Jul 29, 2024

Trump's Shorthand Costly

When Trump told Christians that they won't have to vote in four years, I knew what he meant. He meant that the country will be so fixed by then if he is elected this November, that they won't have the compulsion to run to the polls in 2028 as they do this year. 

Needless to say that quote will come back to haunt Trump. His opponents already claimed that he is a threat to democracy, and he's now saying you won't have to vote anymore. His shorthand phrases would drive a campaign strategist crazy, if he had one. Imagine always having to explain what he meant.

While Trump added nothing to his ticket with Vance as VP, Harris may choose Kelly, which will significantly enlarge her tent. While the polls have tightened to a draw, Harris can only go up from here, while Trump goes down. If Trump hopes to win, he might start talking in full sentences, pre-vetted bigly.


  1. Trump speaks off the cuff at rallies, often for at least an hour, often much longer. He uses no script. His critics comb these speech for hyperbole

  2. At rallies Trump speaks for at minimum an hour, often much longer. He uses no notes or script. As the candidate running against the system he is less concerned with minor gafts than he is in speaking from the heart and demonstrating to his supporters his authenticity. Despite his vast wealth he connects with his audience as one of them, not just another slick politician. His critics comb these speeches looking for gafts, mistatements, and hyperbole which they label as lies and choose to misinterpret. After over 8 years of this,what's new? The media is going to continue to treat Trump as someone who should be destroyed and praise to the hills anyone and everyone in the other party. In light of this we all must ask, is Trump really the problem?

  3. I suspect that voting will become or already has just a show and not reality. With the present election system there is no guarantee of an honest election. Any inquiries into its legitimacy will be silenced by just conspiracy theorists or poor losers.
    Trump does often speak believing others will understand what he is saying without the explanations.
    Do you really believe that Trump is the fixer of elections? That Trump governed like an authoritarian? Actually we see that is exactly what the democrats have been doing.

    1. Ray, I believe that all parties and candidates must limit themselves to established legal recourse challenging election results. I believe that Trump/Maga has cult characteristics, which is exactly why Trump will probably win. Many followers may have in previous times voted Democrat, as instructed by their union bosses. Other supporters may have not voted at all. As you wrote on your blog that young athletes should not have to be props for a drag queen show, young students should have a president who speaks in full thought out sentences.

    2. MM, please don't talk about Joe and Kamala like that. :)

  4. anon, if you take the small bite as you did at 3:11, or your larger bite at 3:28, Trump's statement would be appalling for a third grade teacher. For a former president running again, it's outrageous. As I posted before, he lost any chance of my vote in 2024 on Jan. 6, 2021. I did vote for him in 2016, and was pleased with his initial cabinet picks. But as he shed them one by one, with malice no less, I became disillusioned. What a chore you and fellow partisans have explaining his gaffes away.

    1. Don't let style be the enemy of substance. Now, let's also consider the many dimwit statements the other party's presidential candidate as made, and the incoherent ramblings, bald faced lies, and unbelievable tall tales the current president has spewed these past four years. Tell me, how can one condemn one and not the others?

  5. Mike, your post today should bring the crazies out. I noticed that at the convention Trump’s ear bandage was larger on Thursday evening than it was on Tuesday evening.

  6. The Marxists have nothing positive to offer the American people, so they focus on minutia to accentuate the negatives of President Trump.

  7. The AP confirmed: “President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.”

    Despite Emperor Harris’s new title, she did nothing, as the N.Y. Post observed, “Where is Kamala? Two weeks since being named border czar, Harris still hasn’t visited.”

    The Daily Mail expressed similar thoughts: “Harris will take her first trip to survey the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico on Friday — even though she was named 'border czar' by the White House in March.”

    By all definitions, Kamala Harris was the Biden administration’s border czar. And she failed miserably, to the tune of 10,000 illegal ailens per day crossing the border from Mexico into the United States.

    The Marxists are trying to erase Kamala Harris's record, however the Internet is forever

  8. As an undecided voter 2 weeks ago, I think the election is over and Harris will win easily. JD Vance seemed to have so much potential as a running mater and I cringe now whenever he opens his mouth. That guy Kelly is the obvious running mate and I expect Harris to coast at this point.

    1. Not sure about that. Kelly has been a Biden-Harris supporter of border policies...and he represents a border state. Not to mention his investment in the Chinese spy balloon. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-astronaut-sen-mark-kelly-started-spy-balloon-company-funded-china

  9. America must not be led by a childless cat lady, fight the groomers in the libraries, fight the groomers in the schools and fight the groomers in our cultural centers!

    That Bum Momala turned San Fransisco into San Fransicko, just ask Dr Michael Savage!

  10. There is no way possible for Trump to stop all the ridiculous narratives that the main-stream media continues to spin about him, and it would be foolish to lose valuable time trying to refute them. These are the same people that were telling us for years that Joe Biden was mentally capable to be President, and turned on a dime when that lie was exposed and was no longer sustainable.

    I suspect that those still believing the lies about Trump are either low-IQ voters or Trump-haters who search the breaking news or headlines of CNN, MSNBC, and the NY Times to find something to justify why they'll either not vote for anyone in this election, or support a candidate (Harris) who is on the opposite side of the issues they claim to care about. Their minds are either closed or no longer capable of discerning truth from fiction.

    I think that the ridiculous narrative that Trump is going to stop elections in the future was more about distracting those people from Harris' snub of the Israeli Prime Minister last week, or the media's frantic attempts to scrub their own past reporting on Harris from the internet.

    After all, those who will make up the worst about Trump, don't have a problem with trying to gaslight us into believing that Harris was not in charge of our border mess; supported Defunding the Police; or fundraised for bailing violent rioters out of jail. They have to keep spewing something new, lest any of their remaining believers start to think for themselves.

    Thomas Paine

    1. Mr. Paine, as someone almost three hundred years old, I appreciate you coming back to comment on my blog. Partisans on both sides will support any candidate or chance for their party's victory. People like myself, not burdened with that constraint, have poor choices this November. I suspect some true independents may sit this election out. As I said in the post, I don't see Trump/Vance gaining any new votes. Trump's hour and a half stream of consciousness speeches won't do the trick against the new Democratic ticket.

  11. The same people spreading this nonsense are the same ones who, just a month or so ago, were saying that "Biden was as sharp as a tack".

    What President Trump said was that his goal, if elected, is to return to paper ballots and demand voter ID, all to ensure that real people, who are citizens, vote and that their votes are honestly counted. That’s not about ending elections and creating a dictatorship; that’s about ensuring honest elections, and not Kabuki theater with a pre-determined outcome that invariably favors Democrats.

    So, you can see, of course, why Democrats are panicking.

    1. What President Trump said was that his goal, if elected, is to return to paper ballots and demand voter ID, all to ensure that real people, who are citizens, vote and that their votes are honestly counted. anon @10:45, that is what you believe Trump meant, but I don't believe he actually said that. He did say that you won't have to vote. In all honestly I only heard the "don't have to vote clip". I don't listen to 1 1/2 hr. speeches. I couldn't even listen to his whole convention speech. He should talk less with more thought, as said in the post. I don't believe that he or you will change anybody's mind.

    2. Trump said, “I will secure our elections. Our goal will be, as I said, one-day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and a thing called voter ID.”

      Remember, Pennsylvania does not generally require voters to present identification while voting. Paper ballots from voters with valid picture IDs, and counted by hand, in one day, is the only remedy. As much as mail-in ballots are a convenience, they are simply too easy to manipulate. Especially in Philadelphia, where the "Long Count" is simply how things are done. Votes are counted and recounted and recounted again to insure the correct candidate wins.

  12. if your an anti Trump Jew then frankly that's just not "Kosher" , #DJT moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and is the most pro Israel president of all time and that includes future presidents!

    it's sad Hollywood has fomented a rash of self hating jews, even our first Gentleman is a traitor to his faith by associating with K
    Harris, repent bad Jews and get on board the Trump Train!

    1. well known troll@11:37, I don't usually print your anti-Semitism. You usually call me a zionist, now I'm a self-hating jew? I print your trope because Trump said he didn't understand how any Jew could vote for Harris. While I do agree that Trump's term in 2017-2020 was very supportive of Israel, I thought his recent comment about how Jews or any group should vote was improper. On that topic, I also thought that Netanyahu visit imposed on American politics.

  13. Mike, I have done the ground work for the local Republican Committee for three decades. Speaking from experience I can tell you there is a huge difference between Republican and Democratic voters. I have dealt with both. While Ds will sign anything Rs have to be convince and even after spending 5 minutes carefully explaining either the candidate or the issue they refuse. Dems feel as though their party is a team, and as with sports fans they will cheer on whoever is wearing the uniform. Republicans are the opposite, they distrust the government, politicians, politics, and their own party. As with me, they are Republicans because it's less bad than the alternative. I can tell you, they never blindly support any candidate or policy. They will vote libertarian or even Democrat as a protest against a candidate or the direction of the party. Republicans are rarely reliable voters if they don't like the candidate or the direction the party is heading. I could write a tome on this subject but trust me, but let me conclude by saying That Trump won in 16 because independents went his way while the Republican establishment and many of our intellectuals became Trump haters and voted D. In 2020 many Trump watering Rs voted for Trump not because they liked him or because he was on their team but because things were going so well all around.2024 remains to be seen but my guess is the same dynamic will play out this year with Rs but independents will swing back to Trump. Scott Armstrong

    1. Scott, as an independent super voter, I'm moving away from a protest vote for Kennedy, to leaving the top slot vacant for the first time in my voting life. I will however vote the down ballot.

  14. and what is happening period right now is why the founders wrote what and how they wrote it… government is to big and out of control… we fought to get away from kings and queens, now we have tax kings and drag queens all fed up… its about futures kids, that starts with plans education not this dum them down politics or news media brainwashing, no one things past, hey free stuff sign up its easy, or sound bites… so sad the direction we pull down to much not up…!
