Sep 12, 2024

Art NOT In The Park

On Saturday September 14, is the annual Art In The Park show in West Park. Great artists will be showing great art, but not all great local artists will be there. Among those great artists not showing is Fred Schoenk. 

Fred Schoenk has been producing art for over sixty years. While still at William Allen he was making jewelry for Cinruss Creations, and painting signs for Dorney Park. Returning to Allentown after graduating from Visual Arts in NYC, he taught art in our school system, sharing his skills and love of art with thousands of students. During that time he also operated a pottery studio, and did graphic arts and logos for many local businesses.

Fred is eccentric. The contact page on his website, Fred Schoenk-artist, doesn't work. The Facebook page he uses is private. Needless to say, he doesn't do computer art. His answering machine(610 7989115) as of now is still working. If you appreciate art and manage to make contact with him, and manage to get an invitation to his south side art factory, you're in for a very special treat.

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