Aug 29, 2024

The Great Allentown Fair

The Morning Call website is hosting an archive of Fair Pictures from over the years. Being a fan both of fair pictures and black and white photography, looking at the 111 photos presented was a treat.

The photo shown above, which I will get back to, reminded me of one of my unique fair experiences. In previous posts, I have discussed that both my father and myself had stands at the fair. While my father learned that you couldn't sell hotdogs near Yocco's, I learned that drunks leaving the beer garden loved to buy printed T-shirts.

But today's post has to with George Kistler, long time City Clerk during the 1950's and 60's. George loved the fair, and loved sharing his fascination with a large group of people. I was fortunate enough to be invited several times. The routine was always the same; Dinner at a local stand on the eastern side of the fairgrounds, followed by the wrestling show. I remember photographing Andre The Giant.

The Morning Call fair picture above is none other than Jim "Super Fly" Snuka, who was recently back in Allentown, for a most regrettable reason.

reprinted from September of 2016


  1. Allentowns circus carnival is a year round experience.

  2. Footnote for those interested:

    In January 2017, just a few months after MM’s original post, Snuka’s murder and manslaughter charges were dismissed when a Lehigh County Judge found him mentally unfit to stand trial.

    Twelve days later, he died.

    Obviously a lot of details are missing in the footnote, but I thought it was a good teaser for those wanting to research it a little further.


  3. I plan to go to the GAF on Friday, but I am somewhat apprehensive about going to such an event in Allentown. I'm happy they are requiring passage through metal detectors, but I'm not 100% convinced that fair goers are completely safe from the kind of violence that erupted at the Dominican festival. As a lifetime resident of the City, I'm very disappointed to feel this way. The transformation of Allentown has been painful for me to watch.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I hesitantly printed, then deleted, a comment about metal detectors and right to carry. Comments on that topic will not appear.

  5. Michael,
    The Great Allentown Fair just isn’t the same anymore. They got rid of BOBO! ( He wasn’t Politically Correct)

    He made FUN of everyone!
    Pretty, Ugly, Pretty- Ugly, Short, Tall, Skinny, Fat, Young, Old, Weezer-Geezer, White, Black, Hispanic, and everyone in between. Men, Women and even Kids.

    The main thing is everyone stood around and had a good time and a hearty laugh. Ahhhh. The Good Old Days!!!!

    Just a Dumb Dutchman… Elmer
