Jan 23, 2025

Pawlowski Supporters Hard Of Hearing

T J Rooney, former long time Harrisburg incumbent, is now a lobbyist who tried to get a Pawlowski commutation onto Biden's desk. Alan Jennings, former patron saint of poverty, has championed for Ed Pawlowski since they led the former mayor out of the courthouse. Jennings bent a lot of arms as head of Community Action Committee of Lehigh Valley, and even sent at least one person to jail himself.

Now that the Joe Biden pardon window has closed, Rooney will look for some influence with the Trump administration. I have recounted to Jennings, and other Pawlowski disciples, some of the mistreatment Pawlowski inflicted on various people. As a blogger willing to take the Pawlowski administration to task, some of those he injured came to me with their tales of woe. Pawlowski assaulted most of them with the code department. When I conveyed some of the stories to Pawlowski's disciples, they fell on deaf ears.

What most of them have in common is that they benefitted from Pawlowski, especially when he cobbled together his last election while already indicted.


  1. He didn’t cobble it together , Ray O’Connell gave it to him. If Ray didn’t run his write in campaign, Nat Hyman would have easily won and the city would be in a far better place today than it is.

  2. Yes, one wonders how Pat B.and Donald S. are doing, presumably they have now finished their latest sentences re.mortgage fraud scams and have moved on to other endeavors. Could they possibly have gone back to laboring in ADDICTION REHAB field? Not only did Alan Jennings claim some credit for busting them, on the front page of the MCall of course, but he took the opportunity to call Don S. a “scum bag”.
    In retrospect it all seems peculiar given Jennings new found vocation, the rehabilitation, re-entry, indeed the pardoning, of colorful local criminals.

    My favorite St. Alan moment was Emma’s pronouncement at a City Council meeting that Jennings thought he was “Allentown’s own Jesus Christ.” A strong statement, but Emma didn’t mince words and Jennings has never waxed more omnipotent, or is it narcissistic than he does in the here and now in his role as John the Baptist for the Redeemer, model federal inmate, the man who rebuilt Allentown, the Moody Bible School Grad., Mayor Edwin Pawlowski. After Jennings, the little brown people have had no truer friend than Ed.

  3. I remember seeing a bumper sticker that read, “Honk if I think Alan Jennings is Allentown’s own Jesus Christ”. One would think that the devout Christian, Inmate Pawlowski, would find this troubling.

  4. Jennings, even in a diminished mental and physical capacity, maintains quite a following of true believers, not to mention self esteem. In a recent post he was lamenting the fact that Lehigh Valley Hospital leadership was not taking his recommendations seriously enough.
    How dare they!
    I wish him well, my second wish is that he would go away, quietly, and with a modicum of dignity.

  5. Jennings is used to holding fourth to an attentive and adoring public. The federal judge at the Pawlowski sentencing was buying the act not even for a second.

  6. Jennings is combating a motion disorder, but no mental shortcomings. However, I will host no more comments about either his health or divinity.

  7. My favorite TJ ROONEY moment was his initiative to ban Rap Music when he was an esteemed Democratic legislator. My how times have changed. You wouldn’t see a good Liberal pushing that particular agenda in this day and age.

  8. Again, my comment policy..ANONYMOUS COMMENTS SELECTIVELY PUBLISHED. SIGNED COMMENTS GIVEN MORE LEEWAY. With a verifiable name, I will print most anything.But please don't send comments that you would be embarrassed to be identified with.

  9. The lack of a pardon points out the insignificance of all of the above mentioned to Democrat powers that be. Clearly they no longer have any pull. That has to be the most crushing blow to all of their overly inflated egos.

    1. Unfortunately, Allentown and the Lehigh Valley have truly fallen off the map.

    2. anon@10:18: Although Jennings failed to get the right people to Biden at the right time in regard to Pawlowski, IMO the Democratic Party is alive and well in both Allentown and the Lehigh Valley.

    3. Mike we have become a major battleground in America's partisan war.

    4. No Lehigh Valley political figure, save Cunningham’s failed tenure in what amounts to a maintenance position, has ever held a power spot in Harrisburg. John Morganilli has tried a dozen times.

    5. Perhaps team Biden didn’t see any political expediency in a pardon for former mayor Pawlowski?

    6. Agreed, the Democrat party is as strong and crooked as it ever was in (NOT) so good ol' Allentown.

    7. Correction, Pat Browne had a variety of very powerful positions in the PA state senate.

    8. And he (Browne) is Secretary of Revenue under Shapiro

    9. Well Mayor Tom Goldsmith was appointed to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, of course that’s the Easton end of the Valley and Tom was eminently qualified.

  10. The Democrats running Hillary's campaign sent back Pawlowski's $1,000 donation.

  11. Funny thing is, I have direct pipeline to Trump administration. I promise you that Pawlowski is not getting out of prison by Trump. Matter of fact there might be some other allentonians visiting old Ed soon.
