Sep 17, 2024

Trump Shots, self-inflicted And Otherwise

This post was conceived before the recent second attempt to shoot Trump at his Florida golf course.

Dick Cheney may have shot a friend with shotgun pellets, but Trump shoots himself in the foot, over and over. In addition to the Trump team doubling down on the cat and dog story, he tweets that he hates Taylor Swift. 

Years ago a star's manager would forbid she/him from endorsing one candidate over another. In today's world the mega stars are so wealthy that they can afford to express their opinion. Meanwhile, back in my mailbox, I'm getting an endless stream of campaign cards from both candidates. Why would Trump want to antagonize Swift fans farther by hating her? 

I never saw Trump as a disciple of self-control, It appears as if the poll numbers tighten, he becomes more impulse driven. If he takes blood pressure meds, he may want to increase the dose.

With this second attempt on Trump, I'm starting to see some conspiracy type speculations. All that is beyond my pay grade. The FBI and Secret Service will certainly be earning their keep as election day nears.


  1. I call them mailers junk mail but in reality it is hate mail towards the opponent mostly slandering one another.

  2. Mike, the real story here isn't Trump or the secret service but for the first time in roughly 44 years assassins are trying to kill a political leader in this country. Why? The obvious answer is that for the last 9 years Trump has been the target of vicious slanders, outright lies, and routinely labeled a threat to democracy, a racist, an authoritarian, anti-Semite,...These slanders have come from the top of the Democratic Party, Biden, Harris, Waltz, and the slanders aren't reserved for Trump, his supporters are treated the same. Otherwise respectable Democrats have routinely spread outrageous false lies that Trump would shoot political opponents, Democrat talking heads say routinely they will be jailed if Trump is elected. Democrats are running ads on local radio that imply Trump will set up a dictatorship if elected and instruct the government to monitor women's pregnancies'. In light of this nonstop onslaught of pure hatred many Republican have wondered how long it would take for left wing wing nuts to act on this Democrat Party vindictive. When it became clear that the lawfair wouldn't work many of us felt the time was now. Victor Davis Hanson a very respected scholar and conservative commentator predicted attempts on Trump's life were imminent. He wasn't the only one, I read several articles stating as much written by serious social commentators. To those who say, there is hate on both sides I respond with, no one took shots at any Democrat president in my life since 1963. Who's doing the shooting now should not be a surprise to anyone.

    1. Correct, yet they label him the hater and extremist. Again, the Dems continually label Trump with the things they are doing. including attacks on democracy, authoritarian rule, censorship and even demonizing his supporters.

    2. In the first shooting Trump was just a target of opportunity by a bullied high school kid, who would have shot at whoever was in the venue that day. This second guy appears to be very radial, but not party driven. Mental illness isn't confined to either party.

    3. We know nothing about the first shooter. Absolutely nothing about his motives. He had three overseas encrypted accounts. Clearly he was more than a bullied teenager. Unfortunately many American's no longer trust their government, the FBI, The Justice Department...The trust has been lost for sound reasons we need not dwell on here. Many are now viewing with deep suspicion all narratives coming from all of the above. All this said, why wouldn't a bullied teenager be just as likely act out on a perceived villain? In light of the onslaught of hate, Trump would certainly be deemed a worthy target.

    4. Donald Trump and republicans, need to accept that his hateful, factless, ignorant rhetoric is what has prompted this. He is a horrid excuse for a human being and you all slobber over him. Mental illness knows no political party.

    5. 9:05 - Your comment shows your ignorance. This is America (for now), and people are allowed to make comments you might consider stupid and hold political positions that you disagree with.

      That shouldn’t lead to the platform of a major political party center on demonizing their political opponents, and NOBODY should be assassinated for their beliefs. Anyone who believes that assassination is in any way justified or attempts such an act is the one at fault, not the person they’re targeting.

      That you don’t seem to understand that speaks volumes about your own mental wellness. Please unplug from the political news cycle and get the help you so obviously need.

    6. Hogwash,all these shootings in Allentown are over stupidity not politics.American culture is great for some however the losers seem to react in a uncivil way.Find me a happy camper in Allentown you'll find a loner who minds his own business.

  3. There are three types of assassination.

    The first, which President Trump has endured nonstop since he first entered the political arena, is character assassination.

    The second is legal assassination, sometimes called “lawfare.” The term is appropriate, because it is derived from warfare. This is the attempt to lawlessly, but under the guise of law, bankrupt, ruin, defame and even imprison a dangerous political opponent.

    And finally, when all else fails, there is actual assassination. These three types of assassination are connected, and typically one leads to another.

    With Trump, character assassination came first. When it proved insufficient, it metamorphosed into lawfare. We see this with the Stormy Daniels matter, which began as a sex scandal, aimed at showing Trump to be a philanderer and low-life. Then, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg used the same set of facts and got a jury conviction out of it. But even that was not enough, because just a few weeks ago Trump was the target of an assassin’s bullet that should have taken his life but almost miraculously only grazed his ear. Then, soon after, this second attempt.

    1. Sure trump was a model citizen all his life. Clueless.

  4. However, in a way, the two assassins were more sincere than slander they had absorbed. Immediately following the two failed assassination attempts, leading Democrats all offered “thoughts and prayers” to Trump. They said they were "glad" he was safe, or hoping for his quick recovery; they disavowed political violence.

    But wait a minute! If Trump was truly Hitler, if they genuinely believed Trump was akin to Hitler, then they should be celebrating the assassination attempt, as indeed some on the Left did. Their only regret should have been that the would-be killers missed.

    The fact is that there is an unavoidable conflict between their premise (Trump is Hitler) and their conclusion (We are praying for Hitler to recover quickly). Either the premise is false or the conclusion is false. My view is that the Democrats never truly believed Trump is Hitler... In fact, they know he isn’t, but they use that base slander to demonize and dispatch a dangerous political opponent. The danger Trump poses is not to liberty or to the republic but only to them and to their policies, and Democrats holding onto power. Which is the most important thing of all.

  5. 7:21: Really? Sorry bud, you can’t blame this on the Dems, Trump is the guy who has used violent language for years. I guess you’re forgetting, “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue…” You might want to check the facts on assassination attempts too. Trump tells us what he’ll attempt to do as president, all you have to do is listen.

    1. Wrong, no Republicans have shot at Democrat leaders

  6. "We have all the guns"... Guess not.

  7. "The FBI and Secret Service will certainly be earning their keep as election day nears." Well, if they do earn their keep, it might be for the first time in years.

  8. I suppose Tayor Swift is a phenomenon like the Beatles were to my generation.

    She went from being a country singer who wrote songs about her bad choices in men to being a pop singer who wrote songs about her bad choices in men. Her fans, however, are fanatic in a way that says less about Swift and more about what happens when people are deprived of a true object of worship or worthy subjects of admiration.

    However, it seems that it isn’t a political winner to get election advice from a vapid woman with good legs and a reputation for making bad choices. An endorsement from someone who is even more of a mental lightweight than Kamala, and who, like Kamala, uses men and then tosses them aside, will not work.

    My view is that she is a tempest in a teacup. I wouldn't even have heard of Taylor Swift if she wasn't known for keeping some Kansas City Chief in her stable. For a while, anyway, until she moves on to the next one..

  9. The great majority of blame for this divisive and disgusting political warfare belongs to the Democrats: Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama and a host of behind the scenes operatives on their central committee. Trump made his contributions too having to respond in kind, but he who is being targeted is proof of which side is the more divisive and disgusting. The lifeblood of Democrats is Washington power and money and they're willing to do anything to acquire and retain it.

  10. Trump loves fanning the flames of the culture war, and then yelling, “fire!” He soaks up the attention and loves it, just like January 6th.

  11. Spoken like a true commie!

    1. So what's this election all about. The commies against the Nazis. Good grief

  12. "Trump Tells Crowd to 'Knock the Crap Out' of Protesters, Offers to Pay Legal Fees"

    I guess we all hear only what we want to hear; I don't ever remember ANY national candidate spewing this kind of vitriol!
