Sep 23, 2024

Another Junket For Tuerk

Mayor Matt Tuerk spent last week in Germany learning about European urban planning. I'll spare you particulars, except to say that I hope that he spares us the particulars. Here's his summation: "I’m coming back to Allentown with a lot of new partners and ideas to help us create a safe, clean, and healthy environment that promotes the well being of our residents."

On the trip Matt saw some redevelopment that he hopes helps us improve the plans for the former state hospital site. Fine Matt, glad you enjoyed your trip, but I think that J.B. Reilly wasn't counting on your input. Matt also saw some inspiring murals like we're doing in Allentown, and some nice bike paths.

I don't know if Matt is serious about the lessons, or just blowing smoke. I hope just blowing smoke. Matt, since I'm sure that you're appreciating my advice, let me tell you how I really feel... There is too much going on in Allentown. Too many events, especially in the parks.We don't need one jam packed weekend after another. We're a city, not an destination park in Orlando. If you don't want to lay off any of these planners, then give them a garbage bag, there's plenty for them to pick up. 

Anyway, if this trip helps Allentown as much as his trips to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, we should have another good year.

Picture postcard above from a time when mayors didn't have to go on study trips to improve us.


  1. Oh, please spare us... the cost... the expense... and the bullshit being jammed up our collective asses and down our collective throats!!!! If the mayor wants to do something, how about lowering our water bills and taxes...
    BTW, look at the beautiful lightpost plantings in the above picture... that would be an improvement...

  2. They should put a needle exchange in Michael Adam's old squat, harm reduction baby give the masses what they crave good clean safe dope lower the overdose rate and stop with the distorted antiquarian vision for our parks

  3. "I’m coming back to Allentown with a lot of new partners and ideas to help us create a safe, clean, and healthy environment that promotes the well being of our residents."

    The problem with Tuerk (and Allentown City Hall under him), is that there isn't enough focus on the basics. If you want a "safe, clean and healthy environment", then hire more police (safety); enforce litter laws (cleanliness), and find a way to get the trash picked up (health/sanitation) without an outrageous increase in price.

    Instead, more money will be wasted on shiny new gimmicks to distract residents from the fact that the basic functions of city government aren't being addressed.

  4. In the 19teens, Mayor Reichenbach went to Europe (albeit on his own dime) and saw the wide, uncluttered avenues of cities such as Paris and Brussels. He also saw flowers hanging from street lampposts.

    When he returned to Allentown as mayor, Reichenbach cleaned up Hamilton Street of the myriads of overhead electrical, telephones, telegraph lines and other clutter, including the wooden utility poles, and contracted to have them buried instead of hanging all over the place. He also had all of the porches from the retail stores along Hamilton removed and the sidewalk merchants also removed, giving people a clean, uncluttered sidewalk to walk on. Also, he removed the wire-hanging streetlamps and bought the 'hanging gardens' lampposts that Allentown was known for.

    The postcard you illustrated the piece on your blog with today shows the results of Mayor Reichenbach's efforts, as well as paving the dirt over Hamilton with asphalt for the first time.

    Now, I don't expect Mayor Turek to clean up Hamilton Steet like Mayor Reichenbach, but he certainly can help restore the blighted, run down areas of the city, and especially insure public safety for the citizens of the city. Murals are nice, but apprehending criminals and gang members seems a lot more urgent than a painted brick wall and bicycle paths that hinder traffic on the already narrow city streets.

  5. As always, I'll ask the questions that never seem to be asked in City Council's public meetings. Was the trip funded by the taxpayers and if so:

    What was the cost of this trip?
    What other city employees went on the trip?
    Were there any family members of any city employees on the trip?
    Did the Mayor ask council and the public for their input prior to taking the trip?
    Was the trip specifically described and budgeted in the city budget?

    Etc., Etc., Etc.

    BTW, I'm sure it's only coincidental that this trip coincided with Germany's Oktoberfest celebrations.
