Sep 3, 2024

Cold Reception For Park Advocate

I was surprised the other weekend when I came across volunteers and elected officials painting the gazebos in the Rose Garden. Just a couple of weeks earlier Mike Schlossberg and Nick Miller announced a $200,000 grant for their restoration. On hand was a photographer and videographer to publicize their participation. 

Questioning Schlossberg whether some of the grant would be going to restore the pavilion across the creek, he was clueless and unresponsive.

Nick Miller was polite and a little better informed, responding that some of the money could be spent restoring the neglected picnic pavilions. 

I then asked Park Director Mandy Tolino, who was also there. She told me that the pavilions would be replaced by new metal versions.  When I told her that the large wood pavilions would last many more years with just some long neglected maintenance, and not be a hazardous lightning target, she snidely told me that after the new ones are in place, she will take notes to see which ones lasted longer. When I questioned her about the creek weed wall infested with invasive species, she told me that there are also some native plants growing in the mess. (mess is my word)

Next time I don't want to know anything, I'll ask Schlossberg.  

Next time I want an answer, I'll ask Miller.

Next time I wanted to be dismissed, I'll ask Tolino.


  1. This mirrors my experience with several of the city directors. You either get the “I’ll get back to you” and never get a response (finance director); Rudeness and dismissal (all directors); or direct lies.
    I don’t know how these people can possibly claim they are public servants. My guess is that their approach starts with an example at the top.

  2. Even metal buildings can be fitted with lightning rods , the old wood buildings can be torn down and stored as firewood for homeless encampment warming fires during the winter.

  3. Question: How do you get elected officials to do something? Answer: Tell them a photographer will be there.
    You're the only one who's gotten Schlossberg to do anything.
    Good work Mike.

  4. So does this means that the Parks Department is now welcoming volunteers?

    1. No, the park department does not welcome volunteers. That was a special project with the Rose Garden Neighborhood Association and the grant bearing elected officials. The RGNA is very administration friendly.

  5. I can’t tell 100% from the photo, but I don’t see Mayor Tuerk there. I find that odd, since he rarely misses a chance to be on camera.

    Meanwhile, another shooting - this one fatal - in Allentown yesterday.

    But at least the Mayor found the time to participate in the scrapple eating contest at the Fair on Saturday.

    1. I am sure the Mayor was again "disappointed" about the shooting at Law and Liberty

    2. The is actually the second shooting since he was disappointed at the Festival last Sunday. There was a shooting at 8th and Union after Saturday's Promise Neighborhood Peace Walk, and the one last night at 5th & Liberty.

    3. There is something ironic about a shooting after a "peace walk"

  6. Why are these people there? I’m sure it’s a good photo op, but will it be a good paint job? I suspect that you would find the same level of incompetence if you were to ask questions about painting. I’d rather have the pros take care of park maintenance and leave government to the incompetent volunteers…since they’ve already been elected into office. Either way they’re learning on the job.

    1. If the proper prep work wasn't done the paint will start to peel within a year. That will be an even bigger eyesore.

    2. DING DING DING!!! You win the booby prize, Mr. Armstrong!!! It's absolutely a waste of time, money and labor if there is little to no preparation. The city (sometimes) strong arms people into a free facade repaint... 2 maybe 3 years tops, the paint is exploding off of the woodwork... meanwhile, back at the ranch, the city employees are slapping themselves on the back for "such a good job"... The damage done by these fly by night operations will take years to unravel... 4 houses in my neighborhood were victims of that fallacy. Ask the owners how happy their NOT with the ultimate outcome.

  7. Tolino inherited the plan to leave the wooden pavilions without maintenance and replace them with metal ones. I've been campaigning since her appointment to switch gears and reroof and paint the existing pavilions.

  8. MM 10:30 am said: “The is actually the second shooting since he was disappointed at the Festival last Sunday. There was a shooting at 8th and Union after Saturday's Promise Neighborhood Peace Walk, and the one last night at 5th & Liberty.”

    Maybe our state reps could bring the city a grant to buy more chalk for the increased number of body outlines.

  9. Off topic, but it looks like there is some long-overdue masonry work going on at the UT Amphitheater stage.

    Not sure how extensive it will be, but they’re there today.

    1. Much more on topic than the laborious comments on Labor Day weekend shootings, which of course, resulted from disappointment.

  10. Coming out of Labor Day and the national attention on unions, what is SEIU’s take on the volunteer park/building maintenance? Local unions have gotten very upset over much less.

    1. YES... heaven forbid that a volunteer might do more/better work for free than a paid "professional"..... Many employees despise an employee that actually does his or her job... what a concept- go to work to... WORK!!!
