Oct 17, 2024

Dorney Park 2024

I recently went to Dorney Park for the first time in almost forty years. Although I could recognize a few rides from the past at the bottom of the slope, it certainly was a different experience...and not one for my aesthetics.

I did go on a ride, the old train. When I factor in the cost of parking and admission, the ride cost more than it did last time I was on a real train, not that long ago. The conductor, in addition to providing some history of the train, referred to a widowed swan in the creek. Twice he mentioned that "the swan reminds us that life is short." I don't think that message resonated with too many of the kids on board.

Although Six Flags Entertainment has spent $millions at Dorney on new rides, my other takeaway was the paint on the old rollercoaster, now called Thunderhawk. While not peeling, it wasn't fresh. That dirty, fading paint would have never greeted the guests back in the day when admission was free.


  1. Cedar Fair bought Dorney and made the investments. Cedar Fair purchased Six Flags within the last year.

  2. Please take a pleasant road trip up PA 61 through Anthracite Country to Knoebels Park. In 2024, it still embodies everything you ever remembered about a family amusement park. Free parking, free entry, well maintained rides, affordable food and lots of fun.

  3. Hey, I remember when peeling paint on Thunderhawk greeted Dorney visitors, and litter was present throughout the park.

    While I too miss some of the older rides, overall I think Cedar Fair has mostly done right by the park. That said, there is always room for improvement.

    I’d like to see the park either cater less to the NY and NJ crowd, or better enforce a standard of behavior throughout the park. That would make for a better experience by all.

    I’d also like to see upgrades to the parking area that would a bit more landscaping and include tram cars to help families with older visitors and young kids. I think some of the behavior issues go away if you make the park more family friendly, and part of that is making the park more accessible to ALL family members.

    1. I generally agree with this comment. The new midways are very nice and the park is clean but parking area doesn’t contribute to the experience.

      We were there over the summer and the crowd was nice, lots of families, but the food options have really been limited over time. All of the stands offer the same limited items, almost all of them deep fried.

    2. Great idea. Once Cedar Fair is able to "enforce standards of behavior", please put them in charge of Allentown! Seriously, though, I know Dorney Park is a for profit operation that does try hard to entice locals though discounted season passes with free parking, the park is essentially a day trip venue for NY and NJ residents and all that entails. Fortunately for Dorney Park, they go home at the end of the day!
