Jul 22, 2024

Molovinsky July Weigh-In

It appears that many of our elected officials were more concerned with their re-election calculations than acuity in the Oval Office. While the debate may have spilled the beans publicly about Biden, we must assume that many in Congress knew about his condition before we did, but decided that he was the ticket to ride anyway. Now with Biden's withdrawal, they will become Bravehearts.

Our elected are congratulating themselves because Rt. 611 is supposed to finally open in a couple weeks. Its prolonged closure was an assault on the residents, businesses and taxpayers victimized by the inefficiency of every agency and official involved.
Visitors to the airport see a larger than life portrait of Hasshan Batts and might wonder what the promise is? Shootings in Allentown have become so commonplace that they are now back-page news. It's time for Mayor Tuerk to concentrate on DUI and public safety, instead of DEI and the next election. The time to save quality of life is running out.

As I lobbied to be on the Parknership board of directors, I have been restrained in my posts about the parks...that's over! The parks, which were an oasis for generations, are being degraded. I doubt that there is anyone involved with forming the new non-profit that knows more about the parks than I do. Every current problem within the last several years I had predicted. Whether they include me or continue to ignore me, this blog will again start addressing the problems and possible solutions for our iconic park system.


  1. Mike, one need not be a seer to see into the future of this city. It's always a safe call to predict bad ideas, policies, and legislation will be pursued. As well the personnel choices will continue to be suspect. Local boards and commissions will be populated with the "right" people rather than the best qualified and objective. The voters will continue to elect proven failures back.into office, promote them to higher office, and fill contested offices with the worst possible choices. With all this taken into account we can safely predict the city will continue to flounder and we will remain the butt of jokes for the rest of the valley. With all this said, it takes a special fortitude to maintain focus on the idiocracy that is Allentown.

  2. Wow! So that was you ”holding back” on the parks over the last few weeks? We probably have different definitions of “holding back”. Anyway, good to be getting you back at full throttle.

    Was there another post coming about the East Side and Irving Park? I thought one was mentioned in the first article last week but didn’t see the follow up.

    1. Yes, there is a follow up post on the Irving St. steps, now overdue.

  3. I just saw the following headline on the Morning Call’s website: “In Allentown, overcrowding and rule-breaking in city parks causes police to ‘spin our wheels‘“.

    I don’t subscribe, so I don’t know what the article is about.

    But who would have thought? And how about that Morning Call? Boy, they’re right on top of the problems in the city. Only about a decade or two too late. Maybe they’ll also now make the connection between overcrowding and Quality of Life issues in our neighborhoods.

    I look forward to reading that article in 2040.

  4. Allentown already started downhill in the 70s but is now in free fall imho. We know about the huge demographic shift and that’s where I will leave my commentary. I left Allentown—where I was born & raised— in May of 1970 as I had already seen the handwriting on the wall.
    Mike can’t be expected to “save” Allentown altogether ,but I personally don’t know of anyone working harder— especially regarding the park system. Kudos to MM. Thank you for your dedication & tenacity.

  5. What is happening to our parks is an absolute shame. La Bomba at the Beach has been an absolute disaster. The music is so loud that it can clearly be heard in every room of my home. The music went until 9:20 last Friday and the one night went until almost 11. Cedar Beach was never intended as a music venue. I have reached out to the city and all I get is crickets. Apparently the city doesn’t care about quality of life for their tax paying residents.

  6. Please, you have to understand and respect the cultures of others.

    Not that they have to understand and respect your culture, since that’s a one-way street.

  7. I know pretty much about the parks. Very, very, very few have spent more time in the parks than I have (Earl Nagal, King of the Parks), plus my commitment to the now moribund AEAC and the Shade Tree Commission.
    No one cares.

    Full disclosure: Mayor Matt has blocked me.

    Michael Adams

  8. The elected City administration sets community standards at a level at which they can be re-elected. Sought is the easiest way to remain in power. Crime, blight, noise, litter, nuisances, dangerous activity, quality of life, and many others, are factors the leaders consider as they set their standard. By now, this administration's standard has been set. What is more, they will be re-elected. So it is not realistic to expect standards to improve until elections in Allentown are true contests with alternatives offered to the voters that actually put the power of political choice and therefore community standards back in their hands.
