May 9, 2024

Rant and Raving Trump Into the White House

I'm not sure that there are any undecided voters for the 24 election.  People have been so very polarized about Trump and politics since the last election. If there are any undecided, and that is the factor of victory come November,  Stormy Daniels just handed victory to Trump. Actually not Stormy herself, but the New York court system. 

Just as the financial analysts refer to something already being baked in the stock price, Stormy has long been baked in the public's perception of Trump. They know that among his other weaker points that he is a womanizer.  However flawed as a trait that may be, people have a sense of fairness. They sense that the trial is on the 2016 election, which to them seems irrelevant at this point in time. I'm not discussing the legality of the trial, but its effect on 2024.

So those that couldn't stand Trump before the trial are huffing and puffing... Who knows, Daniels may end up a host on the View.  Those that were going to vote for Trump in 2024 are not in the least deterred. However, those that may have been undecided about Trump for president again, see a candidate being disenfranchised by what appears to be a judicial farce in the heart of blue America.


  1. I can tell you, not only is the ongoing trial in New York a farce, but so is the “mishandling of documents” charge in Florida. Both outcomes will be easy (or should be easy) to overturn on Appeal at a later date.

    Although these matters are an abuse of our judicial system, they have been designed with the assistance of the of Biden administration and with the intent of interfering in our election. A growing number of everyday citizens HAS noticed and they are not pleased with what is happening.

    I understand the reluctance to delve into this situation, It’s uncomfortable for many. But, the ramifications of it all are not good for our future.

    1. Add to that the fact that they just realized 38,000 ballots are 'missing' from the election in Georgia, which also gave the Democrats a Senate Seat. So corrupt.

    2. Actually, the number of ballot images missing in Georgia is 380,000! The court case in Atlanta (Fani Willis) yet another suspicious attempt to get Trump, is also falling apart.

  2. Mike, when overseas people ask, "what is going on in America?". They wonder why Trump is so strong and Republicans want to re-elect a man who is "dangerous". Of course they believe Trump is dangerous because that what their media tells them. In this case they are like many Americans who still trust their media to tell them the truth, even causal news consumers hear the same message, Trump bad, Biden good. It isn't easy to unwind narratives that have been spun for years, but my quick response is; Trump may be an A**hole but he's not dangerous, he's only dangerous to the proprietary, entrenched powers in America and abroad. I also tell them that "Trump 24" is a monster the Democrats created with their unprecedented legal attacks on him during the election cycle. Exactly as Dems suspected these attacks propelled a once weakened Trump, to early Republican primary victories. Other candidates couldn't get any airtime or traction. Part one of the Democrats strategy worked, they have the Republican opponent they wanted, part two is blowing up in their faces. The charges and the trials have rallied even reluctant Republicans and many independents around Trump as they see the Democrats weaponizing the government against him. A frightening move many of us never thought could happen in America. Long story short, if we end up again, with Trump as our president, blame the Democrats for it. It truly will be their fault.

    1. You are correct about media outlets that promote government propaganda. This, as you know, includes the ownership group of our own failing Morning Call. Getting the general public to understand what’s truly happening to America is a real challenge.

      As for me, the only way to reverse course will be with citizens refusing to endorse the present administration by voting to continue its policies. I hope it’s not already too late, but our politics are looking more like Venezuela and Cuba every day. Not good.

  3. Trump is not a “womanizer.” He’s a sexual predator. One woman has already proved it in court. I’ve found that Trump supporters don’t pay attention to facts.

    1. The claim was so ridiculous that the Manhattan jury wouldn't convict him on the rape charge, they had to grind their anti trump axe on a lesser charge. The claim against Trump was over thirty years old at the time he was charged, and the claim itself was absurd, he attempted to rape a woman in the women's dressing room of a very popular women's clothing store. Instead of Trump voters not paying attention to the facts, they clearly are, what is happening routinely is the Trump haters willingly buy even the most implausible accusations. Those guided by such hate allow their hate to guide them in the judgement and thinking.

  4. Just returned from a trip in London. It is all anecdotal, but the English we socialized with agree Trump is a terrible person, but they believed he is a better choice than Biden for the world. They made more unprompted Biden jokes than this admitted snarky conservative- I tried to keep quiet, given I was in another country. We can disagree or agree over here, but I found that surprising. London is not a conservative haven, although a few of these folks came from the suburbs. The Taxi and Uber drivers we used were very interesting. Many of them driving EVs, which they to a person, panned. Based on the drive to Heathrow, and the extent to which the driver went to extend battery life (very slow driving on motorway, judicious use of the needed defroster) they are frustrated with being told how to live. They see Trump as the antidote to stupidity in the presumptuous name of saving man. This is coming from folks who made clear they are unhappy with the current Tory Administration. I have no idea what is going to happen in November. Things are messy.

  5. The problem for the Democrats is that Trump will likely get off since these criminal charges will be too challenging to prove. This is why in a normal scenario, the prosecutors would seek a plea bargain. So while the Dems are keeping him somewhat off the campaign trail and causing him some degree of embarrassment, he'll almost emerge victorious and start immediately gaining momentum on the incumbent who's approval ratings are low.

  6. The democrat plan is to use bogus lawsuits to keep the focus on Trump instead of where it belongs - on the failed policies of the democrat party and the current occupant in the White House.

    While some might find Trump irritating, annoying or even reprehensible, I don’t think there is any real debate that his policies were better for America and the world.

  7. The Democrat plan to dirty-up Trump really isn’t working. His popularity appears to be growing and they’ll never be able to drive him off financially.

    What the ill-advised Democrat Lawfare tactic WILL DO is discourage good people from deciding to run for office. No one wants to deal with the nonsense being thrown at Trump.

  8. "Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

    Bush: Whatever you want.

    Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

    And yet some claim that tRump trying to rape a woman in a public place would be implausible. Of the two parties it is obvious which one has more people in a straight up denial of the facts because of their blinding hatred of the other. If Jan. 6th hasn't convinced you that tRump is the worst thing to happen our country, nothing will.

  9. Consider Bill Clinton, a proven known philanderer, but forgiven and endorsed in every way to this day... JFK and RFK weren't much better and were also placed on pedestals, as was their brother Teddy, who killed a woman by driving a car off of a bridge... also on a pedestal. BUT Trump... KILL HIM every way possible. See a pattern here, folks???
