the newly elected Republicans. Arnaud Armstrong, spokesman for Ryan McKenzie, had to show concern for the unfounded fears of local constituents, but at the same time not be critical of the Trump administration. Of course former Congresswoman Susan Wild would not have been under such constraints.

Although the Trump administration had made it clear that it was a temporary freeze which didn't affect normal disability or rent subsidies, etc., by late yesterday afternoon they had to rescind the hold on funding. I expect that next time the administration will issue more targeted holds. I also suspect that some of these more nebulous non-profits will have to disguise themselves to have more legitimate purpose.


  1. Given that Allentown, in paticular is an area dominated by the Democratic party, the panic that the MAGA Trump Republicans are in the White House has them extremely on edge.

    Trump will do this, he's defunding that. What are we going to do now? Oh my God, oh my God, he's getting rid of DEI.... All of our "migrants" that we let in the country are going to be deported...

    The sky is falling. The sky is falling...

    So a mention of a brief pause in the government money spigot while all of these programs are reviewed, but also letting everyone know you will still get your government check for your subsity or welfare has everyone in a panic.

    Of course, given that Allentown no longer has a manufacturing base and the local economy is highly reliant on government checks for the local GDP, this is causing panic attacks for many..

  2. It was truly impressive to watch the German, I mean Democrat, propaganda machine - and their willing allies in the media -spring into action to spin a story about the terrible, fictional effects of the funding review.

    I guess they had to pivot from covering the tears of celebrities crying in their mansions because rapists and murderers in our country illegally were finally being deported.

    My not-so-bold prediction: There will be even more exaggerated stories and fake tears coming over the next four years.

  3. Federal fund giveaways is how the democrats in Allentown stay in power. Isn't it true that Federal funds pass through to the pockets of corrupt organizations faster than discrimination, racism, and hatred. Tuerk knows what he’s doing. Give people money in exchange for the vote and ignore all other responsibilities as a Mayor. I wouldn't doubt

  4. Mike, Clearly the "more nebulous" non profits will likely find themselves de-funded in future budgets. Based on how quickly the Trump Administration has moved to replace, remove and reassign those they see as partisan from the federal government the non profits with something to fear should.

    1. I expect that the non-profits will hire Image Improvement Specialists to redefine their mission, just as cities hire grant writer specialists.

    2. MM - It looks like you’ve given this some thought.

      Is a career change in your future? It seems like you might already have had your business cards printed. :)

  5. There is FAR TOO MUCH waste, fraud, and abuse of our Federal funding system. Money has been thrown around without sufficient oversight and control. Our politicians are wasting billions of our tax dollars. Especially troublesome are the massive amounts of money going to NGOs.

    It’s more than appropriate for each of these recipients to undergo a close examination of how each of these dollars is being distributed.

  6. While i agree that the government needs better oversight, throwing out the babies with the bath water seems pretty heavy handed. I don't have a problem with my tax dollars feeding young children breakfast at school or older folks with meals on wheels.

  7. Stop panicking. Mayor Tuerk will see that his friends at Promise Neighborhoods still get their money. Now that Susan Wild is gone there goes millions that went to Allentown's useless non-profits. I wish we could see their tax returns. In all fairness Ms. Godshalls organization is actually legit.

    1. I couldn't disagree more in regard to Community Action. Way too big, and must look for projects to consume the $millions. They were giving people money for start up businesses...they don't give out fishing poles, they buy them fish markets.
