above reprinted from October of 2011
ADDENDUM JUNE 19, 2024:Although I made my peace with the Cedar Park path, the entities mentioned above have not done so with me. It's my understanding that the Trust and city reached out to numerous people about ideas for the new Parknership. Although my involvement with the WPA structures is well known, and the Parknership will concern itself with those structures, I was never contacted. Furthermore, although I have privately and publicly asked for a seat at the table, I have received no reply. Apparently, I must remain a shadow member, and continuing making my informed recommendations from this blog. Over the years while not acknowledging me, they have never-the-less adopted some of my suggestions. Baby ducks this season were spared from being mulched. The debris from the former Robin Hood Dam, while not removed, has been distributed more evenly around the stone bridge piers. Unfortunately, some important recommendations have still been ignored, but I will remind the entities that be what still needs to be done.
Your work to preserve both our parks and our WPA structures. It is a huge slap in the face, not only to you, but people like me who care about our parks and appreciate the work of advocates. Shame on the powers that be. Again.