Oct 31, 2024

Allentown's Big Night

This blogger has always complained about how underused the arena is, but nobody can level that complaint about this past Tuesday night. Because it was a week before what might be the most polarized election ever, and the Trump camp just insulted Allentown's largest demographic a few nights before, Allentown was in the brightest spotlight since Billy Joel's song.

Trump, needing to make amends to the Puerto Rican community, had a bevy of Hispanic surrogates warming up the crowd, who itself spoke very little Spanish.

Local Republicans, like taxpayer's champion Jarrett Coleman was on hand, along with nationally knowns, such as Marco Rubio. Local Democratic mayor Matt Tuerk appeared with the organized counter effort, which included Martin Sheen. Although a video emerged on social media with him questioning a Trump worker about barricades, it appears as if the city ended up cooperating fully with the Trump rally.

Although the comedian's regrettable line at Madison Square Garden ended up dominating the national coverage of the rally, it didn't appear to diminish the enthusiasm of those attending the event.


  1. Mayor Matt got three minutes of airtime on prime time NPR at 12:15 P.M. yesterday, Wen. Okay, so it was 13 minutes shy of the allotted 15 minutes of fame but it was still great for his Q Rating and he sounded composed and articulate as he continued his administration’s primary focus on Identity Politics.
    I believe it burnished his reputation as a player in contemporary Democratic Party politics on the national level, although it didn’t paint Allentown as a particularly attractive corporate convention site or family vacation destination. Again one is left to wonder when that horde of young urban sophisticates are going to arrive in the NIZ looking to take advantage of the hip urban amenities offered.

  2. I heard that interview. Given that Allentown’s hipster mayor is an upper middle class kid from Boulder Colorado his Spanish accent was impressive.
    He came across as an enthusiastic advocate for Allentown’s new minority majority.
    The future is now.

    1. Yes, Turek is from everywhere but Allentown and now he wears the flag of Puerto Rico on his suit.

  3. While the democrat media tried to tie Trump to a joke made by a comic he didn’t even know, that was quickly undone and overshadowed by the sitting President (who Harris works with daily) using the same insult to describe over half of the country while on a Harris campaign call.

    It’s almost like the top vote getter on the democrat side is upset about having the nomination stolen from him and is trying to deliberately undermine those who forced him out of the race.

    In any event, as with most things this election cycle, they all seem to be going in Trump’s direction.

  4. I was watching the Trump rally online when that supposed comedian about Puerto Rico and made a bunch of other of disparaging remarks about Latinos and implied that illegals are coming here making lots of babies.

    So now, I am supposed to be so offended that I will not vote for Trump or any Republican running for office. Well, this person failed in his mission. You see, I am a Latin-American born and raised in the United States with relatives in Ponce, Puerto Rico and would like to remind people that while some Latinos do make a lot of babies, Puerto Ricans are American citizens. I am retired now, after working in the airline industry for decades. And Puerto Rico is a beautiful island with a glorious territory. It is also governed by a hapless and corrupt government.

    Now what are we supposed to do about this so-called comedian’s insulting rant? Perhaps we should consider that he is an October Surprise plant paid for by the Harris campaign which means that whoever hired him to appear chose him deliberately to cause this uproar. New York City, as you are aware, is full of Democrats. Naturally, Puerto Rican Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are chomping at the bit to capitalize this racist gaffe for their own flagging campaigns and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they knew beforehand this would occur.

    Trump and other Republicans have rightly condemned the comments made by this ersatz comedian but they need to emphasize the distinction between legal immigration and those who come into this country illegally. The Harris campaign is very desperate and we know what happens when this party is desperate. They have voted to suppress every effort to ensure voter fraud will not happen. They need the illegals they bring in to fatten their numbers at the polls and will do everything possible to remain in power.

    The Democrats have bombed this "October Surprise" anyway, with President Biden calling Trump supporters "garbage". Well I am not garbage, sorry. And I am also not a Communist either. I have seen what Communism has done to my Cuban cousins and have no wish to see those policies brought to the United States by Harris and the current crop of Democrats. Those are not the Democrats I remember such as Kennedy, and even Carter.

    1. Excellent comment from someone is no doubt an outstanding American citizen. Glad you are here!

      Too many other people living here simply repeat biased news media talking points. More often than not, they have been deceived and they are speaking and writing without accuracy. If challenged, they are unable to actually defend what they just opined, so they simply deny and call others names. That’s something we need to fix going forward if we are to remain a free nation.

      I’m pleased our Allentown moment in the spotlight came off pretty darn good!

  5. The mayor has accomplished next to nothing in his first three years in office but he has done a decent job of promoting himself. Time will tell if that will be enough for him next year.

  6. Hermano Tuerk should consider a sleeveless version of his famous Grey ensemble to show off his very cool tattoos which help him connect to his constituents

  7. I volunteered to drive people down to the rally and pick them up afterwards. I had no interest in going as I have heard enough political speeches for one lifetime. I can report that I saw big crowds of very happy and excited people both before and after. No regrets were reported amongst those I knew who attended but instead talk of an electrifying evening. Even if you hate Trump you have to admire the stamina of this 78 years old man. He spoke without notes for over an hour and hung around as people began filing out waving to people and exchanging remarks. Clearly a force of nature.

  8. Scott - Interesting point in your comment when you mention Trump’s stamina.

    He has a campaign schedule that Harris can’t keep up with. During his previous four years, he kept a similarly heavy working schedule.

    If he wins again, the American people will be getting policies that work for them and a President who will work tirelessly to make the country better.

    Those two points alone put Trump miles ahead of his opponent, and the clear choice on Tuesday.

  9. I have no interest, nor will be hosting any more comments such as anon8:34....This is not a campaign blog for either candidate. Comments must pertain to Lehigh Valley.

  10. WOW!
    The video feed of our mayor deserves to go viral!
    It’s absolutely fantastic!!!
    That right there is why Mayor Pawlowski deserves to have the capacity to do the occasional podcast from whatever federal government facility he’s currently residing at. I’m wondering how Mayor Pawlowski will work this into the lesson plan of the Good Government Class he is currently learning for his fellow inmates.

  11. Mayor Tuerk bravely stood up to the obstructions to his constituents drop boxes, any attacks on his appearance are a red herring. In fact PeeWee was a beloved star on par with Fred Rogers for his connection with children, Matt rides his bicycle while most other mayors only drove toxic fume spewing internal combustion engine driven conveyances. This is not done for any reason other than a deep connection to the earth and objection to environmental racism.

    1. earth poet@9:46: thank you for this submission, however further additions will not appear today.

  12. Someone needs to get some comments from Marty and Julio for historical perspective.

  13. The biggest lie of the whole video is that Tuerk was somehow standing up for the voters who might be voting at the LC Government Center the next day.

    Only a total moron would think that the Secret Service would leave either 7th Street or Hamilton Street (adjacent to the arena) open on the day of the rally, something that surely was discussed with the city (and the Mayor) in advance. Thus there was no way that ANY private vehicle was making it to the Government Center for voting that day.

    So the mayor is caught in another lie trying to excuse his behavior, and looks like an even bigger buffoon for thinking his residents would believe it.

    1. One hour prior to his tirade about the streets being closed without his knowledge, the mayors office put out the street closure schedule that included the closure he claimed to be unaware of. Also, as the mayor, isn’t it your job to know such things? To say he wasn’t included in the planning is only highlighting his ineptitude.

  14. Allentown has a Mayor?
