Dec 19, 2023

The Lost Bridge Of Union Terrace

The waterway around Union Terrace is divided. Cedar Creek, in addition to running in front of the Amphitheater stage, also runs on the elementary school side of the former ice skating pond. The leg of the creek that connects the two branches runs along the north side of the pond. Two bridges used to cross that creek leg; one for former train branch line and one for park users.  The train branch line ended service to Wentz's Memorial Company years ago. The park department has also ended service to park users...The people bridge has also been removed. The park can no longer be entered from Walnut Street.  

On the north side of the park along Walnut Street, the steel plates from which the metal skaters were cut, now stand stranded from their cutouts. Between them, across the now bridge-less creek leg, the pond is full of algae. 

Union Terrace was the last major WPA project in Allentown. Ice skating at the pond was an Allentown ritual. The park was a former source of pride for all citizens, regardless of where they lived in Allentown. 

As an advocate for the traditional park system and the WPA, I get very frustrated by having to use the adjective former so often when writing about our park features.

reprinted from June of 2022


  1. we have lost so much in our city.

  2. I walked by there many times when attending Raub.

  3. I attended Union Terrace and Raub back in my youth. Does anyone remember the infamous Raub Woods??? What a hangout that was for truants!!!
