May 30, 2024

Allentown Needs More Boots On The Ground

Whenever a politician comes to town with a grant, it makes the paper.  Casey and Wild were both trying to take credit for a new grant for the Allentown Police Department. Chief Roca wants to use the money for more cruiser cars. We have used previous grants for more cameras and gun shot detectors. Mayor Tuerk wants to use the money for a new building, I'd like the money to go for more officers. 

Yesterday, I saw a Parking Authority vehicle drive past a double parker, without even slowing down to wave the lazy S.O.B on.  News has it that the Authority is in financial trouble. Someone has to start moving the double parkers along, and it doesn't have to be done from a new cruiser. I seen too many cops also past by the double parkers. Perhaps if we have more officers, we'll end up with a few who don't ignore quality of life issues. Most of the cops I see now-a-days are directing traffic from the parking decks on Linden Street. 

Shown above is an officer from 1912 by the then new West Park.  I can tell you that now in 2024 we could use him again back in that same park, especially around 3:00, when school lets out.


  1. A few quick comments:

    1). I always laugh when local politicians hold press conferences for federal and state grants. To me, it’s an admission that the city needs municipal welfare, and the politicians think we were so stupid that we don’t realize it’s our money they’re giving us. Maybe we are. It’s like thanking the person that just picked our pockets for buying us a cup of coffee.

    2). I agree that neither Tuerk or Rocca seem to get it - we need more officers. Not cars, not shot spotters and not another new building.

    3). The Parking Authority driving past a double parker doesn’t surprise me. They’re about revenue collection, not quality of life, and if someone can easily drive off there’s no ticket for the APA Meter Maids to write.

    4). As far as cops enforcing quality of life complaints, there’s a novel idea. But that would mean holding people accountable, something our mayor seems to be against.

    5). Finally, if that cop from 1912 comes back to West Park, he doesn’t have to wait until 3 pm. The problem “students” are there the whole school day.

  2. Mike, it's clear the police have been told not to enforce quality of life crimes and other nuisance activity unless it is called in. So if they see it they ignore it. Don't blame the officers, blame who is ultimately in charge, the mayor. So until this chances what difference does it make how this grant money is spent. Perhaps the wisest choice would be to bank it and hope Allentown elects a mayor who cares about who pays the bills in this town.

    1. 7:25- Yes, I am certain you are correct with the "stand down" orders on many issues, however, I am certain it's all part of the plan to turn the downtown center city areas into no go zones, in preparation for the reconstruction of that area, which has already begun downtown and is spreading north, south, east and west with Hamilton St. as the epicenter.

    2. anon@6:16: This notion of the spreading reconstruction has been posted on this page several times, and is wrong. The NIZ is unique and fortunately limited to a designed area. The state taxpayers have been on the hook for the NIZ, and won't make that mistake again.

  3. On a recent 30 minute bike ride through residential areas around downtown, I passed upwards of 8 double parked cars. I'd love to see APD bicycle patrols citing double parkers. I agree with the above post that the Mayor likely doesn't want this kind of patrolling since a disproportionate number of the citations will be to Hispanic drivers for whom double parking is a normal/acceptable practice. The optics would make Tuerk feel bad and would give the impression that APD was racist. The upside to citing double parked cars is that many of them will have expired registration/inspection, no insurance or other outstaning violations. A crack down on double parking would be a positive safety/quality of life initiative.

  4. 11:07- I must agree... I just witnessed two cruisers bypass a double parked car NEXT TO a space... partly in but mostly out. It was there for at let a half an hour and now it's in the space with the hood up. The first cruiser did stop up the street to look at something... no clue what.
